PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4584.

Begonnen von Spezialtrick, 25 September 2016, 12:31:21

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hi Rudolf,

Kannst du mir noch sagen wo ich einen FHEM eintrag mit "T:..." finden und löschen kann?
In der fhem config sowie unter Everything finde ich nichts.

Vielen Dank,


Im telnet oder FHEMWEB eingeben:
{ delete $defs{"T: 4.4 H: 74 BAT: ok"} }


Hi Rudolf,

Werde mal versuchen herauszufinden was genau das ist und versuchen das Device zu löschen.
Kann man solche devices auch irgendwo sehen? Oder existieren die nur im Speicher?

Bei einer Schleife über die devices und Ausgabe im Log habe ich nicht verdächtiges erkennen können.

Und sorry aber ganz kurz off topic, kann man im SourceForge vom FHEM etwas einchecken oder einen patch machen?
Es geht um:,61682.msg531555.html#msg531555.

Viele Grüße,


ZitatKann man solche devices auch irgendwo sehen? Oder existieren die nur im Speicher?
Bisher wehren sich alle Befehle, wenn sie ein Geraet ohne TYPE sehen, bleibt nur Perl direkt.


Ok nach dem Fehler habe ich nun mal mit deinem Befehl gelöscht.
Quittiert wurde das mit: HASH(0x2aac608).
Lösche ich etwas was es nicht gibt kommt keine Rückmeldung.

Auch war nach dem Löschen die Fehlermeldung weg die sich sonst wiederholt.
Also scheinbar legt da etwas so ein Device an.

Das Problem kommt aber wieder.

mit attr global verbose 5 konnte ich zuerst nur sehen:
2016.12.03 01:49:54 5: PRESENCE (HuawaiP8) - stopping timer
2016.12.03 01:49:54 5: PRESENCE (HuawaiP8) - starting blocking call for mode lan-ping
2016.12.03 01:49:54 4: BlockingCall (PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan): created child (12944), uses telnetForBlockingFn_1480725386 to connect back
2016.12.03 01:49:54 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4661.
2016.12.03 01:49:54 5: PRESENCE (HuawaiP8) - starting ping scan: HuawaiP8||0|4
2016.12.03 01:49:56 5: SYSMON RaspberryPI3: updateReadings.1056
2016.12.03 01:49:56 4: BlockingCall (SYSMON_blockingCall): created child (12961), uses telnetForBlockingFn_1480725386 to connect back
2016.12.03 01:49:56 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4661.
2016.12.03 02:12:36 4: BlockingCall (FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web): created child (24226), uses telnetForBlockingFn_1480725386 to connect back
2016.12.03 02:12:36 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4661.
2016.12.03 02:12:36 4: BlockingCall (FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web): created child (24227), uses telnetForBlockingFn_1480725386 to connect back
2016.12.03 02:12:36 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4661.

Immer nach dem Blocking Call kommt die PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4661.

Nach einiger Zeit auch meine no type:
2016.12.03 01:50:10 4: WEB_192.168.69.80_54122 GET /fhem?XHR=1&inform=type=status;filter=room=CUL%5fTCM97001;since=1480726209;fmt=JSON&fw_id=388×tamp=1480726209833; BUFLEN:0
2016.12.03 01:50:10 1: Error: >T: 0.8 H: 76 BAT: ok< has no TYPE, but following keys: >LASTInputDev,MSGCNT,sduino_DMSG,sduino_MSGCNT,sduino_RAWMSG,sduino_TIME<
2016.12.03 01:50:10 1: Error: >T: 0.9 H: 76 BAT: ok< has no TYPE, but following keys: >LASTInputDev,MSGCNT,fduino_MSGCNT,fduino_TIME,nanoCUL433_DMSG,nanoCUL433_MSGCNT,nanoCUL433_RAWMSG,nanoCUL433_TIME,sduino_DMSG,sduino_MSGCNT,sduino_RAWMSG,sduino_TIME<
2016.12.03 02:17:32 4: WEB_192.168.69.80_54322 GET /fhem?XHR=1&inform=type=status;filter=room=1OG%2eSteckdosen;since=1480727851;fmt=JSON&fw_id=648×tamp=1480727851460; BUFLEN:0
2016.12.03 02:17:32 1: Error: >T: 0.8 H: 75 BAT: ok< has no TYPE, but following keys: >LASTInputDev,MSGCNT,fduino_MSGCNT,fduino_TIME,nanoCUL433_DMSG,nanoCUL433_MSGCNT,nanoCUL433_RAWMSG,nanoCUL433_TIME,sduino_DMSG,sduino_MSGCNT,sduino_RAWMSG,sduino_TIME<
2016.12.03 02:17:32 1: Error: >T: 0.8 H: 76 BAT: ok< has no TYPE, but following keys: >LASTInputDev,MSGCNT,sduino_DMSG,sduino_MSGCNT,sduino_RAWMSG,sduino_TIME<
2016.12.03 02:17:32 1: Error: >T: 0.9 H: 76 BAT: ok< has no TYPE, but following keys: >LASTInputDev,MSGCNT,fduino_MSGCNT,fduino_TIME,nanoCUL433_DMSG,nanoCUL433_MSGCNT,nanoCUL433_RAWMSG,nanoCUL433_TIME,sduino_DMSG,sduino_MSGCNT,sduino_RAWMSG,sduino_TIME<

Dort fällt mir auf dass es immer auftritt wenn ich vorher im Web auf einen Room wechselte. Völlig egal welcher. Auch wenn er garnichts mit den Temperatur Sensoren zu tun hat.
Es ist auch egal ob da gerade der Sensor empfangen wurde oder nicht, einfach jedesmal beim öffnen eines Rooms.

Habs länger beobachtet, bei beiden Fällen eindeutig immer zu diesen Auslösern.

Hast du eine Idee?

Vielen Dank,


Ich habe nun auch die Meldungen:
2016.12.03 21:57:56 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4661.

Wenn ich dann { delete $defs{"T: 4.4 H: 74 BAT: ok"} } in fhem eingebe, kommt umgehend im logfile:
2016.12.03 22:01:17 1: Error: >000000F00F not defined (Switch code: F0)!
For autocreate please use the on button.< has no TYPE, but following keys: >WLAN_CUL_MSGCNT,WLAN_CUL_RAWMSG,WLAN_CUL_RSSI,WLAN_CUL_TIME<
2016.12.03 22:01:17 1: Error: >000000F00F not defined (Switch code: F0)!
For autocreate please use the on button.< has no TYPE, but following keys: >WLAN_CUL_MSGCNT,WLAN_CUL_RAWMSG,WLAN_CUL_RSSI,WLAN_CUL_TIME<
2016.12.03 22:01:17 1: Error: >000000F00F not defined (Switch code: F0)!
For autocreate please use the on button.< has no TYPE, but following keys: >WLAN_CUL_MSGCNT,WLAN_CUL_RAWMSG,WLAN_CUL_RSSI,WLAN_CUL_TIME<
2016.12.03 22:01:18 1: Error: >000000F00F not defined (Switch code: F0)!
For autocreate please use the on button.< has no TYPE, but following keys: >WLAN_CUL_MSGCNT,WLAN_CUL_RAWMSG,WLAN_CUL_RSSI,WLAN_CUL_TIME<

Angelegt ist bei mir aber kein Device mit dem Namen 000000F00F


Hi Bjoern,

Die erste Meldung ist nur weil etwas faul ist.
Das { delete $defs{"T: 4.4 H: 74 BAT: ok"} } war auf mich zugeschnitten da ich die Meldung:
Error: >T: 4.4 H: 74 BAT: ok< has no TYPE, but following keys:

Du müsstest folglich bei deine Meldung:
For autocreate please use the on button.< has no TYPE, but following keys:
ein { delete $defs{"For autocreate please use the on button."} }

Ehrlichgesagt hilft das aber nicht viel. Da diese seltsamen devices wieder und wieder angelegt werden.
Woran es liegt ist leider noch unklar.

Bei dir finde ich interessant dass es gerade dieser autocreate text ist.



ZitatFor autocreate please use the on button.
Vielleicht hilft uns das weiter.
Diese Meldung kommt aus, und wird vom ParseFn zurueckgeliefert, was leider falsch ist.

ParseFn darf nur "UNDEFINED ...", den Namen des betroffenen Geraetes, oder Leerstring ("") zurueckliefern (bzw. Eintraege dieser Form in einer Liste).
Soweit ich sehe, greift weder Dispatch, noch DoTrigger unbedacht mit "Muell-Werten" auf $defs zu, ich habe aber jetzt eine Fehlermeldung eingebaut, die auf das Problem hinweist.
        Log 1, "ERROR: >$found< returned by the $parserMod ParseFn is invalid,".
               " notify the module maintainer";

An die Modulautoren: wenn man weiss, dass man zustaendig ist, aber trotzdem kein Geraet nennen kann, dann ist "" zurueckzuliefern.
Wenn man in diesem Fall von UNDEFINED abweichende Events generieren will, dann bitte DoTrigger("global", ...") benutzern.


Hallo Rudi,

danke für den Hinweis.
Nachdem ich die return values geändert habe scheint das Problem nicht mehr aufzutreten.
Ich muss dass Modul aber noch ein wenig Testen (habe noch andere Dinge angepasst).
Sobald alles geht, werde ich es einchecken.



Zitat von: rudolfkoenig am 04 Dezember 2016, 10:45:29
Vielleicht hilft uns das weiter.
Diese Meldung kommt aus, und wird vom ParseFn zurueckgeliefert, was leider falsch ist.

ParseFn darf nur "UNDEFINED ...", den Namen des betroffenen Geraetes, oder Leerstring ("") zurueckliefern (bzw. Eintraege dieser Form in einer Liste).

An die Modulautoren: wenn man weiss, dass man zustaendig ist, aber trotzdem kein Geraet nennen kann, dann ist "" zurueckzuliefern.
Wenn man in diesem Fall von UNDEFINED abweichende Events generieren will, dann bitte DoTrigger("global", ...") benutzern.

Ja, das dürfte weiter helfen.

In der IT_Parse  steht:

  } else {
    Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: Wrong IT message received: $msgcode";
    return "Wrong IT message received: $msgcode";
        if ($onoffcode eq "F0") { # on code IT
          Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: For autocreate please use the on button.";
          return "$housecode not defined (Switch code: $onoffcode)! \n For autocreate please use the on button.";

In der parse der passt auch einiges nicht:
          if (!$rec) {
               Log3 $iohash, 4, "OREGON: ERROR: Unknown sensor_id=$sensor_id bits=$bitsMsg message='$msg'.";
               return "OREGON: ERROR: Unknown sensor_id=$sensor_id bits=$bitsMsg.\n";

  if ($checksum && !$checksum->(\@rfxcom_data_array, $iohash) ) {
    Log3 $iohash, 4, "OREGON: ERROR: checksum error sensor_id=$sensor_id (bits=$bits)";
    return "OREGON: ERROR: checksum error sensor_id=$sensor_id (bits=$bits)";

  if (! defined(&$method)) {
    Log3 $iohash, 4, "OREGON: Error: Unknown function=$method. Please define it in file $0";
    Log3 $iohash, 4, "OREGON: sensor_id=$sensor_id (bits=$bits)\n";
    return "OREGON: Error: Unknown function=$method. Please define it in file $0";

  if ("$val" ne "") {
    # remove heading and trailing space chars from $val
    $val =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;

    Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name decoded Oregon: $val";
    $def->{STATE} = $val;
    $def->{TIME} = $tm;
    $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $val;

  DoTrigger($name, undef);

  return $val;

Es dürfte noch einige weitere Module geben wo ParseFn falsche Return Werte zurück gibt.

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Ich habe das Oregon Modul geändert:

Bitte teste mal ob der Fehler noch besteht
update all

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Danke Ralf.

Ich werde gleich updaten und testen.
Gebe dann Rückmeldung.



Zitat von: rudolfkoenig am 02 Dezember 2016, 11:37:48

- wo kommt der Code her, was Martin unbekannt ist
- die Erweiterung von Martin bezog sich auf meine geaenderte CallFn. Hier nochmal mit der Aenderung von Martin, also CallFn in mit Folgenden ersetzen:

Allerdings glaube ich nicht, dass sie was aendert, da meine inzwschen erfolgte Erweiterung die zusaetzlichen Daten auch ausgibt, und die sind leer.

Meine Hypothese: entweder liefert dein Sensor Werte, was der Code von Martin nicht verarbeiten kann, oder du verwendest zusaetzlichen Code zum Parsen, was das Problem verursacht.

Ich habe den Code mal in die gesetzt. Hier ist der Log Auszug ab Neustart:

2016.12.04 16:09:21 0: Server shutdown
2016.12.04 16:09:21 0: Strange call for nonexistent : ShutdownFn
2016.12.04 16:09:24 2: Perfmon: ready to watch out for delays greater than one second
2016.12.04 16:09:25 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2016.12.04 16:09:26 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2016.12.04 16:09:26 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2016.12.04 16:09:26 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2016.12.04 16:09:26 2: eventTypes: loaded 1820 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2016.12.04 16:09:26 3: Opening nanoCUL868 device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A4035XBY-if00-port0
2016.12.04 16:09:27 3: Setting nanoCUL868 serial parameters to 38400,8,N,1
2016.12.04 16:09:30 3: nanoCUL868: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMKUYRTVWXefltx
2016.12.04 16:09:30 3: nanoCUL868 device opened
2016.12.04 16:09:30 2: Switched nanoCUL868 rfmode to MAX
2016.12.04 16:09:30 3: CUL_MAX_Check: Detected firmware version 154 of the CUL-compatible IODev
2016.12.04 16:09:31 3: Opening nanoCUL433 device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A4035XGY-if00-port0
2016.12.04 16:09:31 3: Setting nanoCUL433 serial parameters to 38400,8,N,1
2016.12.04 16:09:34 3: nanoCUL433: Possible commands: BCFiAGMKUYRTVWXefLltx
2016.12.04 16:09:34 3: nanoCUL433 device opened
2016.12.04 16:09:35 1: PERL WARNING: "my" variable $host masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./FHEM/ line 72.
2016.12.04 16:09:37 3: additional HM config file loaded: ./FHEM/
2016.12.04 16:09:37 3: Opening nanoCUL868hm device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A600CZUB-if00-port0
2016.12.04 16:09:37 3: Setting nanoCUL868hm serial parameters to 38400,8,N,1
2016.12.04 16:09:41 3: nanoCUL868hm: Possible commands: BCFiAZEkGMKUYRTVWXefltx
2016.12.04 16:09:41 3: nanoCUL868hm device opened
2016.12.04 16:09:41 2: Switched nanoCUL868hm rfmode to HomeMatic
2016.12.04 16:09:41 3: WifiLight: requested bridge bridge-V3 at already in use by Farbkugel, copy llCmdQueue
2016.12.04 16:09:41 1: HMLAN_Parse: hmusb new condition disconnected
2016.12.04 16:09:41 3: Opening hmusb device
2016.12.04 16:09:41 1: HMLAN_Parse: hmusb new condition init
2016.12.04 16:09:41 3: hmusb device opened
2016.12.04 16:09:41 3: Opening SZ.TvAmbilight device
2016.12.04 16:09:42 3: Connecting to database mysql:database=fhem;host=localhost;port=3306 with user fhemuser
2016.12.04 16:09:42 3: Connection to db mysql:database=fhem;host=localhost;port=3306 established for pid 8543
2016.12.04 16:09:42 3: Connection to db mysql:database=fhem;host=localhost;port=3306 established
2016.12.04 16:09:42 3: WifiLight: requested bridge bridge-V3 at already in use by SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank, copy llCmdQueue
2016.12.04 16:09:42 3: WifiLight: requested bridge bridge-V3 at already in use by Farbkugel, copy llCmdQueue
2016.12.04 16:09:43 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 2739.
2016.12.04 16:09:43 3: No I/O device found for WZ.Klimasensor
2016.12.04 16:09:43 3: Device BZ.Klimasensor added to ActionDetector with 000:10 time
2016.12.04 16:09:43 3: Device FL.Klimasensor.Aussen added to ActionDetector with 000:10 time
2016.12.04 16:09:43 3: Device FL.Klimasensor.Innen added to ActionDetector with 000:10 time
2016.12.04 16:09:43 3: Device HM_567899 added to ActionDetector with 000:20 time
2016.12.04 16:09:43 3: Device Ku.Klimasensor added to ActionDetector with 000:10 time
2016.12.04 16:09:43 3: Device SZ.Klimasensor added to ActionDetector with 000:10 time
2016.12.04 16:09:43 3: Device UM.Klimasensor added to ActionDetector with 000:10 time
2016.12.04 16:09:44 3: Device WZ.Klimasensor added to ActionDetector with 000:10 time
2016.12.04 16:09:44 3: HarmonyHub: connected
2016.12.04 16:09:44 1: usb create starting
2016.12.04 16:09:44 1: usb create end
2016.12.04 16:09:44 0: Featurelevel: 5.7
2016.12.04 16:09:44 0: Server started with 139 defined entities ( perl:5.020002 os:linux user:fhem pid:8543)
2016.12.04 16:09:44 1: Perfmon: possible freeze starting at 16:09:25, delay is 19.964
2016.12.04 16:09:45 3: telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185: port 50886 opened
2016.12.04 16:09:45 1: HMLAN_Parse: hmusb new condition ok
2016.12.04 16:09:45 3: SZ.TvAmbilight device opened
2016.12.04 16:09:45 3: CUL_HM set FL.Kamera statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:47 1: Perfmon: possible freeze starting at 16:09:46, delay is 1.072
2016.12.04 16:09:47 3: CUL_HM set FL.Kerze statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:47 3: CUL_HM set UM.Klimasensor statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:47 3: CUL_HM set UM.Klimasensor getConfig
2016.12.04 16:09:47 3: DbRep DBlog_DbRep - connected
2016.12.04 16:09:48 3: CUL_HM set HM_0A0301_Sw_03 statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:49 3: HarmonyHub: new config
2016.12.04 16:09:49 3: CUL_HM set HM_0A0301_Sw_04 statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:50 3: CUL_HM set FL.Tannenbaum statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:52 3: CUL_HM set HM_0A0302_Sw_02 statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:53 3: CUL_HM set HM_0A0302_Sw_03 statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:54 3: CUL_HM set HM_0A0302_Sw_04 statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:55 3: CUL_HM set FL.Klimasensor.Aussen statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:55 3: CUL_HM set HM_0B0001 statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:09:56 3: CUL_HM set WZ.Leinwand statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:10:10 1: Perfmon: possible freeze starting at 16:10:00, delay is 10.249
2016.12.04 16:10:10 2: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device Unknown, please define it
2016.12.04 16:10:10 3: CUL_HM set FL.Klimasensor.Innen statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:10:10 3: CUL_HM set FL.Klimasensor.Innen getConfig
2016.12.04 16:10:20 3: CUL_HM set Ku.Klimasensor statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in hash element at ./FHEM/ line 2876.
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at ./FHEM/ line 2876.
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Anwesenheit/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Anwesenheit/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Bewegung/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Bewegung/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre DBLog/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 DBLog/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Farbkugel/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Farbkugel/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre HouseMode/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HouseMode/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Logfile/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Logfile/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre MilightBridge/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 MilightBridge/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBphone/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBphone/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBtablet/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBtablet/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre eventTypes/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 eventTypes/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre hm/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hm/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Angie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Angie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Miro/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Miro/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Klimasensor/SetFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Klimasensor/SetFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4664.
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4664.
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:22 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Anwesenheit/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Anwesenheit/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Bewegung/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Bewegung/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre DBLog/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 DBLog/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Farbkugel/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Farbkugel/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre HouseMode/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HouseMode/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Logfile/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Logfile/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre MilightBridge/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 MilightBridge/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBphone/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBphone/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBtablet/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBtablet/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre eventTypes/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 eventTypes/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre hm/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hm/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Angie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Angie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Miro/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Miro/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre HouseMode/SetFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HouseMode/SetFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: Error: >< has no TYPE, but following keys: ><
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4664.
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4664.
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42323/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42323/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42323/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42323/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42323/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42323/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 3: CUL_HM set BZ.Klimasensor statusRequest
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Anwesenheit/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Anwesenheit/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Bewegung/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Bewegung/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre DBLog/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 DBLog/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Farbkugel/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Farbkugel/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre HouseMode/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HouseMode/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Logfile/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Logfile/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre MilightBridge/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 MilightBridge/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBphone/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBphone/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBtablet/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBtablet/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre eventTypes/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 eventTypes/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre hm/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hm/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Angie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Angie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Miro/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Miro/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre BZ.Klimasensor/SetFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 BZ.Klimasensor/SetFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.TvAmbilight/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.TvAmbilight/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.TvAmbilight/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.TvAmbilight/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Anwesenheit/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Anwesenheit/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Bewegung/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Bewegung/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre DBLog/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 DBLog/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Farbkugel/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Farbkugel/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre HouseMode/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HouseMode/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Logfile/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Logfile/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre MilightBridge/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 MilightBridge/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBphone/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBphone/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBtablet/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBtablet/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre eventTypes/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 eventTypes/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre hm/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hm/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Angie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Angie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Miro/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Miro/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre HouseMode/SetFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HouseMode/SetFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: Error: >< has no TYPE, but following keys: ><
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:30 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4664.
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42325/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42325/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42325/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42325/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42325/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42325/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4664.
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42326/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42326/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42326/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42326/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42326/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42326/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4664.
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42328/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEB/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBphone/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_WEBtablet/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42328/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42328/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42328/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42328/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:31 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42328/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL433/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL433/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre nanoCUL433/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 2: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device Unknown, please define it
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Anwesenheit/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Anwesenheit/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Bewegung/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Bewegung/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre DBLog/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 DBLog/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre DBlog_DbRep/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 DBlog_DbRep/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Farbkugel/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Farbkugel/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre HarmonyHub/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HarmonyHub/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre HouseMode/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HouseMode/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Logfile/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Logfile/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre MilightBridge/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 MilightBridge/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre PRESENCE_rr_Angie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 PRESENCE_rr_Angie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre PRESENCE_rr_Miro/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 PRESENCE_rr_Miro/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.Ledstripe.Schrank/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 SZ.TvAmbilight/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Strom_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Subwoofer_Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBphone/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBphone/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre WEBtablet/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEBtablet/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Kallax/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Leinwand.Steuerung.Automatik/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Schalter.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Aussen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.Helligkeitsautomatik.Innen/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 ZE.Batterie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre autocreate/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 autocreate/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre eventTypes/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 eventTypes/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre harmony_22736028/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 harmony_22736028/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre harmony_22736795/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 harmony_22736795/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre harmony_22736817/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 harmony_22736817/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre harmony_22736857/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 harmony_22736857/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre harmony_22736891/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 harmony_22736891/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre harmony_22736934/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 harmony_22736934/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre harmony_22837914/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 harmony_22837914/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre hm/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hm/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre hmusb/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 hmusb/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre initialUsbCheck/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 initialUsbCheck/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Angie/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Angie/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre rr_Miro/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 rr_Miro/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:33 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL433/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:34 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB_192.168.188.30_59897/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:34 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_192.168.188.30_59897/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:34 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB_192.168.188.30_59907/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:34 1: EMPTY defs pre WEB_192.168.188.30_59907/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:34 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_192.168.188.30_59907/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:34 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_192.168.188.30_59907/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 dewpointToAllDeviceReadings/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 AirPlay_Automation/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre Anwesenheit/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Anwesenheit/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre Bewegung/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Bewegung/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre DBLog/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 DBLog/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Drucker.AirPrint.AUTO/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 FHEM.Homebridge.DOIF/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre Farbkugel/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 Farbkugel/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre HouseMode/NotifyFn
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HouseMode/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:35 1: EMPTY defs pre Logfile/NotifyFn
FHEM - Debmatic - Zigbee2MQTT - Homekit


Hier ein Auszug von aufeinander folgenden "POSTs" ohne "PRE":

2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre WZ.Klimasensor/SetFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WZ.Klimasensor/SetFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 nanoCUL868hm/ReadFn:

2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn:

2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/ReadFn:

2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42317/ReadFn:

2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:21 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42319/ReadFn:

2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs pre HouseMode/SetFn
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 HouseMode/SetFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: EMPTY defs post 2 WEB_127.0.0.1_59314/NotifyFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:25 1: Error: >< has no TYPE, but following keys: ><

2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthenticateFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185/ReadFn:

2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 allowed_telnetPort/AuthorizeFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/ReadFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/ReadFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs pre telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/UndefFn
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/UndefFn:
2016.12.04 16:10:26 1: EMPTY defs post 2 telnetForBlockingFn_1480864185_127.0.0.1_42321/ReadFn:

Vllt hilft das ja weiter.

Zitat von: Ralf9 am 04 Dezember 2016, 13:29:28
Ich habe das Oregon Modul geändert:

Bei mir hat dieses Update leider nichts bewirkt.
FHEM - Debmatic - Zigbee2MQTT - Homekit


Hallo Ralf,

der fix im Oregon Modul hat geholfen.
Keine Fehlermeldungen mehr von meinen Oregon devices!

Vielen herzlichen Dank!