Läuft: Heizung mit eBus-Schnittstelle

Begonnen von Prof. Dr. Peter Henning, 29 November 2014, 13:36:59

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


hab das Problem mit dem scan erstmal behoben.
Indem ich --scanconfig=08 benutze beim ebusd start.
Die recoVair meldet sich nun, es wird aber keine csv geladen.

pi@ospi ~ $ ebusctl -p 8889 info
version: ebusd 3.0.v3.0
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 42
max symbol rate: 108
reconnects: 0
masters: 2
messages: 17
conditional: 0
poll: 0
update: 7
address 03: master #11
address 04: slave #25, ebusd
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=recoV;SW=0217;HW=0203"
address ff: master #25, ebusd

Interresant ist das INFO des anderen Adapters mir zusätzliche Meldungen bringt
pi@ospi ~ $ ebusctl -p 8888 info
version: ebusd 3.0.v3.0
update check: version 3.2 available, broadcast.csv: different version available, vaillant/08.bai.csv: different version available, vaillant/15.470.csv: different version available, vaillant/bai.308523.inc: different version available, vaillant/broadcast.csv: different version available, vaillant/errors.inc: different versio
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 22
max symbol rate: 256
reconnects: 0
masters: 3
messages: 461
conditional: 3
poll: 0
update: 11
address 03: master #11
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0518;HW=7401", loaded "vaillant/bai.308523.inc" ([PROD='0010004276']), "vaillant/08.bai.csv"
address 10: master #2
address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=47000;SW=0420;HW=1403", loaded "vaillant/15.470.csv"
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd

Hier wird mir gesagt das es updates gibt.
Ist das normal oder ein Fehler?



kann mir jemand sagen ob ich das laden einer CSV erzwingen kann, oder warum sie nicht geladen wird?

MfG Maik


Zitat von: TiPpFeHlEr am 29 Juli 2018, 10:24:08
kann mir jemand sagen ob ich das laden einer CSV erzwingen kann, oder warum sie nicht geladen wird?
für die recovair gibt es keine csv
author of ebusd


Zitat von: john30 am 29 Juli 2018, 10:25:57
für die recovair gibt es keine csv

Ähm ich habe ja eine selber gemacht, die ging ja schon als ich es über einen Adapter laufen ließ.
Sie heißt 08.recoV.csv und liegt im Ordner vaillant!

Mfg Maik


Zitat von: TiPpFeHlEr am 29 Juli 2018, 15:01:49
Sie heißt 08.recoV.csv und liegt im Ordner vaillant!
ach so, dann einfach nur Kleinbuchstaben verwenden, sollte genügen.
author of ebusd



08.recov.csv geht  :o

pi@ospi ~ $ ebusctl -p 8889 info
version: ebusd 3.0.v3.0
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 53
max symbol rate: 114
reconnects: 0
masters: 2
messages: 68
conditional: 0
poll: 0
update: 11
address 03: master #11
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=recoV;SW=0217;HW=0203", loaded "vaillant/08.recov.csv"
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd

aber wieso geht

08.reco.csv nicht??

MfG Maik


Vorab mal ein riesen Dankeschön für diese super Arbeit  :D

Ich möchte die Frage mit dem Config Laden nochmal aufnehmen, da es bei mir nicht wie erwartet funktioniert. Ich habe hier eine Vaillant AuroCompact und als Steuerung eine Multimatic VRC700.
Das Erste was mich wundert ist, dass die VRC700 offenbar gar nicht gefunden wird, aber über das BAI00 (vermutlich das kleinere Steuerdisplay) kann ich bisher fast alles gewünschte erledigen.
Das fast bezieht sich darauf, dass ich auf den Solarbereich der Anlage nicht komme, das wäre aber auch bei der VRC700 so.
Das Solarmodul ist das, was auf address 06 gefunden wird und hier beginnt nun mein Problem.
Für das VMS01 gibt es keine .csv. Ich habe mir aber mal die 06.pms.csv angesehen und einzelne Adressen daraus mal mit ebusctl hex ausprobiert. Die für mich relevanten Adressen konnte ich damit als korrekt bestätigen und wollte nun entsprechend die .csv verwenden, also habe ich diese kopiert und unter dem Namen 06.vms01.csv unter /etc/ebusd/vaillant abgelegt. Nach meinem Verständnis hätte diese Datei nun geladen werden müssen, doch das passiert nicht. Muss ich noch mehr an der Datei ändern als nur den Namen?

ebusctl i
version: ebusd 3.2.v3.2
update check: revision v3.2-2-g1737636 available, broadcast.csv: newer version available, vaillant/bai.0010015600.inc: newer version available, vaillant/broadcast.csv: newer version available, vaillant/errors.inc: newer version available, vaillant/hcmode.inc: newer version available
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 50
max symbol rate: 100
min arbitration micros: 836
max arbitration micros: 1230
min symbol latency: 5
max symbol latency: 6
reconnects: 0
masters: 4
messages: 198
conditional: 2
poll: 0
update: 9
address 00: master #1
address 01: master #6
address 03: master #11
address 06: slave #6, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=VMS01;SW=0116;HW=0303"
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0202;HW=9602", loaded "vaillant/bai.0010015600.inc" ([PROD='0010015609']), "vaillant/08.bai.csv"
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd


Ich dachte bisher, dass nur die ersten 3 Stellen der ID für die CSV benutzt werden - dadurch verstehe ich aber das "recov" im Beispiel oben nicht.
Definitiv wird bei meiner PMS02 aber die 06.pms.csv geladen:
address 06: slave #2, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=PMS02;SW=0209;HW=8402", loaded "vaillant/06.pms.csv"

Also wäre mein Tipp, die Datei mal 02.vms.csv zu benennen!
VG, Sven


Habe mal sowohl 2.vms.csv, 02.vms.csv, 6.vms.csv und 06.vms.csv ausprobiert, wurde aber nichts geladen.

Prof. Dr. Peter Henning


Die Datei hat die gleichen Berechtigungen wie alle anderen im Verzeichnis.

Laut Log findet er keine passende Datei

2018-08-01 08:54:00.222 [bus notice] scan 06: ;Vaillant;VMS01;0116;0303
2018-08-01 08:54:00.222 [update notice] store 06 ident: done
2018-08-01 08:54:00.222 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.06  QQ=31: Vaillant;VMS01;0116;0303
2018-08-01 08:54:00.222 [bus notice] scan 06: ;Vaillant;VMS01;0116;0303
2018-08-01 08:54:00.317 [main error] unable to load scan config 06: no file from vaillant with prefix 06 matches ID "vms01", SW0116, HW0303
2018-08-01 08:54:00.317 [main error] scan config 06: ERR: element not found

So wie ich das verstanden habe, läd der aktuelle ebusd die csv aus dem Internet? Kann es dann sein, dass er meine lokale gar nicht sucht? Muss ich da noch eine Pfadangabe machen, der Daemon startet nur mit scanconfig und enablehex



no file from vaillant with prefix 06 matches ID "vms01", SW0116, HW0303

Wenn ich das richtig interpretiere:

4 Dinge müssen hier zusammen kommen, damit die Datei geladen wird:
1) Die Datei muss mit 06 anfangen
2) Die Datei muss einen Eintrag auf vms01 enthalten
3) in der Datei muss ein SW-Stand drin sein, der mit SW0116 kompatibel ist
4) in der Datei muss ein HW-Stand eingetragen sein, der mit HW0303 passt

hier scheint es so zu sein, dass es möglicherweise zwar eine Datei gibt, die den richtigen Namen hat (also im Dateisystem so zu sehen ist), aber nicht m it den Kriterien SOFTWARESTAND DER ANLAGE (SW0116), UND HARDWARESTAND DER ANLAGE (HW0303) übereinstimmt. Daher kann EBUSD die Datei nicht laden.

Die Frage ist nun: Sind die SW- und HW-Versionen so unterschiedlich, dass sich die vorhandene Datei gar nicht nutzen lässt oder kannst Du in der Datei "einfach" auf deine Stände umschreiben ?

FHEM auf RPI 4 4GB, HM-WLAN-Gateway, einige HM-Aktoren,2x EBUSD an Heizung+Solar, ESP8266/32 am Strom-,Gas-,Wasserzähler, in WLAN-Steckdosen und Relaisleisten, Sonoff S20+S26,Shelly1/2/2.5, Lacrosse-Gateway und Sensoren,Sduino,Alexa-Fhem,Huawei PV+Speicher, alles auf einem RPI und da geht noch mehr


Umschreiben sollte gehen, muss nur nachher mal schauen, wie ich das eintragen muss. Hatte es bisher nur so verstanden, dass ausschließlich der Dateiname relevant ist.
Ursprünglich hieß die Datei bei mir auch 06.vms01.csv, da wurde die aber auch nicht geladen.


Ich habe noch ein wenig probiert. Wie vermutet, läd die csv vom Server. Damit ist klar, dass er dann natürlich keine csv für das VMS01 findet. Solange ich mit scanconfig arbeite, verhält sich ebusd so. Wenn ich das scanconfig wegehme und mit -c ein Verzeichnis angebe, werden nur csv von Geräten geladen, die sofort erkannt werden. Das VMS01 wird zwar als Slave angezeigt, aber ohne ID. Erst ein ebusctl scan sorgt dafür, dass auch die ID erkann und angezeigt wird, laut Log gibt es dann aber keinen Versuch mehr, eine passende csv zu laden.

Ich bin mir nun bei diesem Verhalten nicht sicher, ob ich etwas falsch mache oder ob es einen allgemeinen Fehler gibt.
Installiert habe ich die aktuellste .deb für den Raspi mit libmosquitto1, habe also nicht selber kompiliert.

--- edit ---

Ich war jetzt mal am Laptop und konnte da ein Log erstellen:

[07:24:49] openhabian@openHABianPi:~$ sudo ebusd --loglevel=debug -c /etc/ebusd

[spoiler]2018-08-02 07:25:56.029 [main notice] ebusd 3.2.v3.2 started
2018-08-02 07:25:56.029 [main info] loading configuration files from /etc/ebusd
2018-08-02 07:25:56.029 [main info] reading templates /
2018-08-02 07:25:56.032 [main info] read templates in /
2018-08-02 07:25:56.032 [main info] reading file memory.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.034 [main info] successfully read file memory.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.034 [main info] reading file broadcast.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.036 [main info] successfully read file broadcast.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.036 [main info] reading dir  vaillant
2018-08-02 07:25:56.037 [main info] reading templates vaillant
2018-08-02 07:25:56.044 [main info] read templates in vaillant
2018-08-02 07:25:56.044 [main info] reading file vaillant/06.vms01.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.054 [main info] successfully read file vaillant/06.vms01.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.054 [main info] reading file vaillant/scan.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.055 [main info] successfully read file vaillant/scan.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.055 [main info] reading file vaillant/broadcast.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.056 [main info] successfully read file vaillant/broadcast.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.056 [main info] reading file vaillant/general.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.057 [main info] successfully read file vaillant/general.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.057 [main info] reading file vaillant/08.bai.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.059 [main info] successfully read file vaillant/08.bai.csv
2018-08-02 07:25:56.059 [main info] successfully read dir vaillant
2018-08-02 07:25:56.059 [main info] reading dir  old
2018-08-02 07:25:56.059 [main info] successfully read dir old
2018-08-02 07:25:56.059 [main info] read config files
2018-08-02 07:25:56.061 [bus notice] bus started with own address 31/36
2018-08-02 07:25:56.061 [main info] registering data handlers
2018-08-02 07:25:56.061 [main info] registered data handlers
2018-08-02 07:25:56.064 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during no signal, switching to ready
2018-08-02 07:25:56.064 [bus notice] signal acquired
2018-08-02 07:25:59.441 [bus notice] new master 03, master count 2
2018-08-02 07:25:59.464 [bus notice] new master 01, master count 3
2018-08-02 07:25:59.464 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:25:59.464 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:02.824 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:04.705 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:04.784 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:04.788 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:26:04.848 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:06.062 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:26:06.065 [bus info] send message: 3108b5090124
2018-08-02 07:26:06.073 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1216 micros
2018-08-02 07:26:06.074 [bus info] arbitration delay 1216 - 1216 micros
2018-08-02 07:26:06.074 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:26:06.081 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.081 [bus info] send/receive symbol latency 6 - 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.088 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.095 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.095 [bus info] send/receive symbol latency 5 - 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.102 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.109 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.109 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:26:06.116 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.116 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:06.121 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:26:06.170 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:26:06.174 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:06.181 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.181 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090124 / 09003231313732353030
2018-08-02 07:26:06.181 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:26:06.181 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:26:06.181 [bus debug] read res: 09003231313732353030
2018-08-02 07:26:06.182 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:26:06.182 [bus info] send message: 3108b5090125
2018-08-02 07:26:06.188 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.240 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1226 micros
2018-08-02 07:26:06.240 [bus info] arbitration delay 1216 - 1226 micros
2018-08-02 07:26:06.240 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:26:06.247 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.254 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.261 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.268 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.275 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.275 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:26:06.282 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.282 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:06.286 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:26:06.334 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:26:06.339 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:06.346 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.346 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090125 / 09313030313536303933
2018-08-02 07:26:06.347 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:26:06.347 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:26:06.347 [bus debug] read res: 09313030313536303933
2018-08-02 07:26:06.347 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:26:06.347 [bus info] send message: 3108b5090126
2018-08-02 07:26:06.353 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.404 [bus debug] arbitration delay 845 micros
2018-08-02 07:26:06.405 [bus info] arbitration delay 845 - 1226 micros
2018-08-02 07:26:06.405 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:26:06.412 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.419 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.426 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.433 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.440 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.440 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:26:06.447 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.447 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:06.453 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:26:06.499 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:26:06.503 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:06.510 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.510 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090126 / 09313030303035363739
2018-08-02 07:26:06.511 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:26:06.511 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:26:06.511 [bus debug] read res: 09313030303035363739
2018-08-02 07:26:06.511 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:26:06.511 [bus info] send message: 3108b5090127
2018-08-02 07:26:06.517 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.568 [bus debug] arbitration delay 845 micros
2018-08-02 07:26:06.569 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:26:06.576 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.583 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.590 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.597 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.604 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.604 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:26:06.611 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.611 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:06.616 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:26:06.664 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:26:06.668 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:06.675 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.675 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090127 / 094e343c3c3c3c3c3c3c
2018-08-02 07:26:06.675 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31: 21;17;25;0010015609;3100;005679;N4
2018-08-02 07:26:06.676 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:26:06.676 [bus debug] read res: 094e343c3c3c3c3c3c3c
2018-08-02 07:26:06.676 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:26:06.683 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:26:06.741 [main notice] found messages: 261 (2 conditional on 24 conditions, 0 poll, 9 update)
2018-08-02 07:26:09.691 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:09.691 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:12.883 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:14.550 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:14.630 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:14.634 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:26:14.694 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:16.741 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:26:19.874 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:19.874 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:22.936 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:23.461 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:24.380 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:24.459 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:24.463 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:26:24.524 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:26.741 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:26:30.092 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:30.093 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:32.983 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:34.260 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:34.340 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:34.344 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:26:34.404 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:36.742 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:26:40.318 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:40.318 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:43.073 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:44.091 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:44.169 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:44.173 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:26:44.233 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:46.742 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:26:50.537 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:50.537 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:26:53.082 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:53.620 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:53.876 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:54.030 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511020900 / 0700800000ff1020
2018-08-02 07:26:54.031 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511020900 / 0700800000ff1020
2018-08-02 07:26:54.376 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:26:54.381 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:26:54.420 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:54.682 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:55.144 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:55.377 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:55.618 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:55.855 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:56.326 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:26:56.742 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:27:00.746 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:00.746 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:03.155 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:03.825 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:03.903 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:03.907 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:27:03.968 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:06.743 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:27:10.964 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:10.964 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:13.203 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:13.657 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:13.736 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:13.740 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:27:13.800 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:16.743 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:27:18.361 [network info] [00001] client connection opened
2018-08-02 07:27:18.361 [main debug] >>> i
2018-08-02 07:27:18.361 [network debug] [00001] wait for result
2018-08-02 07:27:18.367 [main debug] <<< version: ebusd 3.2.v3.2
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 23
max symbol rate: 96
min arbitration micros: ...
2018-08-02 07:27:18.374 [network info] [00001] connection closed
2018-08-02 07:27:19.362 [network debug] dead connection removed - 0
2018-08-02 07:27:21.192 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:21.193 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:23.263 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:23.367 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:27:23.784 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:23.788 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:27:23.828 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:24.087 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:26.870 [network info] [00002] client connection opened
2018-08-02 07:27:26.870 [main debug] >>> scan
2018-08-02 07:27:26.871 [network debug] [00002] wait for result
2018-08-02 07:27:26.872 [bus info] scan 06 cmd: 3106070400
2018-08-02 07:27:26.872 [main debug] <<< done
2018-08-02 07:27:26.872 [network info] [00002] connection closed
2018-08-02 07:27:26.887 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1199 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:26.887 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:26.894 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:26.901 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:26.908 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:26.915 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:26.915 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:26.922 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:26.922 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:26.926 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:26.976 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:26.982 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:26.989 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:26.989 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3106070400 / 0ab5564d53303101160303
2018-08-02 07:27:26.989 [bus notice] scan 06: ;Vaillant;VMS01;0116;0303
2018-08-02 07:27:26.990 [update notice] store 06 ident: done
2018-08-02 07:27:26.990 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.06  QQ=31: Vaillant;VMS01;0116;0303
2018-08-02 07:27:26.990 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:26.990 [bus notice] scan 06: ;Vaillant;VMS01;0116;0303
2018-08-02 07:27:26.990 [bus info] scan 06 cmd: 3106b5090124
2018-08-02 07:27:26.990 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:26.998 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.048 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1211 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:27.048 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:27.055 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.062 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.069 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.076 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.083 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.083 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.090 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.090 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.094 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:27.164 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.168 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.175 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.175 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3106b5090124 / 09ffffffffffffffffff
2018-08-02 07:27:27.176 [update notice] sent unknown MS cmd: 3106b5090124 / 09ffffffffffffffffff
2018-08-02 07:27:27.176 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:27.176 [bus info] scan 06 cmd: 3106b5090125
2018-08-02 07:27:27.176 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:27.184 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.234 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1207 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:27.234 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:27.241 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.248 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.255 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.262 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.270 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.270 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.277 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.277 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.281 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:27.350 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.354 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.361 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.361 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3106b5090125 / 09ffffffffffffffffff
2018-08-02 07:27:27.363 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.06 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:27:27.363 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:27.363 [bus info] scan 06 cmd: 3106b5090126
2018-08-02 07:27:27.363 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:27.371 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.422 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1212 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:27.422 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:27.429 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.436 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.443 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.450 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.457 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.457 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.464 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.464 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.468 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:27.538 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.543 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.550 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.550 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3106b5090126 / 09ffffffffffffffffff
2018-08-02 07:27:27.552 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.06 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:27:27.552 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:27.552 [bus info] scan 06 cmd: 3106b5090127
2018-08-02 07:27:27.552 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:27.558 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.654 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1088 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:27.654 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:27.661 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.668 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.676 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.683 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.690 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.690 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.697 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.697 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.701 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:27.771 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.775 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.782 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.782 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3106b5090127 / 09ffffffffffffffffff
2018-08-02 07:27:27.784 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.06 id QQ=31: ??;??;??; ??? ??? ??? ?; ??? ?; ??? ??? ;??
2018-08-02 07:27:27.784 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:27.784 [bus notice] scan 06: ;??;??;??; ??? ??? ??? ?; ??? ?; ??? ??? ;??
2018-08-02 07:27:27.784 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108070400
2018-08-02 07:27:27.784 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:27.791 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.841 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1214 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:27.841 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:27.848 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.855 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.862 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.869 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.869 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.871 [network debug] dead connection removed - 0
2018-08-02 07:27:27.876 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.876 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.882 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:27.934 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:27.938 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:27.945 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:27.946 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108070400 / 0ab5424149303002029602
2018-08-02 07:27:27.946 [bus notice] scan 08: ;Vaillant;BAI00;0202;9602
2018-08-02 07:27:27.946 [update notice] store 08 ident: done
2018-08-02 07:27:27.946 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08  QQ=31: Vaillant;BAI00;0202;9602
2018-08-02 07:27:27.946 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:27.946 [bus notice] scan 08: ;Vaillant;BAI00;0202;9602
2018-08-02 07:27:27.946 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108b5090124
2018-08-02 07:27:27.946 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:27.953 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.004 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1199 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:28.004 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:28.004 [bus notice] max. symbols per second: 111
2018-08-02 07:27:28.011 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.018 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.025 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.032 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.039 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.039 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:28.046 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.046 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:28.052 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:28.097 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:28.102 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:28.109 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.109 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090124 / 09003231313732353030
2018-08-02 07:27:28.110 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:27:28.110 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:28.110 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108b5090125
2018-08-02 07:27:28.110 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:28.117 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.167 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1195 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:28.167 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:28.174 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.182 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.189 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.196 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.203 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.203 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:28.210 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.210 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:28.215 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:28.262 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:28.267 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:28.274 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.274 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090125 / 09313030313536303933
2018-08-02 07:27:28.275 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:27:28.275 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:28.275 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108b5090126
2018-08-02 07:27:28.275 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:28.282 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.333 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1193 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:28.334 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:28.340 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.347 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.354 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.361 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.368 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.368 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:28.375 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.375 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:28.381 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:28.427 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:28.431 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:28.438 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.439 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090126 / 09313030303035363739
2018-08-02 07:27:28.440 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:27:28.440 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:28.440 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108b5090127
2018-08-02 07:27:28.440 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:28.447 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.498 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1205 micros
2018-08-02 07:27:28.498 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:27:28.505 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.512 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.519 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.527 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.534 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.534 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:28.541 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.541 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:28.547 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:27:28.595 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:27:28.599 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:28.606 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:28.607 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090127 / 094e343c3c3c3c3c3c3c
2018-08-02 07:27:28.608 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31: 21;17;25;0010015609;3100;005679;N4
2018-08-02 07:27:28.608 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:27:28.608 [bus notice] scan 08: ;21;17;25;0010015609;3100;005679;N4
2018-08-02 07:27:28.609 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:27:28.615 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:27:31.408 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:31.408 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:31.872 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:27:32.019 [network info] [00003] client connection opened
2018-08-02 07:27:32.019 [main debug] >>> i
2018-08-02 07:27:32.020 [main debug] <<< version: ebusd 3.2.v3.2
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 37
max symbol rate: 111
min arbitration micros ...
2018-08-02 07:27:32.020 [network debug] [00003] wait for result
2018-08-02 07:27:32.021 [network info] [00003] connection closed
2018-08-02 07:27:33.020 [network debug] dead connection removed - 0
2018-08-02 07:27:33.345 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:33.456 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511020900 / 0700800000ff1020
2018-08-02 07:27:33.456 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511020900 / 0700800000ff1020
2018-08-02 07:27:33.875 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:27:33.879 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:27:33.920 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:27:37.020 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:27:39.602 [main notice] SIGTERM received
2018-08-02 07:27:41.628 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:41.628 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad60300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:27:42.158 [main notice] ebusd stopped


Und hier noch mit [07:44:38] openhabian@openHABianPi:~$ sudo ebusd --loglevel=debug --scanconfig

2018-08-02 07:45:57.201 [main notice] ebusd 3.2.v3.2 started with auto scan
2018-08-02 07:45:57.202 [main info] loading configuration files from http://ebusd.eu/config/
2018-08-02 07:45:57.373 [main info] reading templates /
2018-08-02 07:45:57.458 [main info] read templates in /
2018-08-02 07:45:57.458 [main info] reading file memory.csv
2018-08-02 07:45:57.542 [main info] successfully read file memory.csv
2018-08-02 07:45:57.542 [main info] reading file broadcast.csv
2018-08-02 07:45:57.627 [main info] successfully read file broadcast.csv
2018-08-02 07:45:57.627 [main info] read config files
2018-08-02 07:45:57.629 [bus notice] bus started with own address 31/36
2018-08-02 07:45:57.630 [main info] registering data handlers
2018-08-02 07:45:57.630 [main info] registered data handlers
2018-08-02 07:45:57.656 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during no signal, switching to ready
2018-08-02 07:45:57.656 [bus notice] signal acquired
2018-08-02 07:45:59.497 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:00.039 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:00.294 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:00.599 [network info] [00001] client connection opened
2018-08-02 07:46:00.599 [network debug] [00001] wait for result
2018-08-02 07:46:00.599 [main debug] >>> i
2018-08-02 07:46:00.599 [main debug] <<< version: ebusd 3.2.v3.2
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 43
max symbol rate: 43
reconnects: 0
masters:  ...
2018-08-02 07:46:00.600 [network info] [00001] connection closed
2018-08-02 07:46:00.794 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:01.600 [network debug] dead connection removed - 0
2018-08-02 07:46:05.599 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:46:05.667 [bus notice] new master 03, master count 2
2018-08-02 07:46:05.692 [bus notice] new master 01, master count 3
2018-08-02 07:46:05.692 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad30300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:46:05.692 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad30300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:46:07.026 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:07.104 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:07.110 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:46:07.170 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:09.542 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:15.599 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:46:15.600 [bus info] scan 06 cmd: 3106070400
2018-08-02 07:46:15.642 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1241 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:15.643 [bus info] arbitration delay 1241 - 1241 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:15.643 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:15.650 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:15.650 [bus info] send/receive symbol latency 6 - 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:15.657 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:15.657 [bus info] send/receive symbol latency 5 - 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:15.664 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:15.671 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:15.671 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:15.678 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:15.678 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:15.682 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:15.732 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:15.738 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:15.745 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:15.745 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3106070400 / 0ab5564d53303101160303
2018-08-02 07:46:15.745 [bus notice] scan 06: ;Vaillant;VMS01;0116;0303
2018-08-02 07:46:15.745 [update notice] store 06 ident: done
2018-08-02 07:46:15.746 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.06  QQ=31: Vaillant;VMS01;0116;0303
2018-08-02 07:46:15.746 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:15.746 [bus notice] scan 06: ;Vaillant;VMS01;0116;0303
2018-08-02 07:46:15.746 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:15.754 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:15.834 [main debug] found 1 matching scan config files from vaillant with prefix 06: done
2018-08-02 07:46:15.834 [main error] unable to load scan config 06: no file from vaillant with prefix 06 matches ID "vms01", SW0116, HW0303
2018-08-02 07:46:15.834 [main error] scan config 06: ERR: element not found
2018-08-02 07:46:15.905 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad30300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:46:15.905 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad30300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:46:16.894 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:16.972 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:16.976 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:46:17.037 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:17.834 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:46:17.835 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108070400
2018-08-02 07:46:17.875 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1209 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:17.875 [bus info] arbitration delay 1209 - 1241 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:17.875 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:17.882 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:17.889 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:17.896 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:17.903 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:17.903 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:17.910 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:17.910 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:17.915 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:17.968 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:17.972 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:17.980 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:17.980 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108070400 / 0ab5424149303002029602
2018-08-02 07:46:17.980 [bus notice] scan 08: ;Vaillant;BAI00;0202;9602
2018-08-02 07:46:17.980 [update notice] store 08 ident: done
2018-08-02 07:46:17.980 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08  QQ=31: Vaillant;BAI00;0202;9602
2018-08-02 07:46:17.980 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:17.980 [bus notice] scan 08: ;Vaillant;BAI00;0202;9602
2018-08-02 07:46:17.980 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:17.988 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.073 [main debug] found 3 matching scan config files from vaillant with prefix 08: done
2018-08-02 07:46:18.073 [main info] reading templates vaillant
2018-08-02 07:46:18.167 [main info] read templates in vaillant
2018-08-02 07:46:18.341 [main notice] read common config file vaillant/scan.csv
2018-08-02 07:46:18.422 [main notice] read common config file vaillant/general.csv
2018-08-02 07:46:18.504 [main notice] read common config file vaillant/broadcast.csv
2018-08-02 07:46:18.590 [main notice] read scan config file vaillant/08.bai.csv for ID "bai00", SW0202, HW9602
2018-08-02 07:46:18.591 [bus info] send message: 3108b5090124
2018-08-02 07:46:18.602 [bus debug] arbitration delay 833 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:18.602 [bus info] arbitration delay 833 - 1241 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:18.602 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:18.609 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.616 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.623 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.630 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.637 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.637 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:18.644 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.644 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:18.649 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:18.699 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:18.702 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:18.709 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.709 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090124 / 09003231313732353030
2018-08-02 07:46:18.709 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:46:18.710 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:18.710 [bus debug] read res: 09003231313732353030
2018-08-02 07:46:18.710 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:18.710 [bus info] send message: 3108b5090125
2018-08-02 07:46:18.716 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.767 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1195 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:18.768 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:18.775 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.782 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.789 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.796 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.803 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:18.803 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:18.816 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: wrong symbol received
2018-08-02 07:46:18.816 [bus debug] ERR: wrong symbol received during send command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:18.816 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2018-08-02 07:46:19.379 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1205 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:19.379 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:19.386 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.394 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.401 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.408 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.415 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.415 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:19.422 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.422 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:19.427 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:19.472 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:19.476 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:19.483 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.483 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090125 / 09313030313536303933
2018-08-02 07:46:19.483 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:46:19.483 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:19.483 [bus debug] read res: 09313030313536303933
2018-08-02 07:46:19.483 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:19.483 [bus info] send message: 3108b5090126
2018-08-02 07:46:19.490 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.635 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1228 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:19.636 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:19.642 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.649 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.656 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.663 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.670 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.671 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:19.677 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.678 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:19.683 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:19.729 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:19.733 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:19.740 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.741 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090126 / 09313030303035363739
2018-08-02 07:46:19.741 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31:
2018-08-02 07:46:19.741 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:19.741 [bus debug] read res: 09313030303035363739
2018-08-02 07:46:19.741 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:19.741 [bus info] send message: 3108b5090127
2018-08-02 07:46:19.747 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.799 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1218 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:19.799 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:19.806 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.813 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.820 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.827 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.834 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.834 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:19.841 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.842 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:19.847 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:19.894 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:19.897 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:19.904 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:19.904 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090127 / 094e343c3c3c3c3c3c3c
2018-08-02 07:46:19.905 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31: 21;17;25;0010015609;3100;005679;N4
2018-08-02 07:46:19.905 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:19.905 [bus debug] read res: 094e343c3c3c3c3c3c3c
2018-08-02 07:46:19.905 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:19.911 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.243 [main notice] found messages: 197 (2 conditional on 24 conditions, 0 poll, 9 update)
2018-08-02 07:46:20.244 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108b5090124
2018-08-02 07:46:20.271 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1100 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:20.271 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:20.278 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.285 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.292 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.299 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.306 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.306 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:20.313 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.313 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:20.319 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:20.367 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:20.372 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:20.379 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.379 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090124 / 09003231313732353030
2018-08-02 07:46:20.379 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31: 21;17;25;0010015609;3100;005679;N4
2018-08-02 07:46:20.380 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:20.380 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108b5090125
2018-08-02 07:46:20.380 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:20.386 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.437 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1109 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:20.437 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:20.444 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.452 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.459 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.466 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.473 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.473 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:20.480 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.480 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:20.486 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:20.533 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:20.537 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:20.544 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.544 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090125 / 09313030313536303933
2018-08-02 07:46:20.545 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31: 21;17;25;0010015609;3100;005679;N4
2018-08-02 07:46:20.545 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:20.545 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108b5090126
2018-08-02 07:46:20.545 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:20.551 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.601 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1135 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:20.601 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:20.609 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.616 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.623 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.630 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.637 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.637 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:20.644 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.644 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:20.649 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:20.697 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:20.701 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:20.708 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.708 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090126 / 09313030303035363739
2018-08-02 07:46:20.709 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31: 21;17;25;0010015609;3100;005679;N4
2018-08-02 07:46:20.709 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:20.709 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108b5090127
2018-08-02 07:46:20.709 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:20.715 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.766 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1103 micros
2018-08-02 07:46:20.766 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2018-08-02 07:46:20.773 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.780 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.787 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.794 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.801 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.801 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:20.808 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.808 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:20.814 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2018-08-02 07:46:20.862 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2018-08-02 07:46:20.866 [bus debug] switching from receive response CRC to send response ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:20.873 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 5 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:20.873 [update info] sent MS cmd: 3108b5090127 / 094e343c3c3c3c3c3c3c
2018-08-02 07:46:20.874 [update notice] sent scan-read scan.08 id QQ=31: 21;17;25;0010015609;3100;005679;N4
2018-08-02 07:46:20.875 [bus debug] notify request: done
2018-08-02 07:46:20.875 [bus notice] scan 08: ;21;17;25;0010015609;3100;005679;N4
2018-08-02 07:46:20.875 [bus debug] switching from send response ACK to send SYN
2018-08-02 07:46:20.875 [main info] scan config 08 message received
2018-08-02 07:46:20.882 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 6 ms
2018-08-02 07:46:21.502 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:22.875 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:46:26.159 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad30300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:46:26.159 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad30300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:46:26.758 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:26.836 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:26.840 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:46:26.901 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:27.230 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:29.636 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:30.158 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:32.665 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:32.876 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:46:36.367 [update info] received MS cmd: 0306b511040ad30300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:46:36.367 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 0306b511040ad30300 / 0100
2018-08-02 07:46:36.501 [network info] [00002] client connection opened
2018-08-02 07:46:36.502 [main debug] >>> i
2018-08-02 07:46:36.502 [main debug] <<< version: ebusd 3.2.v3.2
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 24
max symbol rate: 96
min arbitration micros: ...
2018-08-02 07:46:36.502 [network debug] [00002] wait for result
2018-08-02 07:46:36.503 [network info] [00002] connection closed
2018-08-02 07:46:36.617 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:36.695 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:36.699 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:46:36.760 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:37.503 [network debug] dead connection removed - 0
2018-08-02 07:46:38.041 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:39.714 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:41.502 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2018-08-02 07:46:43.984 [main notice] SIGTERM received
2018-08-02 07:46:46.444 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:46.522 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2018-08-02 07:46:46.527 [bus debug] ERR: NAK received during receive command ACK, switching to receive command
2018-08-02 07:46:46.587 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2018-08-02 07:46:46.609 [main notice] ebusd stopped



Zitat von: fhem@pi am 02 August 2018, 19:34:35

Keiner mehr hier unterwegs ?  :-[
Aber das gehoert hier nicht hin! Mach einen neuen thread auf in Anfaengerfragen, und Dir wird geholfen. Zudem sind alle im Hitzephlegma, da kann es etwas dauern!
Und ein list sagt mehr als tausend Codeschnipsel!
Gruss Christoph
HP T610
Onkyo_AVR;3 Enigma2; SB_Server ; SB_Player; HM-USB mit 15 HM-CC-RT-DN, 3 HM_WDS10_TH_O, 6 HM-Sec-SCo, 4 HM-Sec-MDIR-2, 1 HM-Sen-MDIR-O-2, 8 Ferion 5000 OW ; PhilipsTV; 4 harmony hub; Jeelink mit 9 PCA301; Somfy; S7-300; 3 LGW; HUE; HM-IP auf Charly