fhem startet nicht

Begonnen von Apollon, 15 Mai 2022, 17:46:00

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



seit heute läuft mein fhem nicht mehr. Durch diesen Link https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/FHEM_startet_nicht_-_Tipps_zur_Fehlersuche habe ich schnell die Ursache gefunden.
Der RPi läuft problemlos. Aber der fhem-Prozess startet nicht. Perl läuft nicht. Möglicherweise hängt es damit zusammen, dass ich gestern MQTT und meine openWB-Wallbox in fhem eingebunden habe. Als ich fertig war lief noch alles ohne Fehler.

Nun zu meiner Frage. Lohnt es sich die Installation zu reparieren oder soll ich besser eine Sicherung einspielen? Die Konfigurationsdateien und meine Programmmodule sind alle gesichert.

Hier mal ein Auszug aus dem Log:2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PINGREQ redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PINGRESP redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNACK redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_SUBSCRIBE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBLISH redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_UNSUBSCRIBE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBCOMP redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_ACCEPTED redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBREL redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBACK redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_UNACCEPTABLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_UNSUBACK redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_SUBACK redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_BAD_USER_NAME_OR_PASSWORD redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_DISCONNECT redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBREC redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine ::MQTT_Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 74, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 93, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Define redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 117, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Undef redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 140, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Delete redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 146, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Shutdown redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 153, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine onConnect redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 161, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine onDisconnect redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 168, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine onTimeout redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 175, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine isConnected redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 184, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine process_event redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 191, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Set redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 212, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine parseParams redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 234, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine parsePublishCmdStr redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 321, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine parsePublishCmd redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 330, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Notify redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 372, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Attr redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 380, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Start redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 413, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Stop redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 431, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Ready redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 450, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Rename redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 457, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Init redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 467, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Timer redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 477, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Read redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 500, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_connect redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 651, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_publish redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 664, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_subscribe redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 676, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_unsubscribe redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 683, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_ping redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 690, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_disconnect redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 694, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_message redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 701, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine topic_to_regexp redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 716, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_subscribe_topic redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 727, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_unsubscribe_topic redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 746, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Client_Define redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 763, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Client_Undefine redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 779, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_attr redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 784, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine notify_client_connected redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 898, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine notify_client_disconnected redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 903, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine notify_client_connection_timeout redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 908, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_start redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 913, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:32:15 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_stop redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 945, <$fh> line 13.
Undefined subroutine &MQTT::DEVICE::client_attr called at ./FHEM/10_MQTT_DEVICE.pm line 233, <$fh> line 15.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: Unrecognized escape \T passed through at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 64.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 212.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 215.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 220.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 225.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 489.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 491.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 495.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 499.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 503.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Allg_Fkt_Utils.pm line 507.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 37.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 40.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 42.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 45.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 50.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 55.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 69.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 71.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 73.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 78.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 83.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 96.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 100.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 102.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garage_Utils.pm line 107.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 99.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 101.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 176.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 182.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 193.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 199.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 205.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 211.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 218.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 225.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 232.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of numeric eq (==) in void context at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 256.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 702.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 705.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 710.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 715.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 720.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 725.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 730.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 735.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 838.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 841.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 846.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 851.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Garten_Utils.pm line 856.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 338.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 340.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 363.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 387.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 389.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 395.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: "my" variable $Burst masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 489.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 490.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 492.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 497.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 502.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 507.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 513.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine GetTimeSpec redefined at ./FHEM/99_Heizung_Utils.pm line 533.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Media_Utils.pm line 30.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Media_Utils.pm line 33.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Media_Utils.pm line 40.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Media_Utils.pm line 48.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Rollos_Utils.pm line 215.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Rollos_Utils.pm line 218.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Rollos_Utils.pm line 225.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: Scalar value @bl1s[0] better written as $bl1s[0] at ./FHEM/99_Rollos_Utils.pm line 395.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 69.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 71.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 102.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 104.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 108.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 125.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 128.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 190.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 195.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 200.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 205.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 210.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine TestWK redefined at ./FHEM/99_Testmodul_Utils.pm line 242.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: given is experimental at ./FHEM/99_myUtils.pm line 518.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_myUtils.pm line 520.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_myUtils.pm line 524.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: PERL WARNING: when is experimental at ./FHEM/99_myUtils.pm line 528.
2022.05.15 17:41:26 1: Including fhem.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:27 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2022.05.15 17:41:27 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2022.05.15 17:41:27 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2022.05.15 17:41:27 3: WEBhook: port 8088 opened
2022.05.15 17:41:27 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_Floorplan.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:27 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_Funksteckdosen.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:27 3: Opening nanoCUL device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A9EDLVFV-if00-port0
2022.05.15 17:41:27 3: Setting nanoCUL serial parameters to 38400,8,N,1
2022.05.15 17:41:30 3: nanoCUL: Possible commands: ABCEeFfGhiKklMmRTtUVWXxYZz
2022.05.15 17:41:30 3: nanoCUL device opened
2022.05.15 17:41:31 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_Batterien.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:31 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_JeeLink.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:31 3: Opening myJeeLink device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A9M9DV3R-if00-port0
2022.05.15 17:41:31 3: Setting myJeeLink serial parameters to 57600,8,N,1
2022.05.15 17:41:32 3: myJeeLink device opened
2022.05.15 17:41:32 3: LC_Temp_Kamin: I/O device is myJeeLink
2022.05.15 17:41:32 3: LC_Temp_WK: I/O device is myJeeLink
2022.05.15 17:41:32 3: LC_Temp_Garage: I/O device is myJeeLink
2022.05.15 17:41:32 3: LC_Temp_Aussen: I/O device is myJeeLink
2022.05.15 17:41:32 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_Rollo.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: [Shelly_status]  has error connect to Network is unreachable
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: readingsUpdate(SH_Rollo_WC,state,initialized) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: stacktrace:
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/36_Shelly.pm (193)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::Shelly_Define                 called by fhem.pl (3895)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (2128)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandDefine                 called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (618)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: readingsUpdate(SH_Rollo_WC,network,<html>connected to <a href=""></a></html>) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: stacktrace:
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/36_Shelly.pm (194)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::Shelly_Define                 called by fhem.pl (3895)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (2128)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandDefine                 called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (618)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: [Shelly_Attr] setting the maxtime attribute only works for model=shelly2/2.5 and mode=roller
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: [Shelly_Attr] setting the mode attribute only works for model=shelly2|shelly2.5|shellyrgbw|shellybulb
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: [Shelly_status]  has error connect to Network is unreachable
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: readingsUpdate(SH_Rollo_Kueche,state,initialized) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: stacktrace:
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/36_Shelly.pm (193)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::Shelly_Define                 called by fhem.pl (3895)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (2128)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandDefine                 called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (618)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: readingsUpdate(SH_Rollo_Kueche,network,<html>connected to <a href=""></a></html>) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: stacktrace:
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/36_Shelly.pm (194)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::Shelly_Define                 called by fhem.pl (3895)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (2128)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandDefine                 called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (618)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: [Shelly_Attr] setting the maxtime attribute only works for model=shelly2/2.5 and mode=roller
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: [Shelly_Attr] setting the mode attribute only works for model=shelly2|shelly2.5|shellyrgbw|shellybulb
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: [Shelly_status]  has error connect to Network is unreachable
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: readingsUpdate(SH_Rollo_Arbeiten,state,initialized) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: stacktrace:
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/36_Shelly.pm (193)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::Shelly_Define                 called by fhem.pl (3895)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (2128)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandDefine                 called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (618)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: readingsUpdate(SH_Rollo_Arbeiten,network,<html>connected to <a href=""></a></html>) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: stacktrace:
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/36_Shelly.pm (194)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::Shelly_Define                 called by fhem.pl (3895)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (2128)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandDefine                 called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (1265)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommand                called by fhem.pl (1116)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::AnalyzeCommandChain           called by fhem.pl (1403)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1:     main::CommandInclude                called by fhem.pl (618)
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: [Shelly_Attr] setting the maxtime attribute only works for model=shelly2/2.5 and mode=roller
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: [Shelly_Attr] setting the mode attribute only works for model=shelly2|shelly2.5|shellyrgbw|shellybulb
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_Shelly.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:33 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_HomeMatic.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:34 1: HMLAN_Parse: hmusb new condition disconnected
2022.05.15 17:41:36 2: Registering GEOFANCY Geo_Bodo for URL /geo...
2022.05.15 17:41:36 2: Registering GEOFANCY Geo_Marion for URL /geo...
2022.05.15 17:41:36 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_Alexa.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_Garten.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:37 3: GardenaSmartBridge (GardenaBridge) - defined GardenaSmartBridge
2022.05.15 17:41:37 3: GardenaSmartDevice (R2D2) - I/O device is GardenaBridge
2022.05.15 17:41:37 3: GardenaSmartDevice (R2D2) - defined GardenaSmartDevice with DEVICEID: 7977cafd-bb0f-44d6-9343-1e3fce2f07ea
2022.05.15 17:41:37 3: GardenaSmartDevice (Sensor) - I/O device is GardenaBridge
2022.05.15 17:41:37 3: GardenaSmartDevice (Sensor) - defined GardenaSmartDevice with DEVICEID: f7b901fb-28fb-4e83-af54-afccae53c1e2
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: Including ./FHEM/BM_openWB.cfg
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_ACCEPTED redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBREC redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNACK redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBACK redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PINGREQ redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_UNSUBSCRIBE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_SUBSCRIBE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBREL redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_UNSUBACK redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_SUBACK redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_UNACCEPTABLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBLISH redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_DISCONNECT redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_BAD_USER_NAME_OR_PASSWORD redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PINGRESP redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_CONNECT_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Constant subroutine MQTT::MQTT_PUBCOMP redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Net/MQTT/Constants.pm line 44, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine ::MQTT_Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 74, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 93, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Define redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 117, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Undef redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 140, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Delete redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 146, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Shutdown redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 153, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine onConnect redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 161, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine onDisconnect redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 168, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine onTimeout redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 175, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine isConnected redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 184, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine process_event redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 191, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Set redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 212, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine parseParams redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 234, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine parsePublishCmdStr redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 321, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine parsePublishCmd redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 330, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Notify redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 372, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Attr redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 380, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Start redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 413, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Stop redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 431, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Ready redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 450, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Rename redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 457, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Init redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 467, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:37 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Timer redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 477, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Read redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 500, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_connect redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 651, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_publish redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 664, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_subscribe redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 676, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_unsubscribe redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 683, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_ping redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 690, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_disconnect redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 694, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine send_message redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 701, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine topic_to_regexp redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 716, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_subscribe_topic redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 727, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_unsubscribe_topic redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 746, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Client_Define redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 763, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine Client_Undefine redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 779, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_attr redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 784, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine notify_client_connected redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 898, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine notify_client_disconnected redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 903, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine notify_client_connection_timeout redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 908, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_start redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 913, <$fh> line 13.
2022.05.15 17:41:38 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine client_stop redefined at ./FHEM/00_MQTT.pm line 945, <$fh> line 13.
Undefined subroutine &MQTT::DEVICE::client_attr called at ./FHEM/10_MQTT_DEVICE.pm line 233, <$fh> line 15.



Immer wieder erhellend, welche Auswirkungen "includes" haben können, wenn jemand meint, damit "Ordnung" schaffen zu können...

(Du hattest doch einfach den irgendwo in den Untiefen des Internet gefunden Code in eine include gepackt und dann gehofft, dass das schon so klappt, oder...?!?)

Lösch' diese include mal raus und erkläre uns, warum du es unbedingt mit 00_MQTT machen willst (dann brauchst du per cpan NET::MQTT::Constants (ja, das ist ausreichend, weil der wirklich erforderliche Rest damit automatisch installiert wird!))?
Ansonsten wirf den mosquitto wieder runter und aktiviere MQTT2_SERVER und lies dich in das Thema ein...
Server: HP-elitedesk@Debian 12, aktuelles FHEM@ConfigDB | CUL_HM (VCCU) | MQTT2: MiLight@ESP-GW, BT@OpenMQTTGw | MySensors: seriell, v.a. 2.3.1@RS485 | ZWave | ZigBee@deCONZ | SIGNALduino | MapleCUN | RHASSPY
svn: u.a MySensors, Weekday-&RandomTimer, Twilight,  div. attrTemplate-files


Ich arbeite seit 2015 mit Includes, problemlos. Als heute morgen fhem nicht mehr lief, habe ich die neuen Includes deaktiviert. Damit ist openWB wieder von fhem abgekoppelt.
Den Code habe ich nicht aus den Untiefen des Internets, sondern aus FHEM-Wiki und etwas angepasst.
Woher das Problem mit 00_MQTT.pm kann ich mir nicht erklären. Da war ich nicht dran.

Ich wollte nur mit MQTT2 arbeiten, habe aber die Einstellung, die zur openWB geht nur mit MQTT gelöst. Ich habe es mit MQTT2_Server und einem weiteren MQTT2_Device nicht hinbekommen. Obwohl ich die Lösung nicht verstanden habe, habe ich es akzeptiert, weil es (gestern) funktionierte.
Mosquitto habe ich nicht installiert.

Ich bin dabei, mich in MQTT einzulesen. Lesen, probieren und versuchen zu verstehen. Jetzt muss ich erst einmal fhem wieder ans Laufen bekommen.


fhem läuft wieder.
Nach den vorwurfsvollen Worten von Beta-User habe ich noch mal fhem.cfg geöffnet, und festgestellt, dass ich nicht beide Includes deaktiviert habe, sondern nur eines.

Nun geht es mit lesen, probieren und verstehen weiter. Mir wäre es auch lieber, wenn für mich alle Themen "kalter Kaffee" wären. Aber ich muss mich da mühselig durcharbeiten.


PS: es gibt m.E. nichts, was mit MQTT_DEVICE einfacher einzurichten wäre wie mit MQTT2_DEVICE.
Aber das gehört nicht hierher...
Server: HP-elitedesk@Debian 12, aktuelles FHEM@ConfigDB | CUL_HM (VCCU) | MQTT2: MiLight@ESP-GW, BT@OpenMQTTGw | MySensors: seriell, v.a. 2.3.1@RS485 | ZWave | ZigBee@deCONZ | SIGNALduino | MapleCUN | RHASSPY
svn: u.a MySensors, Weekday-&RandomTimer, Twilight,  div. attrTemplate-files


Zitat von: Apollon am 15 Mai 2022, 19:04:56
Ich wollte nur mit MQTT2 arbeiten, habe aber die Einstellung, die zur openWB geht nur mit MQTT gelöst. Ich habe es mit MQTT2_Server und einem weiteren MQTT2_Device nicht hinbekommen. Obwohl ich die Lösung nicht verstanden habe, habe ich es akzeptiert, weil es (gestern) funktionierte.
MQTT2_SERVER ist - soweit ich das erkennen kann - übrigens auch nicht die passende Methode, um Daten von einer openWB zu holen...

Die scheint einen eigenen MQTT-Server mitzubringen, der auf Port 1883 zu erreichen ist. Dafür wäre MQTT2_CLIENT das passende Interface-Modul aus der MQTT2.*-Familie ;) .
Vermutlich kannst du für diesen Anwendungsfall dann auch "autocreate" an dem MQTT2_CLIENT stressfrei aktivieren ("simple" sollte ausreichen).
Server: HP-elitedesk@Debian 12, aktuelles FHEM@ConfigDB | CUL_HM (VCCU) | MQTT2: MiLight@ESP-GW, BT@OpenMQTTGw | MySensors: seriell, v.a. 2.3.1@RS485 | ZWave | ZigBee@deCONZ | SIGNALduino | MapleCUN | RHASSPY
svn: u.a MySensors, Weekday-&RandomTimer, Twilight,  div. attrTemplate-files


MQTT2_Client hatte ich bereits für die Topics. Die Daten, die ich benötige, liefert mir ein MQTT2_Device.
Bis Sonntag habe ich über MQTT2_Device immer einen Fehler beim Übermitteln von Daten/ Befehlen. Daher hatte ich die Variante aus FHEM-Wiki probiert. Nachdem du am Sonntag aber geschrieben hast, dass es auch mit dem MQTT2_Device funktionieren muss, habe ich noch einmal daran gebastelt. Am Sonntag Abend lief dann alles, mit MQTT2_Client und MQTT2_Device.

Danke für die Hilfe


Ah, ok, Danke für die Rückmeldung, dass jetzt alles so läuft wie du das möchtest :) .

Vielleicht magst du dann noch ein [gelöst] in den Thread-Titel reinbasteln (ersten Beitrag editieren)?
Server: HP-elitedesk@Debian 12, aktuelles FHEM@ConfigDB | CUL_HM (VCCU) | MQTT2: MiLight@ESP-GW, BT@OpenMQTTGw | MySensors: seriell, v.a. 2.3.1@RS485 | ZWave | ZigBee@deCONZ | SIGNALduino | MapleCUN | RHASSPY
svn: u.a MySensors, Weekday-&RandomTimer, Twilight,  div. attrTemplate-files