Heating_control & a boost override

Begonnen von homer, 18 Februar 2015, 19:45:50

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hello all,

I currently use heating_control to control the temperatures in my rooms. It works well, with an example:

define HeatStudy Heating_Control StudyWallTemp 12345|15:30|19 12345|22:30|12 25|09:00|18 67|09:00|19 67|11:00|16 67|15:00|19 67|22:00|12

what I would like to do is add a boost that would override the daily program and boost the temperatures for a short period (1 hour) with a higher temp. Can anyone advise on how I should do this? I tried the following but realised that it would only check the function of boost at midnight:

define HeatStudy Heating_Control StudyWallTemp 12345|15:30|19 12345|22:30|12 25|09:00|18 67|09:00|19 67|11:00|16 67|15:00|19 67|22:00|12 (Value("1.Boost") eq "no") 1234567|00:00|21 (Value("1.Boost") eq "yes")

Alternatively I could do this:

set StudyWallTemp desiredTemperature 21

but how would I determine the temperature to put the Study back to once the boost period had expired?

Thanks for your help.



Are you using HM?

I would do the following:
1. define a dummy
2. define a DOIF which act on the dummy an set boost on and disable HC for the boost time
3. change the register for boost time from 5 min to the time you need
FHEM im Proxmox Container


Hi Mitch,

Thanks for your support. I'm using MAX valves and thermostats.

How do I disable the heating_control?



set <device> disable

in your case: set HeatStudy disable
FHEM im Proxmox Container