[ASC] Problem mit Shelly Plus 2PM

Begonnen von piet_pit, 30 Juli 2023, 16:23:06

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



Danke das du mal drüber schaust :)

Der Rollo wird mit

set Wz.Rollo.klein pct 100 gesteuert. Eine Eingabe in der Befehlszeile in Fhem führt den Fahrbefehl auch problemlos aus.

Hier nochmal das List dazu:

   FUUID      652ef6ee-f33f-1d25-eaa7-a89cc4011afa9575
   FVERSION   36_Shelly.pm:v5.9.0-s28192/2023-11-20
   INTERVAL   60
   MOVING     stopped
   NAME       Wz.Rollo.klein
   NR         675
   SHELLY     SNSW-102P16EU
   SHELLYID   shellyplus2pm-5443b23ede2c
   STATE      pct-100
   TYPE       Shelly
   eventCount 934
   units      1
     2023-10-17 23:22:36   ASC_Enable      on
     2023-11-24 09:27:19   ASC_ShadingMessage INFO: current shading status is 'out' - next check in 5m
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   ASC_ShuttersLastDrive manual
     2023-11-24 08:30:01   ASC_Time_DriveDown 24.11.2023 - 22:00
     2023-11-24 08:30:01   ASC_Time_DriveUp 25.11.2023 - 08:30
     2023-11-23 20:10:56   associatedWith  myASControl
     2023-10-17 23:19:29   cloud           disabled
     2023-11-11 07:24:06   current         0 A
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   current_0       0 A
     2023-11-11 07:23:06   current_last    0.554 A up
     2023-11-11 07:24:06   energy          229.68 Wh
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   energy_0        254.07 Wh
     2023-11-11 07:24:06   energy_lastMinute 0.0 Wh
     2023-11-24 09:26:23   energy_lastMinute_0 0.0 Wh
     2023-11-15 10:16:02   firmware        v1.0.8(update possible to v1.1.0-beta2 beta)
     2023-11-11 09:04:12   frequency       50 Hz
     2023-11-24 09:08:55   frequency_0     50 Hz
     2023-11-18 05:48:57   input_0         off
     2023-11-18 05:48:57   input_0_mode    switch straight dual normal
     2023-11-18 05:48:57   input_1         off
     2023-11-18 05:48:57   input_1_mode    switch straight dual normal
     2023-11-24 09:24:56   inttemp         50.3 °C
     2023-11-24 09:25:20   last_dir        up
     2023-11-20 08:44:46   network         <html>connected to <a href=""></a> (Wifi)</html>
     2023-11-20 08:44:45   network_disconnects 15
     2023-11-24 09:27:00   network_rssi    -63 dBm (fair)
     2023-10-17 23:19:29   network_ssid    Dahoam
     2023-11-13 09:06:15   network_threshold -80 dBm
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   pct             100
     2023-11-11 07:24:06   pfactor         0
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   pfactor_0       0
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   position        open
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   power           0 W
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   power_0         0 W
     2023-11-24 09:25:20   power_last      129 W up
     2023-11-11 05:11:54   protection      none
     2023-11-18 05:50:08   protection_0    none
     2023-11-18 07:21:13   start_reason    http
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   state           pct-100
     2023-11-24 09:25:23   stop_reason     limit_switch
     2023-11-11 09:54:41   voltage         231.8 V
     2023-11-24 09:27:23   voltage_0       232 V
     2023-11-18 05:48:57   webhook_cnt     0
     2023-11-18 05:48:57   webhook_ver     1
     Sets       config interval password reboot:noArg update:noArg name closed open stop:noArg pct:slider,0,1,100 delta zero:noArg predefAttr:noArg
     a_Active_Power 0
     b_Active_Power 0
     c_Active_Power 0
     power      0
     powerCnt   1
         cnt        1
         dmx        -1000
         dtot       0
         dtotcnt    0
         mTS        24.11. 09:24:43
         max        0.000119924545288086
         tot        0.000119924545288086
         cnt        1914
         dmx        -1000
         dtot       0
         dtotcnt    0
         mTS        24.11. 07:31:17
         max        0.00137019157409668
         tot        0.099517822265625
   ASC        2
   ASC_Adv    off
   ASC_Antifreeze soft
   ASC_Antifreeze_Pos 30
   ASC_BlockingTime_afterManual 5600
   ASC_BrightnessSensor Lichtsensor_Sued:brightness 180:50
   ASC_Closed_Pos 0
   ASC_Down   brightness
   ASC_Open_Pos 100
   ASC_Pos_Reading pct
   ASC_Self_Defense_Mode off
   ASC_Shading_InOutAzimuth 85:225
   ASC_Shading_MinMax_Elevation 5:100
   ASC_Shading_Min_OutsideTemperature 21
   ASC_Shading_Mode always
   ASC_Shading_Pos 40
   ASC_Shading_StateChange_SunnyCloudy 80000:70000
   ASC_Shading_WaitingPeriod 600
   ASC_Shutter_IdleDetection current:0
   ASC_TempSensor Netatmo_Poppenricht:temperature_round
   ASC_Up     brightness
   alexaName  kleinen Wohnzimmerrollo,kleines Wohnzimmerrollo,Couchrollo
   cmdIcon    open:control_arrow_upward@blue up:control_arrow_up@blue down:control_arrow_down@blue closed:control_arrow_downward@blue stop:rc_STOP@blue half:fts_shutter_50@blue
   devStateIcon open:fts_shutter_100:closed closed:fts_shutter_10:open half:fts_shutter_50:closed drive-up:fts_shutter_up@red:stop drive-down:fts_shutter_down@red:stop pct-100:fts_window_2w:closed pct-90:fts_shutter_10:closed pct-80:fts_shutter_20:closed pct-70:fts_shutter_30:closed pct-60:fts_shutter_40:closed pct-50:fts_shutter_50:closed pct-40:fts_shutter_60:open pct-30:fts_shutter_70:open pct-20:fts_shutter_80:open pct-10:fts_shutter_90:open pct-0:fts_shutter_100:open
   event-on-change-reading .*
   eventMap   /delta +15:up/delta -15:down/pct 50:half/
   genericDeviceType blind
   group      Rollos
   homebridgeMapping PositionState=current,values=/^opens/:INCREASING;/^closes/:DECREASING;/.*/:STOPPED On=state,valueOn=/on|dim/,valueOff=off
   icon       fts_shutter
   mode       roller
   model      shellyplus2pm
   pct100     open
   room       ASC,EG Wohnzimmer,Homekit
   showunits  normal
   siriName   kleinen Wohnzimmerrollo,kleines Wohnzimmerrollo,Couchrollo
   userattr   ASC_Adv:on,off ASC_Antifreeze:off,soft,hard,am,pm ASC_Antifreeze_Pos:5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100 ASC_AutoAstroModeEvening:REAL,CIVIL,NAUTIC,ASTRONOMIC,HORIZON ASC_AutoAstroModeEveningHorizon:-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ASC_AutoAstroModeMorning:REAL,CIVIL,NAUTIC,ASTRONOMIC,HORIZON ASC_AutoAstroModeMorningHorizon:-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ASC_BlockingTime_afterManual ASC_BlockingTime_beforeDayOpen ASC_BlockingTime_beforeNightClose ASC_BrightnessSensor ASC_Closed_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_ComfortOpen_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_CommandTemplate ASC_Down:time,astro,brightness,roommate ASC_DriveUpMaxDuration ASC_Drive_Delay ASC_Drive_DelayStart ASC_ExternalTrigger ASC_GuestRoom:on,off ASC_LockOut:soft,hard,off ASC_LockOut_Cmd:inhibit,blocked,protection ASC_Mode_Down:absent,always,off,home ASC_Mode_Up:absent,always,off,home ASC_Open_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Partymode:on,off ASC_Pos_Reading ASC_PrivacyDownValue_beforeNightClose ASC_PrivacyDown_Pos ASC_PrivacyUpValue_beforeDayOpen ASC_PrivacyUp_Pos ASC_RainProtection:on,off ASC_Roommate_Device ASC_Roommate_Reading ASC_Self_Defense_AbsentDelay ASC_Self_Defense_Mode:absent,gone,off ASC_Shading_BetweenTheTime ASC_Shading_InOutAzimuth ASC_Shading_MinMax_Elevation ASC_Shading_Min_OutsideTemperature ASC_Shading_Mode:absent,always,off,home ASC_Shading_Pos:10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Shading_StateChange_SunnyCloudy ASC_Shading_WaitingPeriod ASC_Shutter_IdleDetection ASC_ShuttersPlace:window,terrace,awning,EG_window ASC_SlatPosCmd_SlatDevice ASC_Sleep_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_TempSensor ASC_Time_Down_Early ASC_Time_Down_Late ASC_Time_Up_Early ASC_Time_Up_Late ASC_Time_Up_WE_Holiday ASC_Up:time,astro,brightness,roommate ASC_Ventilate_Pos:10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Ventilate_Window_Open:on,off ASC_WiggleValue ASC_WindParameters ASC_WindProtection:on,off ASC_WindowRec ASC_WindowRec_PosAfterDayClosed:open,lastManual ASC_WindowRec_subType:twostate,threestate
   verbose    2
   webCmd     open:up:down:closed:half:stop:pct



fährt das Rollo beim ASC "Wiggle" Befehl?

Eventuell mal versuchen die Einheiten beim Schelly zu deaktivieren:
attr <name> showunits none
könnte sich mit der Angabe
ASC_Shutter_IdleDetection current:0
beissen... "0" vs. "0 A"

oder stattdessen das Fahrtrelais nehmen? (input_0 oder input_1?) ASC_Shutter_IdleDetection  input_0:off ?



Danke, für deine Idee, hat gerade aber leider trotzdem nicht funktioniert. Das Problem hatte ich auch als ich die Shelly Plus 2 PM noch per MQTT definiert hatte, da waren alle Readings auch ohne Einheit...


Was ist mit dem Wiggle Befehl. Bekommst Du da eine Reaktion?
Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
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Oh sorry, das hatte ich total überlesen.

Leider passiert beim Wiggle auch gar nichts...

Verbose 5 liefert nur
2023.11.25 18:06:02.551 4: AutoShuttersControl (myASControl) - Devname: myASControl Name: myASControl Notify: $VAR1 = [
          'wiggle Wz.Rollo.klein'


Vorschlag. Entferne ASC mal komplett. Schaue dann in den Rollos ob alles von ASC weg ist.
Danach neu ausrollen. Wichtig, der Wert im Attribute ASC_Pos_Reading muss der selbe sein wie der welcher auch zum fahren genommen wird. Wenn also pct dann muss auch ein set Rolloname pct 50 das Rollo bewegen. Was steht denn überhaupt in den Logs drin?
Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:


Nachdem ich das gemacht hatte und selbst keine weiteren ASC Attribute dem Rollo hinzugefügt hatte, wurde er über den Wiggle-Befehl problemlos gefahren. Sobald ich alle Attribute wieder hinzugeügt hatte, war das gleiche Verhalten wie zuvor. Im Ausschlußverfahren konnte ich endlich den Schuldigen finden: Es lag am Attribut ASC_Shutter_IdleDetection. Ich hatte current:0, richtig ist aber in meinem Fall current_0:0. Im Reading current steht 0 A, somit ist auch klar wieso durch ASC keine Fahrt erfolgte.