FHEM for Windows download

Begonnen von mvb1311, 05 Januar 2023, 15:29:47

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


The download link for the Windows installation is not working on https://fhem.de/#Download.
Is there another way to get it?


Works on my end: link to fhem-6.2.zip. When you use 7-Zip you can also download fhem-6.2.tar.gz.

Edit 2023-01-16: FHEM 6.2 has been released -> links updated
viele Grüße, yersinia
FHEM 6.3 (SVN) on RPi 4B with RasPi OS Bookworm (perl 5.36.0) | FTUI
nanoCUL->2x868(1x ser2net)@tsculfw, 1x433@Sduino | MQTT2 | Tasmota | ESPEasy
VCCU->14xSEC-SCo, 7xCC-RT-DN, 5xLC-Bl1PBU-FM, 3xTC-IT-WM-W-EU, 1xPB-2-WM55, 1xLC-Sw1PBU-FM, 1xES-PMSw1-Pl
