DBLOG - SQlite auf RasPi 4 / während optimize vor backup Netzwerk "gestört"

Begonnen von Frank_Huber, 14 November 2024, 12:45:57

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



RasPi 4 mit OS (Buster) ganz normal auf SD Karte.
Die dblog per sqlite liegt auf einer SSD am USB3 eines RPI4. die DB hat ca. 3,8 GB
nachts läuft ein Backup der DB auf einen USB3-Stick.

Das Thema ist, aktiviere ich "optimizeTablesBeforeDump" führt er vor dem dump ein "vacuum" aus.
trotz asynchronem Modus und DB Schließung scheint FHEM komplett an die Wand gefahren zu sein. alle Netzwerk-Geräte melden Ausfall.
ich füge unten den Log Auszug und die Lists ein.

Frage: läuft das vaccum doch blockierend? der Doku nach sollte es nicht? Was ist das Problem und wie lässt sich das lösen?
Die Sicherung nach der Optimierung läuft sauber und problemlos. ist im Log Auszug enthalten.

Als Sofortmaßnahme hab ich jetzt mal das optimzeBefore raus genommen.

Danke & Grüße

list dblog:
define logdb DbLog ./db.conf .*:.*
attr logdb DbLogSelectionMode Include
attr logdb asyncMode 1
attr logdb room SYSTEM
attr logdb verbose 2
#   .FhemMetaInternals 1
#   .triggerUsed 1
#   COLUMNS    field length used for Device: 64, Type: 64, Event: 512, Reading: 64, Value: 128, Unit: 32
#   CONFIGURATION ./db.conf
#   DEF        ./db.conf .*:.*
#   FD         5
#   FUUID      63612f6d-f33f-a21a-31bd-835d919c353d67a0
#   FVERSION   93_DbLog.pm:v5.9.3-s28085/2023-10-22
#   MODE       asynchronous
#   NAME       logdb
#   NR         2
#   NTFY_ORDER 50-logdb
#   PID        662
#   REGEXP     .*:.*
#   SBP_PID    702
#   SBP_STATE  running
#   STATE      connected
#   TYPE       DbLog
#   dbconn     SQLite:dbname=/SSD/FHEM-DB/fhem.db
#   dbuser    
#   eventCount 4875
#   .attraggr:
#   .attrminint:
#   .fhem:
#     COLSET     1
#     DEVICECOL  64
#     EVENTCOL   512
#     OLDSTATE   connected
#     PACKAGE    main
#     TC         current
#     TH         history
#     TYPECOL    64
#     UNITCOL    32
#     VALUECOL   128
#     VERSION    5.9.3
#     2024-11-14 12:34:13   CacheOverflowLastNum 0
#     2024-11-14 03:53:06   CacheOverflowLastState normal
#     2024-11-14 12:34:19   CacheUsage      5
#     2024-11-14 12:34:13   NextSync        2024-11-14 12:34:43 or when CacheUsage 500 is reached
#     2024-11-14 12:34:13   state           connected
setstate logdb connected
setstate logdb 2024-11-14 12:34:13 CacheOverflowLastNum 0
setstate logdb 2024-11-14 03:53:06 CacheOverflowLastState normal
setstate logdb 2024-11-14 12:34:19 CacheUsage 5
setstate logdb 2024-11-14 12:34:13 NextSync 2024-11-14 12:34:43 or when CacheUsage 500 is reached
setstate logdb 2024-11-14 12:34:13 state connected

list dbrep:
define logdb_DbRep DbRep logdb
attr logdb_DbRep allowDeletion 0
attr logdb_DbRep dumpCompress 0
attr logdb_DbRep dumpDirLocal /Stick/DB-Backup
attr logdb_DbRep dumpFilesKeep 7
attr logdb_DbRep executeAfterProc set logdb reopen
attr logdb_DbRep executeBeforeProc set logdb reopen 7200
attr logdb_DbRep optimizeTablesBeforeDump 1
attr logdb_DbRep room SYSTEM
#   .FhemMetaInternals 1
#   DATABASE   /SSD/FHEM-DB/fhem.db
#   DEF        logdb
#   FUUID      636541a1-f33f-a21a-4630-52332f1ab2f0490c
#   FVERSION   93_DbRep.pm:v8.52.14-s28140/2023-11-08
#   LASTCMD    blockinginfo
#   MODEL      Client
#   NAME       logdb_DbRep
#   NOTIFYDEV  global,logdb_DbRep
#   NR         89
#   NTFY_ORDER 50-logdb_DbRep
#   ROLE       Client
#   STATE      done - No BlockingCall processes running
#   TYPE       DbRep
#   UTF8       0
#   eventCount 10
#   .attraggr:
#   .attrminint:
#     DBLOGDEVICE logdb
#     IDRETRIES  3
#     PACKAGE    main
#     VERSION    8.52.14
#     2024-11-14 12:11:46   state           done - No BlockingCall processes running
setstate logdb_DbRep done - No BlockingCall processes running
setstate logdb_DbRep 2024-11-14 12:11:46 state done - No BlockingCall processes running

Log Auszug:
2024.11.14 03:25:00 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - ################################################################
2024.11.14 03:25:00 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - ###                    New SQLite dump                       ###
2024.11.14 03:25:00 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - ################################################################
2024.11.14 03:25:00 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - execute command before dump: 'set logdb reopen 7200'
2024.11.14 03:25:00 2: logdb - Connection closed until 05:25:00 (7200 seconds).
2024.11.14 03:25:00 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - Size of database /SSD/FHEM-DB/fhem.db before optimize (MB): 3800.21 MB
2024.11.14 03:25:00 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - VACUUM database /SSD/FHEM-DB/fhem.db....
2024.11.14 03:26:33 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 12739
2024.11.14 03:26:43 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12746
2024.11.14 03:26:53 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12747
2024.11.14 03:26:53 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12748
2024.11.14 03:26:53 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12749
2024.11.14 03:27:55 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_63952/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:27:56 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12788
2024.11.14 03:28:09 2: PRESENCE (Heishamon_ping) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:10 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12789
2024.11.14 03:28:10 2: PRESENCE (monitor_PC_Buero) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:10 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12790
2024.11.14 03:28:10 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Oma) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:10 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12791
2024.11.14 03:28:10 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Simone) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:10 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12792
2024.11.14 03:28:21 2: PRESENCE (TV_EG_SZ) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:21 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12793
2024.11.14 03:28:22 2: PRESENCE (PS4) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:22 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12794
2024.11.14 03:28:22 2: PRESENCE (TV_WZ) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:22 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12795
2024.11.14 03:28:22 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Alex) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:22 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12796
2024.11.14 03:28:22 2: PRESENCE (monitor_Shelly_Plug_Pool) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:23 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12797
2024.11.14 03:28:23 2: PRESENCE (monitor_TV_Daniel) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:23 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12798
2024.11.14 03:28:23 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Lana) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:23 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12799
2024.11.14 03:28:23 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Daniel) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:28:27 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 12801
2024.11.14 03:28:28 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12802
2024.11.14 03:28:28 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12803
2024.11.14 03:28:28 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12804
2024.11.14 03:28:28 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12805
2024.11.14 03:29:18 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_57353/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:29:33 3: [Shelly_status] Zirkulation: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:29:33 1: [Shelly_status] Device Zirkulation has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:29:39 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12824
2024.11.14 03:29:39 2: PRESENCE (TV_OG) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:29:39 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12825
2024.11.14 03:29:39 2: PRESENCE (TV_Hobby) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:29:39 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12826
2024.11.14 03:29:39 2: PRESENCE (Wetterstation) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:29:41 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 12828
2024.11.14 03:29:41 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12829
2024.11.14 03:29:41 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12830
2024.11.14 03:29:41 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12831
2024.11.14 03:29:41 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12832
2024.11.14 03:31:06 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_52671/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:31:06 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12852
2024.11.14 03:31:12 2: PRESENCE (Heishamon_ping) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12853
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (monitor_PC_Buero) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12854
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Oma) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12855
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Simone) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12856
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (TV_EG_SZ) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12857
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (PS4) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12858
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (TV_WZ) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12859
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Alex) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12860
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (monitor_Shelly_Plug_Pool) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12861
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (monitor_TV_Daniel) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12862
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Lana) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12863
2024.11.14 03:31:13 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Daniel) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 12864
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12865
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12866
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12867
2024.11.14 03:31:13 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12868
2024.11.14 03:31:16 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12887
2024.11.14 03:31:16 2: PRESENCE (TV_OG) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:16 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12888
2024.11.14 03:31:16 2: PRESENCE (TV_Hobby) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:16 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12889
2024.11.14 03:31:16 2: PRESENCE (Wetterstation) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:31:33 3: TelegramBot_Callback TelegramBot: resulted in NonBlockingGet: returned <hidden>: empty answer received from SendIt
2024.11.14 03:31:33 3: TelegramBot_Callback TelegramBot: Reached max retries (ret: NonBlockingGet: returned <hidden>: empty answer received) for msg 1819283153 : HK Booster OG_HK_Flur ist offline!!
2024.11.14 03:31:44 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Kueche: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:31:45 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Kueche has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:31:45 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Wohnzimmer: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:31:45 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Wohnzimmer has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:31:45 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_WP: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:31:45 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:31:45 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_OG_Heizluefter: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:31:45 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_OG_Heizluefter has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:31:45 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Kinderzimmer: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:31:45 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Kinderzimmer has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:31:45 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_WP: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:31:45 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:31:45 3: [Shelly_status] Zirkulation: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:31:45 1: [Shelly_status] Device Zirkulation has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:31:48 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_58460/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:32:17 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 12906
2024.11.14 03:32:17 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12907
2024.11.14 03:32:19 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12908
2024.11.14 03:32:19 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12910
2024.11.14 03:32:19 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12911
2024.11.14 03:32:49 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12966
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (Heishamon_ping) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12967
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (monitor_PC_Buero) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12968
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Oma) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12969
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Simone) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12970
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (TV_EG_SZ) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12971
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (PS4) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12972
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (TV_WZ) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12973
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Alex) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12974
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (monitor_Shelly_Plug_Pool) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12975
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (monitor_TV_Daniel) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12976
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Lana) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:57 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 12977
2024.11.14 03:32:57 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Daniel) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:58 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12978
2024.11.14 03:32:58 2: PRESENCE (TV_OG) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:58 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12979
2024.11.14 03:32:58 2: PRESENCE (TV_Hobby) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:58 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 12980
2024.11.14 03:32:58 2: PRESENCE (Wetterstation) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:32:58 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Kueche: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:32:58 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Kueche has Error 'Error: Timeout connecting', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:32:58 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Wohnzimmer: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:32:58 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Wohnzimmer has Error 'Error: Timeout connecting', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:32:58 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_OG_Heizluefter: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:32:58 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_OG_Heizluefter has Error 'Error: Timeout connecting', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:32:58 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Kinderzimmer: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:32:58 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Kinderzimmer has Error 'Error: Timeout connecting', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:32:58 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_WP: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:32:58 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout connecting', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:33:14 3: [Shelly_status] Regner_unten: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:33:15 1: [Shelly_status] Device Regner_unten has Error 'Error: Timeout connecting', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:33:15 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 12984
2024.11.14 03:33:15 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12985
2024.11.14 03:33:15 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12986
2024.11.14 03:33:15 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12987
2024.11.14 03:33:15 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 12988
2024.11.14 03:33:24 2: PRESENCE (monitor_Shelly_Plug_Pool) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:33:53 2: PRESENCE (Wetterstation) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:33:54 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_60018/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:33:54 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_WP: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:33:54 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:33:54 2: PRESENCE (monitor_TV_Daniel) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:33:55 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Lana) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:33:55 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Simone) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:33:55 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Daniel) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:33:55 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Alex) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:33:55 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Oma) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:33:55 2: PRESENCE (monitor_PC_Buero) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:34:15 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_52805/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:34:15 2: PRESENCE (PS4) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:34:15 2: PRESENCE (Heishamon_ping) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:34:15 2: PRESENCE (TV_EG_SZ) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:34:15 2: PRESENCE (TV_OG) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:34:19 2: PRESENCE (TV_WZ) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:34:19 2: PRESENCE (TV_Hobby) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:34:19 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 13036
2024.11.14 03:34:19 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13037
2024.11.14 03:34:19 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13038
2024.11.14 03:34:19 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13039
2024.11.14 03:34:19 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13040
2024.11.14 03:34:53 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_58760/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:35:12 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_WP: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:35:12 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout connecting', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:35:12 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_WP: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:35:12 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout connecting', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:35:12 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Wohnzimmer: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:35:12 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Wohnzimmer has Error 'Error: Timeout connecting', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:36:05 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 13094
2024.11.14 03:36:09 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13095
2024.11.14 03:36:09 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13096
2024.11.14 03:36:09 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13097
2024.11.14 03:36:09 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13098
2024.11.14 03:36:55 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13119
2024.11.14 03:36:55 2: PRESENCE (TV_OG) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:36:55 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13120
2024.11.14 03:36:55 2: PRESENCE (TV_WZ) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:36:55 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13121
2024.11.14 03:36:55 2: PRESENCE (TV_Hobby) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:36:56 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13135
2024.11.14 03:36:56 2: PRESENCE (monitor_TV_Daniel) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:37:01 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13136
2024.11.14 03:37:08 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Lana) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13137
2024.11.14 03:37:08 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Simone) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13138
2024.11.14 03:37:08 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Daniel) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13139
2024.11.14 03:37:08 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Alex) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13140
2024.11.14 03:37:08 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Oma) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13141
2024.11.14 03:37:08 2: PRESENCE (monitor_PC_Buero) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 13150
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13151
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13152
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13153
2024.11.14 03:37:08 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13154
2024.11.14 03:37:56 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13173
2024.11.14 03:37:56 2: PRESENCE (Heishamon_ping) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:37:56 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13174
2024.11.14 03:37:56 2: PRESENCE (monitor_Shelly_Plug_Pool) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:38:07 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13175
2024.11.14 03:38:08 2: PRESENCE (Wetterstation) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:38:08 1: [Shelly_webhook] Device Zirkulation has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Regner_unten: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Regner_unten has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Kinderzimmer: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Kinderzimmer has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Wohnzimmer: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Wohnzimmer has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_Plug_1: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_Plug_1 has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_webhook] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Erker_Links: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Erker_Links has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Erker_Rechts: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Erker_Rechts has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Regner_oben: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Regner_oben has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_WP: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Zirkulation: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Zirkulation has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Zirkulation: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Zirkulation has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Shelly_WP: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Erker_Mitte: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Erker_Mitte has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_webhook] Device Zirkulation has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:10 1: [Shelly_webhook] Device Shelly_WP has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:38:11 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13177
2024.11.14 03:38:11 2: PRESENCE (PS4) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:38:11 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13180
2024.11.14 03:38:22 2: PRESENCE (TV_OG) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:38:22 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13182
2024.11.14 03:38:22 2: PRESENCE (TV_WZ) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:38:22 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13183
2024.11.14 03:38:22 2: PRESENCE (TV_Hobby) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:38:22 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13184
2024.11.14 03:38:22 2: PRESENCE (monitor_TV_Daniel) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:38:39 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 13189
2024.11.14 03:38:39 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13190
2024.11.14 03:38:39 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13191
2024.11.14 03:38:39 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13192
2024.11.14 03:38:39 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13193
2024.11.14 03:39:13 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_50742/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:39:38 3: [Shelly_status] Regner_oben: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds
2024.11.14 03:39:38 1: [Shelly_status] Device Regner_oben has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:39:42 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13212
2024.11.14 03:39:42 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Lana) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:39:42 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13213
2024.11.14 03:39:42 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Simone) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:39:42 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13214
2024.11.14 03:39:42 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Daniel) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:39:42 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13215
2024.11.14 03:39:42 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Alex) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:39:42 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13216
2024.11.14 03:39:42 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Oma) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:39:42 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13217
2024.11.14 03:39:42 2: PRESENCE (monitor_PC_Buero) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:39:43 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13218
2024.11.14 03:39:43 2: PRESENCE (TV_EG_SZ) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:39:51 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13220
2024.11.14 03:39:54 2: PRESENCE (Heishamon_ping) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:39:54 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13221
2024.11.14 03:39:56 2: PRESENCE (monitor_Shelly_Plug_Pool) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:39:56 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_58214/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:39:56 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 13222
2024.11.14 03:39:56 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13223
2024.11.14 03:39:56 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13224
2024.11.14 03:39:56 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13225
2024.11.14 03:39:56 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13226
2024.11.14 03:41:00 3: MQTT2_SERVER: MQTT2_SERVER_192.168.178.124_60091/HeishaMon left us (keepalive check)
2024.11.14 03:41:00 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13247
2024.11.14 03:41:00 2: PRESENCE (Wetterstation) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:00 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13248
2024.11.14 03:41:00 2: PRESENCE (PS4) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:00 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13250
2024.11.14 03:41:00 2: PRESENCE (TV_OG) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:00 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13251
2024.11.14 03:41:00 2: PRESENCE (TV_WZ) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:00 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13252
2024.11.14 03:41:00 2: PRESENCE (TV_Hobby) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:00 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13253
2024.11.14 03:41:00 2: PRESENCE (monitor_TV_Daniel) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:00 1: Timeout for SYSMON_blockingCall reached, terminated process 13254
2024.11.14 03:41:01 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13255
2024.11.14 03:41:01 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13256
2024.11.14 03:41:01 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13257
2024.11.14 03:41:01 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13258
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2024.11.14 03:41:39 3: [Shelly_status] Ro_Kueche: Error in callback, update in 60 seconds[/font]
2024.11.14 03:41:39 1: [Shelly_status] Device Ro_Kueche has Error 'Error: Timeout reading', state is set to 'Error: Network'
2024.11.14 03:41:42 2: PRESENCE (monitor_TV_Daniel) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:41:42 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Lana) - check returned a valid result after 2 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:41:42 2: PRESENCE (monitor_Shelly_Plug_Pool) - check returned a valid result after 2 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:41:50 2: PRESENCE (Wetterstation) - check returned a valid result after 2 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:41:50 2: PRESENCE (TV_OG) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:41:51 2: PRESENCE (TV_WZ) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:41:52 2: PRESENCE (PS4) - check returned a valid result after 2 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:41:52 2: PRESENCE (TV_Hobby) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:41:52 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13284
2024.11.14 03:41:52 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Simone) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:53 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13285
2024.11.14 03:41:53 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Daniel) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:53 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13286
2024.11.14 03:41:53 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Alex) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:53 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13287
2024.11.14 03:41:53 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Oma) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:53 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalFunctionScan reached, terminated process 13288
2024.11.14 03:41:53 2: PRESENCE (monitor_PC_Buero) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:53 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13289
2024.11.14 03:41:53 2: PRESENCE (TV_EG_SZ) - device could not be checked after 1 retry (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:41:58 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13301
2024.11.14 03:41:58 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13302
2024.11.14 03:41:58 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13303
2024.11.14 03:41:58 1: Timeout for FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web reached, terminated process 13304
2024.11.14 03:42:00 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 13297
2024.11.14 03:42:00 2: PRESENCE (Heishamon_ping) - device could not be checked after 2 retries (retrying in 10 seconds): Timeout: process terminated
2024.11.14 03:42:02 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Simone) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:42:06 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Daniel) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:42:06 2: PRESENCE (monitor_PC_Buero) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:42:06 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Oma) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:42:06 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Alex) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:42:12 2: PRESENCE (TV_EG_SZ) - check returned a valid result after 2 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:42:13 2: PRESENCE (Heishamon_ping) - check returned a valid result after 3 unsuccesful retries
2024.11.14 03:48:46 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - Size of database /SSD/FHEM-DB/fhem.db after optimize (MB): 3798.68 MB

2024.11.14 03:48:46 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - Starting dump of database 'fhem.db'
2024.11.14 03:52:34 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - Size of backupfile: 3798.68 MB
2024.11.14 03:52:34 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - Deleting old dumpfile 'fhem_2024_11_07_03_56.sqlitebkp'
2024.11.14 03:52:34 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - Finished backup of database fhem - total time used (hh:mm:ss): 00:27:34
2024.11.14 03:52:34 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - execute command after dump: 'set logdb reopen'
2024.11.14 03:52:34 2: DbRep logdb_DbRep - command message after dump: >Reopen executed.<
2024.11.14 03:52:34 3: DbRep logdb_DbRep - Database dump finished successfully.


Hallo Frank,

Blockierend nicht, aber die SQLite exportiert bei vacuum die DB temporär ich glaube nach SQLITE_TMPDIR.

Möglicherweise läuft der Storage bei dir voll und Fhem bekommt Probleme.
Man kann SQLITE_TMPDIR auf verschidene Weise anpassen:


Möglicherweise ein Ansatz.

Proxmox+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Moin Heiko,

Speicherplatz ist genügend vorhanden. könnte mir aber vorstellen dass es Probleme gibt falls das TEMP auf die SD geschrieben wird.
Ich schau mal dass dass der Ordner auf der SSD landet und teste.

Danke für den Hinweis! :-)



Moin nochmal,

ich hab jetzt ne Stunde durchs Netz geklickt, hab aber nicht gefunden oder nicht kapiert wie ich den SQlite TMP Ordner finden bzw. festlegen kann.
am besten beschrieben ist es noch hier: https://sqlite.org/forum/forumpost/bfd1f0c044a768db?raw aber schlau werde ich da draus nicht.

Falls Su da noch mehr weist wäre ich dankbar. ansonsten bleibt der Optimize erstmal aus.



Du kannst die Linux Umgebungsvariable SQLITE_TMPDIR auf ein dir genehmes Verzeichnis setzen. Es muss natürlich durch SQLitecerreichbar und beschteibbar sein.

Proxmox+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


schwere Geburt, aber habs geschafft über die /etc/environment. da rein nur "SQLITE_TMPDIR=/SSD/tmp/"
der Ordner hat die entsprechenden Rechte.
jetzt mal abwarten was heute Nacht passiert. :)

Dank Dir!



So, muss mich hier nochmal melden.
ich bin scheinbar zu blöd für SQLITE bzw RaspiOS eine Variable zu setzen.

Wie gesagt habe ich in die /etc/environment Datei "SQLITE_TMPDIR=/SSD/tmp/" eingespeichert.

Nach einem Reboot merke ich jetzt dass die Variable NUR für den User PI greift.
frage ich als root "env" ab so ist die Variable nicht gesetzt.
somit landet die Temporäre Datei immer noch auf der SD Karte was die beschriebenen Probleme verursacht.

Hat noch jemand Tipps für mich?