FHEM auf einen QNAP oder Synology NAS?!

Begonnen von besitzer, 01 Juli 2014, 13:39:36

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Zitat von: tpm88 am 01 Juli 2014, 16:02:56
...auf einem QNAP TS259Pro+...
- damit die Festplatten meines NAS  trotz FHEM in den Standby gehen können, habe ich eine SSD via eSATA angeschlossen und die komplette FHEM-Installation auf die SSD verschoben.

Gute Idee. Bei mir loggt das QNAP auch alles für fhem und kommt so nicht wirklich zur Ruhe...
Echte Männer essen keinen Honig, sie kauen Bienen.


Hi Leute,

wieso nicht einfach nen alten USB-Stick hinten reinstöpseln, beim hochfahren
mounten lassen und die Logs dort drauf legen?

Oder gleich die ganze FHEM-Installation.

Beim Backup einfach den Stick mitsichern...



Hi all,

Currently i have FHEM running without problem's on my Windows10 machine with a CUL.

I want to move my installation to my Qnap NAS (TS-431+) and have done some research on how to do this... But i came acroos some problem's. I was wondering i someone here could help me.

My NAS is running version 4.2 of the OS. Now, ipkg is no longer supported. Is has moved to Entware/opkg. Not all packages required are present. E.g. Perl is present, but serial communication are not. And cpan seems not present in the basic perl installation.. There seems to be a cpan package, but whem installed it does not work (unknow command)

On this forum there are some pointers: http://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?t=40442
I modivied tchelovek's installation to install fhem 5.6, and the opkg packages, but i can't seem to get fhem working (not even without CUL)

The manual on the fhem wiki is a bit outdated, so i don't know how to proceed.

Any help would be welcome.

Thanx, wbmk

update, i have managed to get fhem running on my NAS, but now i need the correct cdc-acm.ko for my system. I seem to need to compile my own verion, but i don't know how.. http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,42573.msg359488.html#msg359488