fhem connector für alexa jetzt auch in französisch und englisch verfügbar

Begonnen von justme1968, 12 Juni 2020, 10:26:45

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


nach einigem hin und her mit amazon haben wie den fhem connector skill für amazon alexa jetzt endlich auch für englisch (us und uk) und französisch (fr) freigegeben bekommen. d.h. bei entsprechendem amazon account und/oder passend eingestellter echo sprache kann man den skill jetzt auch in diesen sprachen verwenden.

ps: das mischen von sprachen (z.b. deutscher echo auf englisch angesprochen) ist nicht möglich.

hue, tradfri, alexa-fhem, homebridge-fhem, LightScene, readingsGroup, ...



Many thanks for this ! It works fine. I'm able to switch on/off one of my KNX lights via fhem and Alexafhem now !

next steps are thermostats and blinds...


Blinds are working, but it seems there is no way to say open/close ?

I still need to learn which word to avoid, which are generic ones in french.


the german equivalent of open and close moves the blinds just a little bit into the desired direction.  how much you can configure with the minStep option in the homebridgeMapping. to open and close completely you have to say the equivalent of "open completely" and "close completely".

you also can give percentage values.

finding the exact wording for blinds is still quite tricky and with just a little deviation it will not do what you expect or want.

unfortunately there are also no french examples in the documentation of the api. but you can try to look here: https://developer.amazon.com/de-DE/docs/alexa/device-apis/alexa-rangecontroller.html

also alexa routines can help.
hue, tradfri, alexa-fhem, homebridge-fhem, LightScene, readingsGroup, ...



Zitat von: moustic999 am 17 Juni 2020, 13:42:19
Blinds are working, but it seems there is no way to say open/close ?

I still need to learn which word to avoid, which are generic ones in french.

Try with "allume / éteins" (no joke... unfortunately)
or "Alexa, règle <le volet> à cent/zéro pourcent"

Otherwise, I'm afraid you have to go over routines in the Alexa App.
Pi 3B, Alexa, CUL868+Selbstbau 1/2λ-Dipol-Antenne, USB Optolink / Vitotronic, Debmatic und HM / HmIP Komponenten, Rademacher Duofern Jalousien, Fritz!Dect Thermostaten, Proteus


 "Allume /Eteins" as well as "Ouvre / Ferme" does not work.
Percentage moving works fine.

I could create routines for this, ouvre -> 0% / ferme -> 100%, I know how to do it.

I have also Home-assistant with Alexa enabled which handle perfectly open/close. after looking in the code, they are using semantics to achieve that.
it is currently disabled in fhem-connector.

I think it is mainly some configuration issue between KNX and fhem connector modules. I will continue investigation tonight and tomorrow.


you can try to enable the semantics section. maybe it works now.

but it should also work without. it is only there to tune the parameters for the fully open and closed positions and the delta values for open and close increment.

if you don't see any reaction to your commands in the log then you have not used the correct wording that amazon expects. and the semantics section will not help you.

on the other hand if you do see a reaction but the values are wrong then semantics should be helpful.

maybe you can also compare the alexa-fhem semantics section with the home-assistant version. maybe it is just a typo ...

hue, tradfri, alexa-fhem, homebridge-fhem, LightScene, readingsGroup, ...



Zitat von: justme1968 am 17 Juni 2020, 21:23:11

maybe you can also compare the alexa-fhem semantics section with the home-assistant version. maybe it is just a typo ...
Where can I find "the semantics section" of alexa-fhem?
Pi 3B, Alexa, CUL868+Selbstbau 1/2λ-Dipol-Antenne, USB Optolink / Vitotronic, Debmatic und HM / HmIP Komponenten, Rademacher Duofern Jalousien, Fritz!Dect Thermostaten, Proteus


@Andre: I've read somewhere, that Alexa deactivated the directives "open" and "close" for blinds for security reasons. But I can only find this in some old pages of 2018. Is it still the case?
Pi 3B, Alexa, CUL868+Selbstbau 1/2λ-Dipol-Antenne, USB Optolink / Vitotronic, Debmatic und HM / HmIP Komponenten, Rademacher Duofern Jalousien, Fritz!Dect Thermostaten, Proteus


it is in alexa-fhem lib/server.js lines 3114 and following.

i don't remember anything security related in blinds. it is anyway just a shortcut to the percentage setting. so it would make no sense to disable this.

the only thing that was disabled for a while was open for locks. close always worked. and now you can enable/disable open for locks in the alexa app yourself.

and you are not allowed to include locks into alexa automations.
hue, tradfri, alexa-fhem, homebridge-fhem, LightScene, readingsGroup, ...
