iRT Bus Buderus Logamax ERC-Regler

Begonnen von Gisbert, 27 November 2020, 22:26:56

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hallo zusammen,

ich bin auf diesen Beitrag gestoßen:
Dort wird ein Sketch beschrieben, der mit dem älteren iRT Bus zurecht kommt, der z.B. auf einem älteren Buderus Logamax GB112 mit einer ERC-Regelung läuft.

Es gibt auch ein Gateway board bei

Wenn ich noch etwas mehr Infos habe, werde ich dieses Projekt angehen. Falls jemand Interesse daran findet, bzw. schon weiter ist, was eventuell das Protokoll oder die Einbindung in Fhem anbetrifft, dann herzlich hereinspaziert.

Viele​ Grüße​ Gisbert​
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY | DEYE | JK-BMS | ESPHome



schön/beruhigend zu hören, dass auch bei anderen Benutzern die GB112 weiterhin im Einsatz ist. Meine Therme (GB112 24KW  gesteuert inzwischen mit RC35)  hat nun ihren 25. Wintereinsatz. Mangels Gateway-Module habe ich mich vor Jahren entschlossen die Therme mittels ,,Manipulation" des Außenfühlers und Warmwasser-Speicher-Fühlers zu ,,steuern". Die GB112 toleriert eine plötzliche Temperatur Messwertveränderung von 20° C  überraschend klaglos. (Inzwischen nutze ich dazu den Sonoff 4CHPRO um einen passenden parallelen Widerstand dazu bzw. abzuschalten).

  Gerade habe ich die Steuerung meiner ebenfalls 25 Jahre alten Solaranlage erneuert. Mittels CIM und UVR67 (CanOverEthernet-Modul)  habe ich nicht nur Zugriff auf die Solaranlage, sondern durch den Anschluss weiterer Temperatursensoren (PT1000) am Vorlauf vom Heizkreis und Warmwasserspeicher und dem Rücklauf  der GB112 und einen weiteren im Warmwasserspeicher an die UVR67, liegen mir alle wesentlichen Daten auch der GB112 vor.

Schade, vor ein paar Jahren hätte  ich diese ,,iRT Projekt" sicherlich auch ins Auge gefasst.

Fhem/mosquitto/zigbee2mqtt  on PI 3+ , 2xCUNO, 13xFHT, EM1000 WZ/GZ, FS20,AMAD,SONOS, MQTT (Sonoff/Shelly),Buderus GB-112,CanOverEthernet(UVR67/CIM)


Hallo Ludger,

genau deinen beschrieben Weg zur Smartisierung meiner GB112 bin ich auch gegangen, noch mit der Ergänzung, dass ich den Außenfühler gegen einen elektronischen Widerstand, genauer einem digitalen Potentiometer, der durch einen ESP8266 gesteuert wird, ersetzt habe. Damit kann ich den Widerstand sehr schön tunen und damit die Heizleistung.

Wenn deine GB112 schon 25 Jahre alt ist, dann habe ich ja noch 5 Jahre Guthaben :)

Viele​ Grüße ​Gisbert​
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY | DEYE | JK-BMS | ESPHome


Hi Victor,

I have uploaded a message on
For the Fhem community I'm going to report the progress of this project.

Best Regards
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY | DEYE | JK-BMS | ESPHome


Hi Victor,

I got the device running, big :).
I added a comment on your Github page:

Best Regards
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY | DEYE | JK-BMS | ESPHome


Hi Gisbert,

Sorry for not responding earlier, but we finally had some nice weather here in Holland, so I have not touch a computer in a couple of days. Good to read that the passive mode is working for you.

You are correct that you will need to disconnect the ERC controller in order to actively control the boiler. The iRT bus only accepts 1 device controlling the boiler. In order to control the boiler via the iRT interface you will have to send specific MQTT commands to the interface board. I will have to research the correct commands, I will let you know.

I have not worked on the project since march. But I should have some more time to work on it starting october. I am working on a different interface board. The problem with the current interface is that it is designed to detect voltage changes. The iRT bus is a true current loop bus. So it requires a current sensing / limiting circuit. I have a working prototype. But it is not completely stable. I am trying to design it in such a way it can actively send messages while the thermostat (or ERC controller) is still connected. This would allow to gather more measurement information when the thermostat is still connected.

But with the current interface board you should be able to control the boiler. But it will only work if the ERC controller is disconnected.

I have a busy two weeks coming up, but after that i will update the documentation and describe the active setup and what MQTT message need to be send to the board to control the boiler.

Best regards,



Hi Victor,

good to hear from you. I'm not sticking to the ERC controller when I could have something better. Maybe it's worth to focus on the prototyp and go from there.

With the experimental board I got only one meaningful reading, the external temperature (outdoorTemp), and 2 additional temp. which might be not correct (heating_temp, curFlowTemp), all other information is missing.

If I can do anything from my site, please let me know.

Best Regards
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY | DEYE | JK-BMS | ESPHome


Hi Victor,

there might be one objective which could help to get a better performance of the gas burner. Since the gas burner cycles every 10 minutes (when low demand of heating is given), I would like to set the burner blocking time flexibly from 10 minutes to 20 or 30 minutes.
I contacted the Buderus service center. With a service tool (UBA Handgerät) it seems to be possible to change this time in the UBA1.5 settings, but the service center said that they are no longer in use and no more available.

Best Regards
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY | DEYE | JK-BMS | ESPHome


Hi Gisbert,

I do have a hand terminal ( ). I bought it of 'marktplaat' the dutch version of ebay. They are being sold second hand. I was able to buy it for 25 euro.  It was cheap because it was missing the battery compartment, but you do not need it to operate the device.

Best regards,



Hi Victor,

that's great, good news - so some of these devices still survived.

I'm interested in the device to set the burner blocking time from 10 min to a higher time (e.g. 20 min or 30 min) and the second parameter I would like to change is the time for which the pump runs after stopping the burner. Currently this time is at 5 min (I believe), I would like to get it to 10 or 15 min.

Could you share your device with me when you do not have needs to use it?
I would take the costs for send to me and back to you again and a decent share of your costs :) ;)

Best Regards
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY | DEYE | JK-BMS | ESPHome


Hi Gisbert,

Today I had some time to use the Hand Terminal (UBA Handgerät) on the boiler. I checked the maximum value you can set the burner block time (antipendel in dutch). It accepts values from 0 to 36 minutes. I have attached a photo of the setting on the terminal (it's in dutch). I also included a picture of the general status.

I am currently using the Hand Terminal for the development of the new interface circuit. The Hand Terminal can produce a lot more information then a thermostat. I will setup an automatic search on 'marktplaats', maybe I can buy another one.

Kind regards,



Hi Victor,

good to hear from you, and that you have time to work on the new interface.
Currently I use the ports 1 and 2 together with Fhem to control the gas burner. This works already much better than with the ERC-Controller.
With your interface it would be possible to get real data from the gas burner and control the gas burner even better.
With the Hand Terminal there will be a good chance to compare the data with your interface.

I hope that you can progress with the new interface.
Best Regards
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY | DEYE | JK-BMS | ESPHome


Hi Victor,

I really would like to control my GB112 in a smarter way. Do you had time to develop the mentioned new interface?




I have not be able to work on a new interface. But if you looking for only passive monitoring look at this: It seems to be a lot more stable then a modified EMS interface. But if you you are looking to actively control the boiler a modified EMS interface is the only solution, but we know that does not always work.

Best regards,



Hi Victor,

thank you for your reply. Yes, passive mode would be enough.

To be honest it is a little bit confusing and difficult to understand which devices I need and how to connect them. My knowledge in electrical engineering is limited. But I will try to catch on it and may be get the idea somehow... ;)