Modul zur Anbindung Viessmann Heizung (Vitotronic 200 KW1)

Begonnen von Adam, 15 Februar 2014, 18:17:35

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Alles klar...gut dann warten wir mal bis zum Abend...dann sind wir vermutlich schlauer :-)



Hi, hatte schonmal jemanden geschafft das Vitoconnect Wlan Modul einzubinden?

Liebe Grüße

Gesendet von meinem C6903 mit Tapatalk


Hello Jens,
anbei nochmal das Modul etwas adaptiert.
schau mal bitte ob das jetzt so ohne Fehler geht.



Hi Markus80,
also ich hab damit leider noch keine Erfahrung.
aber soweit ich weiß baut das teil ja direkt eine verbindung zum viessmann server auf und auf den connectest du dann mit deiner vitotrol app.
ich denke also dass das gar net möglich ist.

Aber anstatt dem vitoconnect könntest ja die heizung direkt nur über das optolink kabel einbinden.
nachteil für dich wäre halt dass du die vitotrol app nicht mehr nutzen kannst.



Hallo srxp,

habe mit dem Modul aus deiner Mail von heute 15:03:43 und verbose 5 Fhem neu gestartet.

Alle eindeutig anderen Modulen zuzuordnenden Einträge habe ich entfernt.

2016.12.28 17:43:52 2: VCONTROL300: Using USB device
2016.12.28 17:43:52 3: VCONTROL300: Define open DATEI 'VS_Test.cfg'
2016.12.28 17:43:52 3: VCONTROL300: Opening file 'VS_Test.cfg'
2016.12.28 17:43:52 3: VCONTROL300: File 'VS_Test.cfg' refreshed
2016.12.28 17:43:52 3: VCONTROL300: Using protocol kw
2016.12.28 17:44:11 5: VCONTROL300: Set InternalTimer to 1482943511.08831
2016.12.28 17:44:11 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.28 17:44:11 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.28 17:44:12 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.28 17:44:12 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.28 17:44:12 4: VCONTROL300: Start of update...
2016.12.28 17:44:12 4: VCONTROL300: Start of polling values...
2016.12.28 17:44:12 5: SW: 04
2016.12.28 17:44:13 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.28 17:44:14 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $mybuf in unpack at ./FHEM/ line 604.
2016.12.28 17:44:14 5: VCONTROL300: Did not receive init response, but
2016.12.28 17:44:14 4: VCONTROL300: End of polling values! Duration: 1.50

danach erscheint durchgängig:

2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:45:21 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 20221
2016.12.28 17:45:21 4: VCONTROL300: Update aborted!
2016.12.28 17:45:21 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.28 17:45:21 5: VCONTROL300: Undef set_cmd_list_values!
2016.12.28 17:46:11 5: VCONTROL300: Set InternalTimer to 1482943631.12956
2016.12.28 17:46:11 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.28 17:46:11 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.28 17:46:11 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.28 17:46:12 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.28 17:46:12 4: VCONTROL300: Start of update...
2016.12.28 17:46:12 4: VCONTROL300: Start of polling values...
2016.12.28 17:46:12 5: SW: 04
2016.12.28 17:46:12 5: VCONTROL300: Set sendstr 01F7080002
2016.12.28 17:46:12 5: VCONTROL300: Send 01F7080002
2016.12.28 17:46:12 5: SW: 01f7080002
2016.12.28 17:46:13 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.28 17:46:14 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $mybuf in unpack at ./FHEM/ line 962.
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Received 0 of 2 bytes
2016.12.28 17:46:14 5: VCONTROL300: Read ''

Ich  hoffe du kannst mit den Daten was anfangen.

Gruß Jens


Hi Jens,
Was für eine vitotronic hast du noch schnell?
Unterstützt diese das 300er Protokoll? Falls ja probier Mal dieses bitte.


Hallo srxp,

danke für deine Ausdauer!

Die ID meiner Steuerung ist 20CB. Ich habe mal das 300er Protokoll probiert. Es funktioniert.

Ich lass das mal bis morgen Abend durchlaufen und melde mich dann noch einmal. So haben wir einen längeren Testzeitraum ...

Für mich ist aktuell auffällig, das im Fhem-Log bei jeder Abfrage Informationen geschrieben werden.

2016.12.28 19:42:58 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.28 19:42:58 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.28 19:42:59 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.28 19:42:59 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.28 19:42:59 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.28 19:43:58 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.28 19:43:58 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.28 19:43:59 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.28 19:43:59 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.28 19:44:02 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.28 19:44:58 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.28 19:44:58 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.28 19:44:59 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.28 19:44:59 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.28 19:44:59 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed


Gruß Jens


Okay cool...Dann muss ich mir noch anschauen ob ich beim kW wo einen Bug produziert hab, ging nämlich schon.
Das mit den logs Passt eigentlich da du noch verbose >=2 hast, aber einen Log entry muss ich im Log Leber noch höher setzen. Bei verbose 2 sollten dann nur mehr Fehler erscheinen. Mach ich wenn alles klappt.



Hi Jens,
hab nochmal ein bisschen was optimiert im Code.
Wenn du Zeit hast schau doch mal ob es jetzt mit dem KW Protokoll auch geht.
Ist mir etwas rätselhaft warum sich bei dir das Device disconnected aber nur beim KW Mode und dass es beim 300er geht.
Bei mir gehts bei allen 2en problemlos.




ich hab das neue Modul auch mal ausprobiert - leider funktioniert das bei mir nur eingeschränkt. Manchmal funktioniert die Abfrage, meistens aber nicht - dann kommen folgende Meldungen im Log:

2016.12.29 12:48:39 5: VCONTROL300: Set InternalTimer to 1483012209.59552
2016.12.29 12:48:39 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 12:48:39 3: Opening Heizung device /dev/ttyUSB0
2016.12.29 12:48:39 3: Setting Heizung serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 12:48:39 3: Heizung device opened
2016.12.29 12:48:39 4: VCONTROL300: Start of update...
2016.12.29 12:48:39 4: VCONTROL300: Start of polling values...
2016.12.29 12:48:39 5: VCONTROL300: Waiting for sync byte...
2016.12.29 12:48:39 5: SW: 04
2016.12.29 12:48:40 1: /dev/ttyUSB0 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Heizung)
2016.12.29 12:48:41 5: VCONTROL300: Waiting for sync byte...
2016.12.29 12:48:41 5: SW: 04
2016.12.29 12:48:42 5: VCONTROL300: Waiting for sync byte...
2016.12.29 12:48:42 5: SW: 04
2016.12.29 12:48:43 5: VCONTROL300: Waiting for sync byte...
2016.12.29 12:48:43 5: SW: 04
2016.12.29 12:48:44 5: VCONTROL300: Waiting for sync byte...
2016.12.29 12:48:44 5: SW: 04
2016.12.29 12:48:45 5: VCONTROL300: Waiting for sync byte...
2016.12.29 12:48:45 5: SW: 04
2016.12.29 12:48:46 5: VCONTROL300: Waiting for sync byte...
2016.12.29 12:48:46 5: SW: 04
2016.12.29 12:48:47 5: VCONTROL300: Waiting for sync byte...
2016.12.29 12:48:47 5: SW: 04
2016.12.29 12:48:48 5: VCONTROL300: Waiting for sync byte...
2016.12.29 12:48:48 5: SW: 04
2016.12.29 12:48:49 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 29692
2016.12.29 12:48:49 4: VCONTROL300: Update aborted!
2016.12.29 12:48:49 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 12:48:49 5: VCONTROL300: Undef set_cmd_list_values!

Das Verhalten ist für KW und 300 gleich.

Eine benutzerdefinierte setlist scheint ebenfalls nicht zu funktionieren, aber Du hattest ja geschrieben, dass es da eine Änderung gab.


Hi mmi,
anscheinend disconnected dein usb gerät wenn das modul 0x04 schickt und das Sync-Byte zu empfangen...warum auch immer.
Was für eine Vitrotronic hast du?




Grüß euch,
so hab wieder mal ein paar Bugs behoben.
Vor allem wenn der Wert eines Readings 0 war wurde dieses gar nicht angezeigt.




Hi Stephan,

Zitat von: srxp am 29 Dezember 2016, 17:34:26
anscheinend disconnected dein usb gerät wenn das modul 0x04 schickt und das Sync-Byte zu empfangen...warum auch immer.
Was für eine Vitrotronic hast du?

Das ist eine Vitotronic 200 (HO2B), also relativ neu.


Hallo Stephan,

habe deine Version von heute 17:41:34 mit dem kw-Protokoll laufen.

2016.12.29 18:45:06 2: VCONTROL300: Using USB device
2016.12.29 18:45:06 3: VCONTROL300: Define open DATEI 'VS_Test.cfg'
2016.12.29 18:45:06 3: VCONTROL300: Opening file 'VS_Test.cfg'
2016.12.29 18:45:06 3: VCONTROL300: File 'VS_Test.cfg' refreshed
2016.12.29 18:45:06 3: VCONTROL300: Using protocol kw
2016.12.29 18:45:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:45:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:45:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:45:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:45:10 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:45:10 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:45:10 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:45:10 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:45:11 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:45:12 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:45:20 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11073
2016.12.29 18:45:20 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:46:07 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:46:07 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:46:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:46:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:46:10 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:46:10 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:46:10 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:46:11 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:46:11 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:46:12 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:46:22 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11103
2016.12.29 18:46:22 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:47:07 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:47:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:47:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:47:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:47:09 1: PERL WARNING: Argument "off" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at ./FHEM/ line 120.
2016.12.29 18:47:10 1: PERL WARNING: Invalid conversion in sprintf: end of string at ./FHEM/ line 529.
2016.12.29 18:47:10 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:47:11 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $mybuf in unpack at ./FHEM/ line 997.
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0800 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0800 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0800 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0800 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0802 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0802 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0802 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0802 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0804 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0804 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0804 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0804 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0808 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0808 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0808 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0808 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0812 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0812 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0812 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0812 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0814 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0814 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0814 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0814 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 088A : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 088A : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 088A : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 088A : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0A82 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0A82 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0A82 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0A82 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2308 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2308 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2308 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2308 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2301 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2301 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2301 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2301 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2302 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2302 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2302 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2302 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2303 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2303 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2303 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2303 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2306 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2306 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2306 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2306 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2307 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2307 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2307 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2307 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2544 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2544 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2544 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2544 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2906 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2906 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2906 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2906 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 555A : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 555A : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 555A : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 555A : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 55D3 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 55D3 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 55D3 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 55D3 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6300 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6300 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6300 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6300 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6560 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6560 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6560 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6560 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6552 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6552 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6552 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6552 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6564 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6564 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6564 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6564 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6566 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6566 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6566 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6566 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6568 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6568 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6568 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6568 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter A38F : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter A38F : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter A38F : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter A38F : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D3 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D3 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D3 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D3 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D4 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D4 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D4 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D4 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 00F8 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 00F8 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 00F8 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:12 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 00F8 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:47:20 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:48:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:48:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:48:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:48:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:48:10 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:48:10 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:48:10 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:48:11 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:48:11 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:48:12 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:48:20 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11158
2016.12.29 18:48:20 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:49:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:49:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:49:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:49:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:49:10 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:49:10 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:49:10 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:49:11 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:49:11 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:49:12 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:49:20 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11187
2016.12.29 18:49:20 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:50:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:50:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:50:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:50:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:50:10 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:50:10 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $mybuf in unpack at ./FHEM/ line 997.
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0800 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0800 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0800 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0800 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0802 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0802 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0802 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0802 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0804 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0804 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0804 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0804 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0808 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0808 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0808 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0808 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0812 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0812 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0812 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0812 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0814 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0814 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0814 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0814 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 088A : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 088A : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 088A : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 088A : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0A82 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0A82 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0A82 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0A82 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2308 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2308 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2308 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2308 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2301 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2301 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2301 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2301 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2302 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2302 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2302 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2302 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2303 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2303 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2303 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2303 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2306 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2306 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2306 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2306 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2307 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2307 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2307 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2307 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2544 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2544 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2544 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2544 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2906 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2906 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2906 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2906 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 555A : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 555A : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 555A : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 555A : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 55D3 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 55D3 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 55D3 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 55D3 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6300 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6300 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6300 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6300 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6560 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6560 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6560 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6560 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6552 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6552 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6552 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6552 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6564 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6564 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6564 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6564 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6566 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6566 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6566 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6566 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6568 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6568 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6568 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 6568 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter A38F : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter A38F : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter A38F : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter A38F : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D3 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D3 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D3 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D3 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D4 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D4 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D4 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 27D4 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 00F8 : Retry 1!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 00F8 : Retry 2!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 00F8 : Retry 3!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 00F8 : Retry 4!!!
2016.12.29 18:50:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:51:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:51:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:51:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:51:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:51:09 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:51:18 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11245
2016.12.29 18:51:18 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:52:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:52:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:52:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:52:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:52:09 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:52:18 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11286
2016.12.29 18:52:18 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:53:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:53:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:53:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:53:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:53:09 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:53:18 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11314
2016.12.29 18:53:18 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed

Die Werte (readings) werden aktualisiert. Im log stehen aber mehrere Fehlermeldungen.

Ich stell jetz mal auf das 300-Protokoll um. Ich melde mich gleich noch einmal.

Gruß Jens


Hallo Stephan,

und jetzt der log mit dem 300er-Protokoll.

2016.12.29 18:58:49 2: VCONTROL300: Using USB device
2016.12.29 18:58:49 3: VCONTROL300: Define open DATEI 'VS_Test.cfg'
2016.12.29 18:58:49 3: VCONTROL300: Opening file 'VS_Test.cfg'
2016.12.29 18:58:49 3: VCONTROL300: File 'VS_Test.cfg' refreshed
2016.12.29 18:58:49 3: VCONTROL300: Using protocol 300
2016.12.29 18:58:50 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:58:50 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:58:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:58:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:58:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:59:00 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11496
2016.12.29 18:59:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:59:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:59:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:59:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:59:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:59:10 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:59:10 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in unpack at ./FHEM/ line 639.
2016.12.29 18:59:10 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $init_status in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/ line 644.
2016.12.29 18:59:10 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $init_status in string eq at ./FHEM/ line 650.
2016.12.29 18:59:10 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:59:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:59:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:59:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:59:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:59:14 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 18:59:22 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11505
2016.12.29 18:59:22 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 18:59:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 18:59:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 18:59:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 18:59:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 18:59:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:00:00 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11526
2016.12.29 19:00:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:00:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:00:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:00:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:00:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:00:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:00:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:00:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:00:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:00:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:00:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:00:50 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:00:50 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:00:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:00:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:00:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:01:01 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11554
2016.12.29 19:01:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:01:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:01:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:01:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:01:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:01:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:01:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:01:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:01:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:01:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:01:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:01:50 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:01:50 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:01:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:01:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:01:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:02:00 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11597
2016.12.29 19:02:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:02:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:02:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:02:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:02:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:02:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:02:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:02:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:02:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:02:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:02:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:02:50 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:02:50 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:02:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:02:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:02:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:03:00 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11627
2016.12.29 19:03:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:03:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:03:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:03:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:03:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:03:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:03:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:03:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:03:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:03:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:03:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:03:50 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:03:50 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:03:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:03:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:03:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:04:00 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11659
2016.12.29 19:04:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:04:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:04:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:04:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:04:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:04:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:04:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:04:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:04:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:04:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:04:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:04:50 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:04:50 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:04:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:04:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:04:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:05:00 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11689
2016.12.29 19:05:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:05:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:05:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:05:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:05:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:05:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:05:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:05:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:05:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:05:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:05:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:05:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:05:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:05:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:05:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:05:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:06:01 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11723
2016.12.29 19:06:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:06:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:06:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:06:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:06:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:06:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:06:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:06:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:06:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:06:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:06:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:06:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:06:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:06:52 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:06:52 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:06:53 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:07:01 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11749
2016.12.29 19:07:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:07:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:07:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:07:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:07:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:07:10 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:07:10 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in unpack at ./FHEM/ line 639, <GEN29> line 24.
2016.12.29 19:07:10 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $init_status in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/ line 644, <GEN29> line 24.
2016.12.29 19:07:10 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $init_status in string eq at ./FHEM/ line 650, <GEN29> line 24.
2016.12.29 19:07:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:07:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:07:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:07:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:07:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:07:16 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:07:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:07:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:07:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:07:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:07:51 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:08:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:08:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:08:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:08:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:08:11 1: PERL WARNING: Invalid conversion in sprintf: end of string at ./FHEM/ line 1335.
2016.12.29 19:08:12 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:08:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:08:12 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:08:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:08:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:08:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:08:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:08:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:08:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:08:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:08:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:09:01 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11824
2016.12.29 19:09:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:09:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:09:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:09:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:09:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:09:09 1: PERL WARNING: substr outside of string at ./FHEM/ line 718.
2016.12.29 19:09:09 1: PERL WARNING: substr outside of string at ./FHEM/ line 722.
2016.12.29 19:09:09 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in hex at ./FHEM/ line 722.
2016.12.29 19:09:10 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0104 : Retry 0!!!
2016.12.29 19:09:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:09:12 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:09:13 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:09:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:09:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:09:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:09:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:09:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:09:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:09:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:09:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:10:01 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11853
2016.12.29 19:10:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:10:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:10:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:10:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:10:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:10:12 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:10:13 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:10:13 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:10:13 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:10:13 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:10:13 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:10:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:10:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:10:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:10:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:10:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:11:01 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11882
2016.12.29 19:11:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:11:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:11:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:11:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:11:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:11:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:11:14 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:11:14 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:11:15 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:11:15 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:11:15 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:11:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:11:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:11:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:11:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:11:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:12:01 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11915
2016.12.29 19:12:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:12:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:12:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:12:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:12:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:12:09 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:12:18 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11923
2016.12.29 19:12:18 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:12:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:12:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:12:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:12:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:12:52 1: /dev/ttyUSB3 disconnected, waiting to reappear (Viessmann)
2016.12.29 19:13:01 1: Timeout for VCONTROL300_DoUpdate reached, terminated process 11946
2016.12.29 19:13:01 2: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:13:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:13:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:13:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:13:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:13:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:13:14 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:13:14 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:13:14 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:13:14 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:13:15 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:13:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:13:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:13:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:13:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:13:52 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0808 : Retry 0!!!
2016.12.29 19:13:52 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 0!!!
2016.12.29 19:13:52 2: VCONTROL300: Error while sending command for parameter 6568: Status 0x15 : Retry 0!!!
2016.12.29 19:13:53 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 2302 : Retry 0!!!
2016.12.29 19:13:53 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:14:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:14:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:14:08 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:14:08 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:14:09 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:14:14 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:14:14 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:14:14 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:14:14 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:14:17 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:14:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:14:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:14:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:14:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:14:51 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:15:08 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:15:08 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:15:09 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:15:09 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:15:11 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:15:14 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:15:14 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:15:14 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:15:14 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:15:15 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed
2016.12.29 19:15:51 2: VCONTROL300: USB connection opened
2016.12.29 19:15:51 3: Opening Viessmann device /dev/ttyUSB3
2016.12.29 19:15:51 3: Setting Viessmann serial parameters to 4800,8,E,2
2016.12.29 19:15:51 3: Viessmann device opened
2016.12.29 19:15:52 1: PERL WARNING: substr outside of string at ./FHEM/ line 718.
2016.12.29 19:15:52 1: PERL WARNING: substr outside of string at ./FHEM/ line 722.
2016.12.29 19:15:52 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in hex at ./FHEM/ line 722.
2016.12.29 19:15:52 2: VCONTROL300: Error while reading parameter 0886 : Retry 0!!!
2016.12.29 19:15:53 3: VCONTROL300: USB device closed

Ich hoffe, dass die Daten weiterhelfen.

Gruß Jens