Netatmo Modul - (Support)

Begonnen von Markus M., 17 Mai 2016, 12:37:34

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Markus M.

Ach so ne, sorry. Falsch verstanden bzw. nicht genau genug gelesen :)
Im Forecast ist der Name mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit der Ort für den die Vorhersage gilt.
Und den legt Netatmo über die Position deiner Station fest, die du irgendwo mal angegeben hast.
Wenn der bei dir "hinterm Berg" liegt, kann es sein dass es für deinen eigentlichen Standort keine passende Vorhersage gibt.
Wenn es einen anderen Ort gibt der besser liegt, kannst du ja evtl. mal versuchen, deine Station dahin zu "verschieben".
Ob du auch einfach den Forecast einer fremden Station aus der Karte nehmen kannst, musst du ausprobieren.
FHEM dev + HomeBridge + Lenovo Flex15 + HM-CFG-USB + RFXtrx433 + Fritz!Box 7590/7580/546E

HM Aktor/Sensor/Winmatic/Keymatic/Thermostat, HUE, Netatmo Weather/Security/Heating, Xiaomi AirPurifier/Vacuum, Withings Aura/BPM/Cardio/Go/Pulse/Thermo, VSX828, Harmony, Siro ERB15LE


Guten Tag,

ich habe seit längerem Perl-Fehlermeldungen im Log. Durch Verbose 5 konnte ich nun feststellen das diese scheinbar durch das Netatmo Modul hervorgerufen werden. Ich habe einen Indoor und einen Outdoor Sensor in Betrieb.

Hier der Auszug aus dem Log:
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.te.WE.Outdoor: poll MODULE
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.te.WE.Outdoor: polling types [Temperature,Humidity] for modules [02:00:00:00:ea:a2]
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.te.WE.Outdoor: request readings type: Temperature,Humidity
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: HttpUtils url=
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.wz.WE.Indoor: poll DEVICE
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.wz.WE.Indoor: request readings type: Temperature,CO2,Humidity,Noise,Pressure
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: HttpUtils url=
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: HTTP response code 200
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: HttpUtils Got data, length: 149
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.te.WE.Outdoor: dispatch getmeasure
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.te.WE.Outdoor: dispatch return: getmeasure
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.te.WE.Outdoor: parsereadings Temperature,Humidity
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.te.WE.Outdoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.te.WE.Outdoor, first event temperature: 13.9
[b]2016.09.27 10:19:43 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 1734) line 1.[/b]
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.te.WE.Outdoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.te.WE.Outdoor, first event humidity: 75
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.te.WE.Outdoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.te.WE.Outdoor, first event temperature: 14.1
[b]2016.09.27 10:19:43 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 1735) line 1.[/b]
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.te.WE.Outdoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.te.WE.Outdoor, first event humidity: 75
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.te.WE.Outdoor: updatereadings
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: HTTP response code 200
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: HttpUtils Got data, length: 177
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.wz.WE.Indoor: dispatch getmeasure
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.wz.WE.Indoor: dispatch return: getmeasure
2016.09.27 10:19:43 4: OG.wz.WE.Indoor: parsereadings Temperature,CO2,Humidity,Noise,Pressure
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event temperature: 20.4
[b]2016.09.27 10:19:43 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 1736) line 1.[/b]
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event co2: 672
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event humidity: 61
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event noise: 37
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event pressure: 1028.8
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:43 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event temperature: 20.4
[b]2016.09.27 10:19:44 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 1737) line 1.[/b]
2016.09.27 10:19:44 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:44 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event co2: 678
2016.09.27 10:19:44 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:44 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event humidity: 61
2016.09.27 10:19:44 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:44 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event noise: 37
2016.09.27 10:19:44 5: Triggering OG.wz.WE.Indoor (1 changes)
2016.09.27 10:19:44 5: Starting notify loop for OG.wz.WE.Indoor, first event pressure: 1028.7
2016.09.27 10:19:44 4: OG.wz.WE.Indoor: updatereadings

Allerdings gab es noch weitere Fehlermeldungen in der Zeit davor, dazu habe ich aber nur verbose 3:
2016.09.26 08:02:37 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 5985) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:02:56 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 5991) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:03:45 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 5999) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:04:45 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6017) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6024) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6025) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6026) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6027) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6028) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6029) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:05:57 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6034) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:06:33 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6048) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:07:53 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6056) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:08:29 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6069) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:12:41 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6114) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:13:28 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6120) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:18:10 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6159) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:20:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6188) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:20:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6189) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:20:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6190) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:20:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6191) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:20:24 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6201) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:22:13 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6213) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:28:41 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6269) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:29:00 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6275) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:33:31 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6316) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:35:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6338) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:35:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6339) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:35:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6340) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:35:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6341) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:35:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6342) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:35:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6343) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:36:03 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6349) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:37:17 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6364) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:44:59 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6434) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:45:28 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6440) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:48:50 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6469) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:49:28 1: PERL WARNING: Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 6481) line 1, near "WIthings ReadingValDoIf"
2016.09.26 08:49:51 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6488) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:50:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6503) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:50:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6504) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:50:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6505) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:50:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6506) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:50:17 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6509) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:52:02 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6524) line 1.
2016.09.26 08:52:57 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6540) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:00:32 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6609) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:02:00 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6618) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:02:52 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6631) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6657) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6658) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6659) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6660) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6661) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:05:17 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 6662) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6665) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:08:37 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6693) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:12:41 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6732) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:13:40 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6738) line 1.
2016.09.26 09:19:30 1: PERL WARNING: Useless use of string ne in void context at (eval 6795) line 1.
2016.09.27 07:50:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19537) line 1.
2016.09.27 07:50:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19538) line 1.
2016.09.27 07:50:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19539) line 1.
2016.09.27 07:50:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19540) line 1.
2016.09.27 07:56:08 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19590) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19670) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19671) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19672) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19673) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19674) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19675) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:20:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19825) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:20:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19826) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:20:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19827) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:20:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19828) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:35:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19949) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:35:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19950) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:35:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19951) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:35:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19952) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:35:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19953) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:35:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 19954) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:50:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20097) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:50:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20098) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:50:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20099) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:50:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20100) line 1.
2016.09.27 08:50:32 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at ./FHEM/ line 1151.
2016.09.27 08:50:34 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in hash element at ./FHEM/ line 731.
2016.09.27 08:55:04 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4584.
2016.09.27 08:56:11 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20162) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:00:04 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4584.
2016.09.27 09:05:04 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4584.
2016.09.27 09:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20241) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20242) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20243) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20244) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20245) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:05:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20246) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:10:04 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4584.
2016.09.27 09:15:05 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4584.
2016.09.27 09:20:05 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4584.
2016.09.27 09:20:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20380) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:20:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20381) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:20:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20382) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:20:18 1: PERL WARNING: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at (eval 20383) line 1.
2016.09.27 09:25:05 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4584.
2016.09.27 09:30:05 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 4584.

Vielleicht sagt mir ja jemand wo ich bei mir den Fehler beheben kann und hoffentlich helfen diese Informationen weiter bei der Entwicklung des Moduls. Bisher schon mal vielen Dank dafür!!!
FHEM, Ubuntu unter Proxmox (NUCi7)
FHT80B; CUL_FHTTK; HMUARTLGW; HUE; Netatmo; ENIGMA2; FRITZBOX; S7 und viele weitere.



Bzgl. live stream

Es gibt die Möglichkeit die Videos per FTP irgendwo abzulegen. Von da sollte ich sie dann eigentlich abspielen können. Probiere ich mal aus und melde mich dann nochmal.



Die Videos werden als mp4 abgelegt und lassen sich mit Quicktime abspielen. Andere Programme konnte ich nicht testen.
Der livestream liegt aber nur auf dem Gerät selbst.


Abspielen der Videos geht damit auf jeden Fall über MediaServer.
Was mir noch beim abrufen der lokalen videos aufgefallen ist, die gehen alle auch über internet zu netatmo und nicht direkt zum lokalen server.



Hast du Zugriff auf die local_URL und wenn ja was sieht man da?



Zitat von: Markus M. am 22 August 2016, 18:37:21
Hatte ebenfalls den Absturz.
Du könntest mal versuchen zu loggen welche Daten genau zum Absturz führen.
Mit der Version die morgen im Update ist und verbose=5 auf das Forecast Device sollte das dann zu sehen sein.
Das Problem ist, dass das nicht regelmässig passiert.
Ich bin jetzt erst mal 3 Wochen abwesend und kann mich nicht darum kümmern - werde meinen Forecast bis dahin deaktivieren.

hatte gestern ebenfalls die gleiche Fehlermeldung, mit fhem Absturz:

invalid json detected:
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>
Not a HASH reference at ./FHEM/ line 2554.

Ich versuche in Zukunft mit verbose=5 mitzuloggen,

FHEM auf Intel NUC D34010WYK Core i3, SSD, Ubuntu. HomeMatic mit HMLAN (Groundplane Antenne), Fritz DECT!200, FritzBox 7490, EnerGenie EG-PMS2-LAN, Yamaha RX-V475, Netatmo, Withings, Philips hue, Osram Lightify, Flukso Energy Meter, Harmony, RooWifi, Junkers ZSB 24-4 C Heizung via Heatronic HT-BUS


Hab da grad auch Pech... vielleicht wills morgen wieder, klingt eher nach netatmo-Issues
FHEM auf Raspi, CUL433, CUL868, RFXTRX433e, CULCuBE
FRITZ: Fritzbox7590AX, 6xFritzDECT301, 10xFritzDECT200, FritzRepeater 6000
MAX!: Fensterkontakte
netatmo: Wetterstation & Thermostat
Milights, IT, Withings, HUE


auch bei mir hat netatmo einen Absturz von FHEM verursacht..

2016.10.02 09:39:44 4: EnOcean received via TCM_ESP3_0: EnOcean:1:F6:70:019FF583:30:03FFFFFFFF4600
<h1>Software error:</h1>
<pre>Not a HASH reference at ./FHEM/ line 2554.
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message
and the time and date of the error.

[Sun Oct  2 10:07:27 2016] Not a HASH reference at ./FHEM/ line 2554.
Raspi3, EnOcean, Zwave, Homematic

Markus M.

FHEM dev + HomeBridge + Lenovo Flex15 + HM-CFG-USB + RFXtrx433 + Fritz!Box 7590/7580/546E

HM Aktor/Sensor/Winmatic/Keymatic/Thermostat, HUE, Netatmo Weather/Security/Heating, Xiaomi AirPurifier/Vacuum, Withings Aura/BPM/Cardio/Go/Pulse/Thermo, VSX828, Harmony, Siro ERB15LE


bei mir steht das... hilft das weiter? danke für die Hilfe.. Hatte grad erneut einen Absturz...


Raspi3, EnOcean, Zwave, Homematic

Markus M.

Teste grade eine neue Version. Ich "hoffe" dass ich ein fehlerhaftes XML bekomme.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
FHEM dev + HomeBridge + Lenovo Flex15 + HM-CFG-USB + RFXtrx433 + Fritz!Box 7590/7580/546E

HM Aktor/Sensor/Winmatic/Keymatic/Thermostat, HUE, Netatmo Weather/Security/Heating, Xiaomi AirPurifier/Vacuum, Withings Aura/BPM/Cardio/Go/Pulse/Thermo, VSX828, Harmony, Siro ERB15LE

Markus M.

WTF, Netatmo?!
Zitat$VAR1 = {
          'time_server' => 1475239948,
          'body' => {
                      'time_current' => 1475140000,
                      'stationname' => 'Mordor',
                      'last_time_ask' => 1475411202,
                      'time_day_end' => 1475272800,
                      'time_current_symbol' => 1475409600,
                      'forecastDays' => [
                                            'sunrise' => 1475327800,
                                            'min_temp' => 10,
                                            'wind_direction' => 270,
                                            'weather_symbol_night' => '210000',
                                            'max_temp' => 23,
                                            'rain' => '0.4',
                                            'windangle' => 90,
                                            'weather_symbol_day' => '121000',
                                            'day_ts' => 1475272800,

Fix dafür ist im Test, kommt heute oder morgen ins Update.
FHEM dev + HomeBridge + Lenovo Flex15 + HM-CFG-USB + RFXtrx433 + Fritz!Box 7590/7580/546E

HM Aktor/Sensor/Winmatic/Keymatic/Thermostat, HUE, Netatmo Weather/Security/Heating, Xiaomi AirPurifier/Vacuum, Withings Aura/BPM/Cardio/Go/Pulse/Thermo, VSX828, Harmony, Siro ERB15LE


danke. Bin gespannt auf das update.. Hatte erneut 3 Abstürze... Jedes mal muss ich FHEM neu starten..

Gibt es bis zum Update eine Möglichkeit manuell eine Massnahme zu ergreifen?
Raspi3, EnOcean, Zwave, Homematic

Markus M.

FHEM dev + HomeBridge + Lenovo Flex15 + HM-CFG-USB + RFXtrx433 + Fritz!Box 7590/7580/546E

HM Aktor/Sensor/Winmatic/Keymatic/Thermostat, HUE, Netatmo Weather/Security/Heating, Xiaomi AirPurifier/Vacuum, Withings Aura/BPM/Cardio/Go/Pulse/Thermo, VSX828, Harmony, Siro ERB15LE



Mit dem Safari Browser kriege ich die .m3u8 Liste als Video angezeigt.
Es wird ein HLS Player gebraucht zum abspielen.

momovi und flowplayer können das wohl. Mit VLC geht es bei mir nicht.
Bin noch am testen.
