Signalduino Version 3.3.1 / 3.3.2 / 3.3.3-dev

Begonnen von Sidey, 02 Oktober 2016, 23:39:11

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Na toll, jetzt habe ich noch ein Problem.

Dachte ich mach einen Upgrade auf die V3.3 (hatte 3.2b) und nun wird meine WH1080 auch nicht mehr gefunden   :(
FHEM im Proxmox Container


Schick bitte mal ein paar Logs , am besten in einem neuen Beitrag.

So auf Anhieb fällt mir nichts ein, was das verursachen könnte :(
Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Werde ich morgen mal machen, Danke schonmal.

Meine WH1080 habe ich wieder zum laufen gebracht. Habe wieder die alte ( 16018 2016-07-11 10:10:10Z pejonp) aus meinem Backup zurück kopiert, nun geht sie wieder.

Jetzt wäre "nur" noch die Entschlüsselung des TX dran  ;D
FHEM im Proxmox Container


Hallo ich habe mir ein 3er Set "Baumarkt" Steckdosen geholt(Emil-Lux) von OBI(
Dieser Typ hat leider keine Dip-schalter und werden mit Halten der einzelnen Tasten angelernt. Bei einer Taste wurde ein neuer Schalter via Autocreate erkannt und erstellt aber bei den 2 weiteren kommen mehrere Debug Meldungen.
Gibt es eine möglichkeit für mich wie ich diese Steckdosen auch anlernen kann oder habe ich da mist gekauft?

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: incomming message: (MS;P0=-1231;P1=255;P2=-205;P4=-2618;D=14121012101012121012101012101212101012121010101210121210101212101210101210121012121012101210101210121012101213;CP=1;SP=4;R=67;O;)

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  pattern 0 -1231

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  pattern 1 255

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  pattern 2 -205

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  pattern 4 -2618

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  data 14121012101012121012101012101212101012121010101210121210101212101210101210121012121012101210101210121012101213

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  clockidx 1

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  syncidx 4

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted RSSI 67

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: unknown Message part O
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 0 -> weather1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 1 -> ConradRSL
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 13 -> FLAMINGO FA21
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 14 -> Heidemann HX
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 15 -> TCM Bell
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 17 -> arctech
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock = 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>expecting 27 bits in signal
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 2 -> AS
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 22 -> TX-EZ6
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 23 -> perl unknown
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock = 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>expecting 54 bits in signal
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 25 -> les led remote
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock = 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>expecting 54 bits in signal
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-0.8',
          '4' => '-10.3',
          '1' => '1.0',
          '0' => '-4.8'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>searching sync: 1 -31
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => 0

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-31 +- 5.58)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sync not found
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 32 -> freetec 6946
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 33 -> weather33
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 35 -> socket35
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock = 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>expecting 54 bits in signal
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 38 -> weather38
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 4 -> arctech2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock = 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>expecting 54 bits in signal
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-0.8',
          '4' => '-10.3',
          '1' => '1.0',
          '0' => '-4.8'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>searching sync: 1 -14
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => 0

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-14 +- 4.2)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 4.2) of pulse (-14) : $VAR1 = {
          '4' => '3.7'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 4
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 14
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched sync with indexes: (14)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => 0

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-5 +- 1.5)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1.5) of pulse (-5) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one with indexes: (10)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => 0

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched zero with indexes: (12)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: decoded message raw (0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0), 53 bits

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino padded 3 bits to bit_msg array
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: dispatching now msg: i59699D32D4AD5000
2017.01.31 00:06:05 2: sduino IT: 00100110100DD100D11000DDDD not defined (Address: 00100110100DD100D11000DDDD Group: D Unit:  Switch code: D)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 41 -> elro doorbell
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 45 -> revolt
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock = 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>expecting 54 bits in signal
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-0.8',
          '4' => '-10.3',
          '1' => '1.0',
          '0' => '-4.8'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>searching sync: 1 -24
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => 0

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-24 +- 4.32)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sync not found
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 51 -> weather51
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 55 -> quigg_gt1000
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock = 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>expecting 54 bits in signal
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 6 -> weatherID6
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock = 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>expecting 54 bits in signal
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-0.8',
          '4' => '-10.3',
          '1' => '1.0',
          '0' => '-4.8'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>searching sync: 1 -36
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => 0

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-36 +- 6.48)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sync not found
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 7 -> weatherID7
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>validclock =
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: incomming message: (MU;P0=-239;P1=268;P2=-1236;P3=-10232;P4=-2620;D=01210121210101210121210121010121210101212101012121012101012101212101210101212101012101212101210121010121012101212101210121012101314101210121210101210121210121010121210101212101012121012101012101212101210101212101012101212101210121010121012101212101210121;CP=1;R=66;O;)

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  pattern 0 -239

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  pattern 1 268

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  pattern 2 -1236

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  pattern 3 -10232

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  pattern 4 -2620

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  data 01210121210101210121210121010121210101212101012121012101012101212101210101212101012101212101210121010121012101212101210121012101314101210121210101210121210121010121210101212101012121012101012101212101210101212101012101212101210121010121012101212101210121

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted  clockidx 1

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: extracted RSSI 66

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: unknown Message part O
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>sduino: processing unsynced message

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 b
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-1.5',
          '4' => '-3.3',
          '1' => '0.3',
          '3' => '-12.8',
          '0' => '-0.3'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.7'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-2) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.7'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-4 +- 1.2)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1.2) of pulse (-4) : $VAR1 = {
          '4' => '0.7'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 4
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 14
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched zero
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 14
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>msgStartLst: $VAR1 = [

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (20 +- 3.6)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '-0.9',
          '3' => '-36.5',
          '1' => '1.0',
          '4' => '-9.4',
          '2' => '-4.4'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (2) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => 1

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.1'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => 0

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 20 -> livolo
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 254 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '3' => '93.0',
          '4' => '23.8',
          '1' => '2.4',
          '2' => '11.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (3) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-3.1',
          '1' => '0.7',
          '4' => '-6.5',
          '0' => '-0.6',
          '3' => '-25.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-3) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.1'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.3'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 21
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 21
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.4'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '4' => '-17.5',
          '1' => '1.8',
          '3' => '-68.2',
          '0' => '-1.6',
          '2' => '-8.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 26 -> remote26
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.7',
          '4' => '-6.9',
          '0' => '-0.6',
          '3' => '-26.9',
          '2' => '-3.3'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.3'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-3) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.3'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 27 -> remote27
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.6',
          '4' => '-5.5',
          '0' => '-0.5',
          '3' => '-21.3',
          '2' => '-2.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.4'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-2) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '-0.4',
          '3' => '-17.1',
          '1' => '0.4',
          '4' => '-4.4',
          '2' => '-2.1'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-2) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.1'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched zero
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>msgStartLst: $VAR1 = [

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (4 +- 1.2)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '-1.1',
          '3' => '-46.5',
          '1' => '1.2',
          '4' => '-11.9',
          '2' => '-5.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-2) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.9'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 01
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 01
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.1'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (2) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.8'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 01
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched zero
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 01
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>msgStartLst: $VAR1 = [

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-38 +- 6.84)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-4.1',
          '3' => '-34.1',
          '0' => '-0.8',
          '4' => '-8.7',
          '1' => '0.9'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-2.1',
          '4' => '-4.4',
          '1' => '0.4',
          '3' => '-17.1',
          '0' => '-0.4'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 34 -> unknown34
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-5.2',
          '4' => '-10.9',
          '1' => '1.1',
          '3' => '-42.6',
          '0' => '-1.0'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (2) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.9'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => 0

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.1'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-2) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => 1

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched zero
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>msgStartLst: $VAR1 = [

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 36 -> socket36
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-2.5',
          '0' => '-0.5',
          '3' => '-20.5',
          '1' => '0.5',
          '4' => '-5.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-3) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched zero
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>msgStartLst: $VAR1 = [

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (20 +- 3.6)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 37 -> weather37
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '1.2',
          '4' => '-11.4',
          '0' => '-1.0',
          '3' => '-44.5',
          '2' => '-5.4'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (2) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.8'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => 0

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-2) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => 1

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched zero
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>msgStartLst: $VAR1 = [

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-2.2',
          '1' => '0.5',
          '4' => '-4.7',
          '0' => '-0.4',
          '3' => '-18.3'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-3) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.8'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-1) : $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '0.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 0
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched zero
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 10
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>msgStartLst: $VAR1 = [

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (17 +- 3.06)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 40 -> romotec
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '4' => '-10.5',
          '1' => '1.1',
          '3' => '-40.9',
          '0' => '-1.0',
          '2' => '-4.9'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 42 -> MKT motionsensor
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.5',
          '4' => '-4.8',
          '0' => '-0.4',
          '3' => '-18.6',
          '2' => '-2.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '4' => '-5.2',
          '1' => '0.5',
          '3' => '-20.5',
          '0' => '-0.5',
          '2' => '-2.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (4 +- 1.2)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-2.5',
          '1' => '0.5',
          '4' => '-5.2',
          '0' => '-0.5',
          '3' => '-20.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (4 +- 1.2)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 46 -> EKX1BE
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-4.9',
          '0' => '-1.0',
          '3' => '-40.9',
          '1' => '1.1',
          '4' => '-10.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.1'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-8 +- 2.4)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '3' => '-40.9',
          '0' => '-1.0',
          '4' => '-10.5',
          '1' => '1.1',
          '2' => '-4.9'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-4 +- 1.2)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1.2) of pulse (-4) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.9'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (6 +- 1.8)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-3.1',
          '0' => '-0.6',
          '3' => '-25.6',
          '1' => '0.7',
          '4' => '-6.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-2.5',
          '3' => '-20.5',
          '0' => '-0.5',
          '4' => '-5.2',
          '1' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '3' => '-20.5',
          '0' => '-0.5',
          '4' => '-5.2',
          '1' => '0.5',
          '2' => '-2.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-2) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.5'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 56 -> Celexon
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '3' => '-51.2',
          '0' => '-1.2',
          '4' => '-13.1',
          '1' => '1.3',
          '2' => '-6.2'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 58 -> test-tfa 30.3208.02
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '-7.3',
          '4' => '-15.4',
          '1' => '1.6',
          '3' => '-60.2',
          '0' => '-1.4'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (8 +- 2.4)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 7.1 -> test-tfa 30.3208.02
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '0' => '-0.5',
          '3' => '-21.1',
          '1' => '0.6',
          '4' => '-5.4',
          '2' => '-2.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.4'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-4 +- 1.2)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.6',
          '4' => '-5.6',
          '0' => '-0.5',
          '3' => '-21.8',
          '2' => '-2.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.4'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-2) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Testing against Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Expect 127 bits in message
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Searching in patternList: $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.6',
          '4' => '-5.5',
          '0' => '-0.5',
          '3' => '-21.3',
          '2' => '-2.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (1 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (1) : $VAR1 = {
          '1' => '0.4'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 1
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (-2 +- 1)
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>index => gap in tol (+- 1) of pulse (-2) : $VAR1 = {
          '2' => '0.6'

2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>closest pattern has index: 2
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>looking for substr 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>Found matched one
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>added 12
2017.01.31 00:06:05 1: DEBUG>tol: looking for (3 +- 1)


Zitat von: Mitch am 30 Januar 2017, 18:46:37
hab da mal eine Frage:

Bei mir läuft der Signalduino (2x) schon länger und sehr gut.
Jetzt wollte ich mir einen weiteren Tempfühler zulegen, weswegen ich einen Technoline TX29-IT geholt habe.

Leider wird dieser nicht vom SIGNALduino empfangen? Ich dachte, der geht?

Hallo Mitch,

der Technoline TX29-IT wird mit dem JeeLink und LaCross empfangen, siehe hier ( Er läuft ja auf 868MHz. Was hast du den für ein Empfänger ? Dieser muss ja FSK können. Der CC1101 könnte dieses, da sind wir aber noch nicht weiter gekommen.

LaCrossGW 868MHz:WT470+TFA+TX37-IT+EMT7110+W136+WH25A HP1003+WH2621
SignalD(CC1101):Bresser+WS-0101(868MHz WH1080)+Velux KLF200+MAX!+HM-MOD-UART:Smoke HM-SEC-SD+VITOSOLIC 200 RESOL VBUS-LAN+SolarEdge SE5K(Modbus)+Sonnen!eco8(10kWh)+TD3511+DRT710M(Modbus)+ZigBee+Z-Wave+MQTT+vitoconnect


Ich habe zwei SD (SIGNALduino@433 - SIGNALduino@868) und empfange auch meine WH1080 über 868.
d.h., der SD kann die TX-29 Dinger nicht empfangen?

Einen weiteren IO möchte ich eigentlich nicht, habe sowieso schon (zu) viele.

Welcher Temp/Hum Fühler mit 8868 geht denn am SIGNALduino?
FHEM im Proxmox Container


Hallo Mitch,

da ich einmal mit JeeLink angefangen habe, sind es jetzt 10 Temp/Hum-Sensoren und 2x EMT7110 (Messteckdosen) 868MHz die mit dem JeeLink empfangen werden.
Mit dem SignalDuino (433MHz) empfange ich zur Zeit auf 433 MHz Hideki, Pearl und LogiLink. Mit dem SignalDuino (868MHz) empfange ich meine WS-0101 Wetterstation.

So weit ich weiss senden die 868MHz Sensoren mit FSK und das kann zur Zeit JeeLink und CUL empfangen.
Oder vielleicht auch der SignalDuino mit einem 868MHz FSK Empänger.

LaCrossGW 868MHz:WT470+TFA+TX37-IT+EMT7110+W136+WH25A HP1003+WH2621
SignalD(CC1101):Bresser+WS-0101(868MHz WH1080)+Velux KLF200+MAX!+HM-MOD-UART:Smoke HM-SEC-SD+VITOSOLIC 200 RESOL VBUS-LAN+SolarEdge SE5K(Modbus)+Sonnen!eco8(10kWh)+TD3511+DRT710M(Modbus)+ZigBee+Z-Wave+MQTT+vitoconnect


Ich habe diesen von ELV:

ELV Empfangsmodul RX868SH-DV, 868,35 MHz

  • SRD-Empfänger Class 3, λ/4-Antenne integriert
    Sehr empfindlicher, großsignalfester und reichweitenstarker Superhet-Empfänger (bis 300 m Freifeld mit Sendemodul TX868-50/75/140/50-DV)
    Modulation ASK, max. 2 kbit/s
    Anschluss über Lötflächen/Lötstifte, Montage stehend/liegend
    Spannungsversorgung 2,3–5,5 V; Stromaufnahme 9 mA (@3 V)
FHEM im Proxmox Container


Zitat von: Mitch am 31 Januar 2017, 11:29:43
Ich habe diesen von ELV:
ELV Empfangsmodul RX868SH-DV, 868,35 MHz

  • SRD-Empfänger Class 3, λ/4-Antenne integriert
    Sehr empfindlicher, großsignalfester und reichweitenstarker Superhet-Empfänger (bis 300 m Freifeld mit Sendemodul TX868-50/75/140/50-DV)

    Modulation   ASK  , max. 2 kbit/s

    Anschluss über Lötflächen/Lötstifte, Montage stehend/liegend
    Spannungsversorgung 2,3–5,5 V; Stromaufnahme 9 mA (@3 V)

wie du siehst steht dort ASK und nicht FSK. Somit kannst du die TFA / IT+ / LaCross auf 868MHz nicht empfangen.
siehe auch mal hier,39451.msg363597.html#msg363597,14786.msg363766.html#msg363766
LaCrossGW 868MHz:WT470+TFA+TX37-IT+EMT7110+W136+WH25A HP1003+WH2621
SignalD(CC1101):Bresser+WS-0101(868MHz WH1080)+Velux KLF200+MAX!+HM-MOD-UART:Smoke HM-SEC-SD+VITOSOLIC 200 RESOL VBUS-LAN+SolarEdge SE5K(Modbus)+Sonnen!eco8(10kWh)+TD3511+DRT710M(Modbus)+ZigBee+Z-Wave+MQTT+vitoconnect


Danke Dir, da hatte ich mich wohl verlesen  :P

Gibt es denn einen Temp/Hum, den ich mit meinem Empfänger benutzen kann?
FHEM im Proxmox Container


Schau mal hier
Ich persönlich finde die bresser mit dem hideki-Protokoll am besten. Diese werden auch sehr gut mit dem cc1101 signalduino empfangen.
LaCrossGW 868MHz:WT470+TFA+TX37-IT+EMT7110+W136+WH25A HP1003+WH2621
SignalD(CC1101):Bresser+WS-0101(868MHz WH1080)+Velux KLF200+MAX!+HM-MOD-UART:Smoke HM-SEC-SD+VITOSOLIC 200 RESOL VBUS-LAN+SolarEdge SE5K(Modbus)+Sonnen!eco8(10kWh)+TD3511+DRT710M(Modbus)+ZigBee+Z-Wave+MQTT+vitoconnect


Danke, aber wenn ich bei Bresser schaue, sind die doch alle 433MHz?
FHEM im Proxmox Container


Zitat von: Mitch am 01 Februar 2017, 13:36:06
Danke, aber wenn ich bei Bresser schaue, sind die doch alle 433MHz?
Hallo Mitch,

mir ist jetzt so kein Sensor bekannt der auf 868MHz mit ASK (OOK) sendet. Schau mal  bei elv nach. Aber die meisten die auf 868MHz senden benutzen FSK.
Einige Wetterstationen haben auf 868MHz ASK (OOK) gesendet. Vielleicht kannst du die Sender nehmen, ist aber eher was für draussen.

LaCrossGW 868MHz:WT470+TFA+TX37-IT+EMT7110+W136+WH25A HP1003+WH2621
SignalD(CC1101):Bresser+WS-0101(868MHz WH1080)+Velux KLF200+MAX!+HM-MOD-UART:Smoke HM-SEC-SD+VITOSOLIC 200 RESOL VBUS-LAN+SolarEdge SE5K(Modbus)+Sonnen!eco8(10kWh)+TD3511+DRT710M(Modbus)+ZigBee+Z-Wave+MQTT+vitoconnect


Ja danke, dann muss ich wohl doch bei 2 SIGNALduino bleiben und 433 weiter benutzen.
FHEM im Proxmox Container


Hey Sidey,

kannst du dir das mit dem X10 Protokoll noch mal anschauen? Ich habe hier einen X10-Bewegungsmelder. Mit den FHEM-Standardmodulen für den Signalduino wird kein Device angelegt, im Log wird auch nichts erkannt. Ich habe einen Signalduino mit RXB6

Ich habe dann das Update aus,58397.msg571078.html#msg571078 gemacht. Dann funktioniert auch ein Autocreate nach einigen Versuchen, das X10 Protokoll wird anscheinend erkannt. Allerdings wird überhaupt kein Log des Signalduino mehr geschrieben, auch nicht bei Level 4 oder 5.

Dann habe ich versucht mit einem Notify mit dem Bewegungsmelder eine Steckdose zu schalten. Die Steckdose soll über einen nanoCUL geschaltet werden, schaltet aber nicht und ich bekomme sehr seltsame Fehlermeldungen im Log:

2017.02.01 21:44:52 2: After sleep: Unknown argument Unknown:, choose one of off:noArg on:noArg  on-for-timer on-till toggle off-for-timer off-till-overnight on-till-overnight intervals off-till blink
2017.02.01 21:44:52 3: nanoCUL IT_set: Steckdose2 on
2017.02.01 21:44:55 1: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AI04VA2D-if00-port0 disconnected, waiting to reappear (nanoCUL)
2017.02.01 21:44:55 2: IT IODev device didn't answer is command correctly:   raw => No answer
2017.02.01 21:44:56 3: Setting nanoCUL serial parameters to 38400,8,N,1
2017.02.01 21:45:05 1: Cannot init /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AI04VA2D-if00-port0, ignoring it (nanoCUL)
2017.02.01 21:45:05 2: After sleep: Unknown argument Unknown:, choose one of off:noArg on:noArg  blink off-till on-till-overnight intervals off-till-overnight toggle off-for-timer on-till on-for-timer
2017.02.01 21:45:05 3: nanoCUL IT_set: Steckdose2 on
2017.02.01 21:45:05 2: IT IODev device didn't answer is command correctly:   raw => No answer

Auch ein Einschalten der Steckdose über die Oberfläche funktioniert nicht, ähnliche Fehlermeldungen. Wenn ich ein Update von FHEM mache, wobei ja deine Entwicklungsversion wieder überschrieben wird, funktioniert die Steckdose wieder. Und bei Level 4 gibt es auch wieder jede Menge Log-Einträge. Nur X10 wird eben nicht mehr erkannt.

Achso, der Signalduino ist: V 3.3.1-dev SIGNALduino - compiled at Jan 3 2017 23:59:32

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