SONOS disabled + SONOSPLAYER disappeared

Begonnen von r_e_a_d_y, 06 Januar 2018, 03:26:25

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hallo liebe FHEM Community,

bei der Neueinrichtung und Anbindung einer Sonos Play:1 habe ich das Problem, dass meine Sonos nach bereits erfolgreicher Anbindung nach kurzer Zeit wieder einfach weg fliegt - also das SONOS Gerät wechselt von opened auf disabled und SONOSPLAYER von appeared auf disappeared.

  • Sonos Play:1 ist frisch mit Sonos-App eingericht und ins WLAN eingehängt
  • Raspberry Pi 3 model B ist frisch installiert mit Raspbian Stretch
  • FHEM frisch installiert und noch recht jungfräulich (lediglich Speedtest am Laufen)

Vorgehensweise und Ergebnis:

  • Sonos in Fhem definiert mit:
define Sonos SONOS localhost:4711 30 1 5

  • Verbose auf 5 gesetzt
  • Nach einigen Sekunden schaltete das SONOS Device auf opened und SONOSPLAYER wurde automatisch angelegt
  • Im SONOSPLAYER sollte sich nach Beschreibungen im Netz eigentlich die Sonos steuern lassen (laut/leise, play, etc.) > leider reagiert Fhem hier gar nicht. Auch set- oder get-Befehle im SONOSPLAYER gehen ins Leere
  • Nach einigen Sekunden wechselt plöztlich der SONOSPLAYER auf disappeared
  • Auch das SONOS Device hat im gleichen Zug den Status disabled

Der Event Monitor liefert mir folgendes:
2018-01-06 02:45:41 Global global DEFINED Sonos
2018-01-06 02:45:51 Global global ATTR Sonos verbose 5
2018-01-06 02:46:50 SONOS Sonos CONNECTED
2018-01-06 02:46:52 SONOS Sonos LastProcessAnswer: 1515203212
2018-01-06 02:46:52 FHEMWEB WEB rereadicons
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad init
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad initialized
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global DEFINED Sonos_Bad
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad room Sonos
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad alias Bad
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad group Bad
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad icon icoSONOSPLAYER_icon-S12.png
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad sortby 1
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad userReadings Favourites:LastActionResult.*?GetFavouritesWithCovers.* { if (ReadingsVal($name, "LastActionResult", "") =~ m/.*?: (.*)/) { return $1; } }, Radios:LastActionResult.*?GetRadiosWithCovers.* { if (ReadingsVal($name, "LastActionResult", "") =~ m/.*?: (.*)/) { return $1; } }, Playlists:LastActionResult.*?GetPlaylistsWithCovers.* { if (ReadingsVal($name, "LastActionResult", "") =~ m/.*?: (.*)/) { return $1; } }, Queue:LastActionResult.*?GetQueueWithCovers.* { if (ReadingsVal($name, "LastActionResult", "") =~ m/.*?: (.*)/) { return $1; } }, currentTrackPosition:LastActionResult.*?GetCurrentTrackPosition.* { if (ReadingsVal($name, "LastActionResult", "") =~ m/.*?: (.*)/) { return $1; } }
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad generateInfoSummarize1 
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad generateInfoSummarize2  "/>
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad generateInfoSummarize3  ~ Balance:
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad generateVolumeSlider 1
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad getAlarms 1
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad minVolume 0
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad stateFormat presence ~ currentTrackPositionSimulatedPercent% (currentTrackPositionSimulated / currentTrackDuration)
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad getTitleInfoFromMaster 1
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad simulateCurrentTrackPosition 1
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad webCmd Volume
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global DEFINED Sonos_BadRG_Favourites
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global DEFINED Sonos_BadRG_Radios
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global DEFINED Sonos_BadRG_Playlists
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global DEFINED Sonos_BadRG_Queue
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad presence: appeared
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad Volume: 25
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad Balance: 0
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad roomName: Bad
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad roomNameAlias: Bad
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad saveRoomName: Bad
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad playerType: S12
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad location:
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad softwareRevision: 8.2.2
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad serialNum: 78-28-CA-2A-82-1C:B
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad fieldType:
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad IsBonded: 0
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad IsMaster: 1
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad MasterPlayer: RINCON_7828CA2A821C01400_MR
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad SlavePlayer: []
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad SlavePlayerNotBonded: []
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad transportState: STOPPED
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackURI:
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackProvider:
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackProviderIconRoundURL:
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackProviderIconQuadraticURL:
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackDuration: 0:00:00
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackDurationSec: 0
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackPosition: 0:00:00
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackPositionSec: 0
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrack: 0
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad numberOfTracks: 0
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentStreamAudio:
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentNormalAudio: 1
2018-01-06 02:46:53 Global global ATTR Sonos_Bad model Sonos_S12
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOS Sonos LastProcessAnswer: 1515203213
2018-01-06 02:46:53 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad display_covertitle:   if (!document.getElementById("global_fulldiv_SonosBad")) {  var newDiv = document.createElement("div");  newDiv.setAttribute("id", "global_fulldiv_SonosBad");  document.body.appendChild(newDiv);   var newScript = document.createElement("script");  newScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");  newScript.appendChild(document.createTextNode('function refreshFullSonosBad() {  var fullDiv = document.getElementById("element_fulldiv_SonosBad");  if (!fullDiv) { return; }  var elementHTML = decodeURIComponent(fullDiv.innerHTML);  var global = document.getElementById("global_fulldiv_SonosBad");  var oldGlobal = global.innerHTML;   var hash = document.getElementById("hash_SonosBad");  var hashMatch = /(.+?)<.div>/i; hashMatch.exec(elementHTML);   if ((oldGlobal != "") && (!hash || (hash.innerHTML != RegExp.$1))) {  global.innerHTML = elementHTML; } if (oldGlobal != "") {  setTimeout(refreshFullSonosBad, 1000);  var playing = document.getElementById("prog_playing_SonosBad");  if (playing && playing.innerHTML == "1") {  setTimeout(refreshTimeSonosBad, 100); } }  } function refreshTimeSonosBad() {  var playing = document.getElementById("prog_playing_SonosBad");  if (!playing || (playing && (playing.innerHTML == "0"))) {  return; }   var runtime = document.getElementById("prog_runtime_SonosBad");  var starttime = document.getElementById("prog_starttime_SonosBad");  if (runtime && starttime) { var now = new Date().getTime();  var percent = (Math.round(now / 10.0) -  Math.round(starttime.innerHTML * 100.0)) / runtime.innerHTML;  document.getElementById("progressbarSonosBad").style.width = percent + "%";    setTimeout(refreshTimeSonosBad, 100); } }'));   document.body.appendChild(newScript); }  %3Cstyle%20type%3D%22text%2Fcss%22%3E.SONOS_Transportstate%20%7B%20height%3A%200.8em%3B%20margin-top%3A%20-6px%3B%20margin-left%3A%202px%3B%20%7D%3C%2Fstyle%3E%3Cdiv%20id%3D%22cover_currentSonosBad%22%20style%3D% bei Titel 0 von 0Titel: Interpret: Album:
2018-01-06 02:46:54 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackPositionSimulated: 0:00:00
2018-01-06 02:46:54 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackPositionSimulatedSec: 0
2018-01-06 02:46:54 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackPositionSimulatedPercent: 0.0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos LastProcessAnswer: 1515203227
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad SleepTimerVersion:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos LastProcessAnswer: 1515203227
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad Shuffle: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad Repeat: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad RepeatOne: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad CrossfadeMode: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad SleepTimer: off
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad AlarmRunning: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad AlarmRunningID:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad DirectControlClientID:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad DirectControlIsSuspended: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad DirectControlAccountID:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackHandle: |
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentEnqueuedTransportURI:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentEnqueuedTransportHandle: |
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentFavouriteName:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentPlaylistName:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentRadioName:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackPosition: 0:00:00
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackPositionSec: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTitle:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentArtist:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentSource:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentAlbum:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentOriginalTrackNumber:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentAlbumArtist:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentAlbumArtURL: /fhem/sonos/cover/empty.jpg
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentSender:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentSenderCurrent:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentSenderInfo:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextTrackDuration:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextTrackDurationSec:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextTrackURI:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextTrackHandle: |
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextTrackProvider:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextTrackProviderIconQuadraticURL:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextTrackProviderIconRoundURL:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextTitle:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextArtist:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextAlbum:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextAlbumArtist:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextAlbumArtURL: /fhem/sonos/cover/empty.jpg
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad nextOriginalTrackNumber:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad Mute: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad HeadphoneConnected: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad infoSummarize1: [Keine Musikdatei]
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad infoSummarize2: STOPPED => [Keine Musikdatei]
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad infoSummarize3: Lautstärke: 25 ~ Ton An ~ Balance: Mitte ~ Kein Kopfhörer
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad infoSummarize4:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad STOPPED
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackPositionSimulated: 0:00:00
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad currentTrackPositionSimulatedSec: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos AllPlayer: ['Sonos_Bad']
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos AllPlayerCount: 1
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos AllPlayerNotBonded: ['Sonos_Bad']
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos AllPlayerNotBondedCount: 1
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos LineInPlayer: []
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos MasterPlayerPlaying: []
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos MasterPlayerPlayingCount: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos MasterPlayerNotPlaying: ['Sonos_Bad']
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos MasterPlayerNotPlayingCount: 1
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos MasterPlayer: ['Sonos_Bad']
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos MasterPlayerCount: 1
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad MasterPlayer: Sonos_Bad
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad AvailablePlayer: []
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad ZoneGroupNameDetails:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad AlarmList: {}
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad AlarmListIDs:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad AlarmListVersion: RINCON_7828CA2A821C01400:0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad DailyIndexRefreshTime:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos MusicServicesListVersion: RINCON_7828CA2A821C01400:4
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos MusicServicesList: {'191' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Classical Archives','Capabilities' => '1030739','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '48903','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'222' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => '','Capabilities' => '6675','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '56839','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'150' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'RUSC','Capabilities' => '512','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '38407','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'260' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Minidisco','Capabilities' => '512','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '66567','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_1500.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'237' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'storePlay','Capabilities' => '328193','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '60679','ResolutionSubstitution' => 'artwork_1500','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'169' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Tribe of Noise','Capabilities' => '512','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '43271','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_1500.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'163' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Spreaker','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => '200','ServiceType' => '41735','ResolutionSubstitution' => '/large/','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'167' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Gaana','Capabilities' => '577','Resolution' => '480','ServiceType' => '42759','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_480x480_','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'211' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'The Music Manager','Capabilities' => '515','Resolution' => '119','ServiceType' => '54023','ResolutionSubstitution' => '.l.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'217' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'FIT Radio Workout Music','Capabilities' => '4610','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '55559','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_1500.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'231' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Wolfgang's Music','Capabilities' => '537153','Resolution' => '640','ServiceType' => '59143','ResolutionSubstitution' => '640','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'234' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => '','Capabilities' => '512','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '59911','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'53' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => ' Gameday Audio','Capabilities' => '1536','Resolution' => '400','ServiceType' => '13575','ResolutionSubstitution' => '/400x400/','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'198' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Anghami','Capabilities' => '2627','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '50695','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'216' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Aldi life Musik','Capabilities' => '4627','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '55303','ResolutionSubstitution' => '1500x1500.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'184' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Stingray Music','Capabilities' => '295427','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '47111','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'7' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Concert Vault','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => '569','ServiceType' => '1799','ResolutionSubstitution' => '/569/','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'33' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Murfie','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => '300','ServiceType' => '8455','ResolutionSubstitution' => '-huge.jpg?size=300','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'203' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Napster','Capabilities' => '595','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '51975','ResolutionSubstitution' => '1500x1500.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'20' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'WiMP','Capabilities' => '2579','Resolution' => '640','ServiceType' => '5127','ResolutionSubstitution' => '640x640.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'233' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Pocket Casts','Capabilities' => '1028672','Resolution' => '960','ServiceType' => '59655','ResolutionSubstitution' => '/960/','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'154' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Radionomy','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => '999','ServiceType' => '39431','ResolutionSubstitution' => '.s999','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'160' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'SoundCloud','Capabilities' => '4611','Resolution' => '500','ServiceType' => '40967','ResolutionSubstitution' => 't500x500','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'258' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => '企鹅FM','Capabilities' => '512','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '66055','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'223' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'RauteMusik.FM','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '57095','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'36' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Hearts of Space','Capabilities' => '512','Resolution' => '290','ServiceType' => '9223','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_290.png','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'146' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Daytrotter','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '37383','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'38' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => '7digital','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => '800','ServiceType' => '9735','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_800.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'192' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'focus@will','Capabilities' => '5632','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '49159','ResolutionSubstitution' => '-1500.png','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'2' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Deezer','Capabilities' => '2643','Resolution' => '1000','ServiceType' => '519','ResolutionSubstitution' => '1000x1000-000000-80-0-0.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'174' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'TIDAL','Capabilities' => '1083923','Resolution' => '640','ServiceType' => '44551','ResolutionSubstitution' => '640x640.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'230' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'NTS Radio','Capabilities' => '512','Resolution' => '1000','ServiceType' => '58887','ResolutionSubstitution' => '/1000x1000/','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'235' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Sveriges Radio','Capabilities' => '70145','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '60167','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'204' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Apple Music','Capabilities' => '3117633','Resolution' => '1200','ServiceType' => '52231','ResolutionSubstitution' => '1200x1200','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'212' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Plex','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => '1080','ServiceType' => '54279','ResolutionSubstitution' => 'width=1080','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'221' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'LivePhish+','Capabilities' => '6675','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '56583','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'157' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Bandcamp','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '40199','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'195' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'JUKE','Capabilities' => '2579','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '49927','ResolutionSubstitution' => '/1500x1500','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'218' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => '','Capabilities' => '512','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '55815','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'162' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'radioPup','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '41479','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'256' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'CBC Radio & Music','Capabilities' => '594496','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '65543','ResolutionSubstitution' => 'w_1500,h_1500','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'201' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Amazon Music','Capabilities' => '45633','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '51463','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'9' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Spotify','Capabilities' => '1116691','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '2311','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'13' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Stitcher SmartRadio','Capabilities' => '579','Resolution' => '328','ServiceType' => '3335','ResolutionSubstitution' => 'lain328','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'151' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Google Play Music','Capabilities' => '98899','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '38663','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'171' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Mood Mix','Capabilities' => '4609','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '43783','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_1500.png','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'181' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Mixcloud','Capabilities' => '2627','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '46343','ResolutionSubstitution' => 'w/1500/h/1500/','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'232' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Radioplayer','Capabilities' => '577','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '59399','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_1500.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'189' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'SOUNDMACHINE','Capabilities' => '513','Resolution' => '1500','ServiceType' => '48391','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_1500.png','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'164' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Saavn','Capabilities' => '12865','Resolution' => '500','ServiceType' => '41991','ResolutionSubstitution' => '500x500.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'31' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'Qobuz','Capabilities' => '2643','Resolution' => '600','ServiceType' => '7943','ResolutionSubstitution' => '_600.jpg','PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''},'183' => {'IconRoundURL' => '','IconQuadraticURL' => '','Name' => 'narando','Capabilities' => '37395','Resolution' => undef,'ServiceType' => '46855','ResolutionSubstitution' => undef,'PromoText' => '','SMAPI' => ''}}
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos ZoneGroupState:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad ZoneGroupID: RINCON_7828CA2A821C01400:__
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad display_covertitle:   if (!document.getElementById("global_fulldiv_SonosBad")) {  var newDiv = document.createElement("div");  newDiv.setAttribute("id", "global_fulldiv_SonosBad");  document.body.appendChild(newDiv);   var newScript = document.createElement("script");  newScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");  newScript.appendChild(document.createTextNode('function refreshFullSonosBad() {  var fullDiv = document.getElementById("element_fulldiv_SonosBad");  if (!fullDiv) { return; }  var elementHTML = decodeURIComponent(fullDiv.innerHTML);  var global = document.getElementById("global_fulldiv_SonosBad");  var oldGlobal = global.innerHTML;   var hash = document.getElementById("hash_SonosBad");  var hashMatch = /(.+?)<.div>/i; hashMatch.exec(elementHTML);   if ((oldGlobal != "") && (!hash || (hash.innerHTML != RegExp.$1))) {  global.innerHTML = elementHTML; } if (oldGlobal != "") {  setTimeout(refreshFullSonosBad, 1000);  var playing = document.getElementById("prog_playing_SonosBad");  if (playing && playing.innerHTML == "1") {  setTimeout(refreshTimeSonosBad, 100); } }  } function refreshTimeSonosBad() {  var playing = document.getElementById("prog_playing_SonosBad");  if (!playing || (playing && (playing.innerHTML == "0"))) {  return; }   var runtime = document.getElementById("prog_runtime_SonosBad");  var starttime = document.getElementById("prog_starttime_SonosBad");  if (runtime && starttime) { var now = new Date().getTime();  var percent = (Math.round(now / 10.0) -  Math.round(starttime.innerHTML * 100.0)) / runtime.innerHTML;  document.getElementById("progressbarSonosBad").style.width = percent + "%";    setTimeout(refreshTimeSonosBad, 100); } }'));   document.body.appendChild(newScript); }  %3Cstyle%20type%3D%22text%2Fcss%22%3E.SONOS_Transportstate%20%7B%20height%3A%200.8em%3B%20margin-top%3A%20-6px%3B%20margin-left%3A%202px%3B%20%7D%3C%2Fstyle%3E%3Cdiv%20id%3D%22cover_currentSonosBad%22%20style%3D% bei Titel 0 von 0Titel: Interpret: Album:
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos LastProcessAnswer: 1515203227
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad roomIcon: bathroom
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad FavouritesVersion: RINCON_7828CA2A821C01400,0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad RadiosVersion: RINCON_7828CA2A821C01400,0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad PlaylistsVersion: RINCON_7828CA2A821C01400,0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos ShareIndexInProgress: 0
2018-01-06 02:47:07 SONOS Sonos LastProcessAnswer: 1515203227
2018-01-06 02:47:46 Global global SAVE
2018-01-06 02:49:37 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestart: 2018-01-06 02:49:37
2018-01-06 02:49:37 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestartCount: 1
2018-01-06 02:49:38 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad presence: disappeared
2018-01-06 02:49:38 SONOSPLAYER Sonos_Bad disappeared
2018-01-06 02:51:09 SONOS Sonos CONNECTED
2018-01-06 02:52:10 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestart: 2018-01-06 02:52:10
2018-01-06 02:52:10 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestartCount: 2
2018-01-06 02:53:44 SONOS Sonos CONNECTED
2018-01-06 02:54:45 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestart: 2018-01-06 02:54:45
2018-01-06 02:54:45 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestartCount: 3
2018-01-06 02:54:45 SONOS Sonos LastProcessAnswer: 1515203685
2018-01-06 02:56:20 SONOS Sonos CONNECTED
2018-01-06 02:56:45 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestart: 2018-01-06 02:56:45
2018-01-06 02:56:45 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestartCount: 4
2018-01-06 02:57:21 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestart: 2018-01-06 02:57:21
2018-01-06 02:57:21 SONOS Sonos LastProcessRestartCount: 5

In den Logs ist auch gut zu sehen, dass die SONOS sich immer wieder CONNECTED.

Über die Sonos-App lässt sich die Sonos Play:1 problemlos steuern. Über Fhem reagiert leider gar nichts.

Im Netz konnte ich zu diesem Problem leider nichts finden. Ich wäre über eure Hilfe super dankbar! Vielleicht habt ihr eine Idee, womit dies zusammenhängt?

Viele Grüße, ready


Kann ich bestätigen. Geht mir leider auch so. Habe noch keinen Verursacher identifizieren können.

HostSystem: Synology DS918 | FHEM im Docker Version: 6.0-s22528_v2.2.4 (dedizierte IP Adresse) | MQTT_Broker auf DS918 NAS | MQTT_FHEM | TASMOTA_DEVICE | SSChatBot | SSCam | LaMetric | FBAHAHTTP | CUL | SONOS | HUEBridge (deCONZ) Zigbee | FB_CALLMONITOR | InfluxDBLogger


Hi, schön zu sehen, dass ich nicht der einzige bin. Vielleicht finden wir zusammen einen Weg.

Ein paar Lösungsansätze aus dem Netz habe ich schon ausprobiert. Allerdings konnte ich das Problem bisher nicht beseitigen. Was ich versucht habe:

  • Fhem läuft bei mir aktuell als produktive Instanz auf einem Synolgy NAS. Dort habe ich die Sonos ebenfalls testweise angebunden, was genau zum gleichen Problem führte.
  • Verschiedene Fhem-Kommandos, die bei manchen geholfen haben soll (z.B. pingType auf icmp stellen, etc.)

Liegt es vielleicht an der Sonos Play:1?

Viele Grüße, ready


Hier gibt es einen Lösungsansatz vom Modulentwickler:;topicseen#new

Ich habe bei mir folgende Änderung am Sonos Device durchgeführt: localhost -->
Seit her läuft es stabil ohne auszusteiegen. Wenn ich mir eine htop anschaue sehe ich auch das Sonos Modul und wie die jeweiligen Requests laufen. Voerher war das nach kurzer Zeit tod. Die Anpassung wie aus dem Link habe ich dabei noch nicht durchgeführt. Ich warte mal heute Nacht ab und schaue Morgen mal nach ob das Device wieder aussteigt.

VG Denny
HostSystem: Synology DS918 | FHEM im Docker Version: 6.0-s22528_v2.2.4 (dedizierte IP Adresse) | MQTT_Broker auf DS918 NAS | MQTT_FHEM | TASMOTA_DEVICE | SSChatBot | SSCam | LaMetric | FBAHAHTTP | CUL | SONOS | HUEBridge (deCONZ) Zigbee | FB_CALLMONITOR | InfluxDBLogger


Hi zusammen, vielen Dank für die vielen Ideen!!
Da das gleiche Problem in einem anderen Thread behandelt wird, schließe ich mal diesen hier und mache dort weiter ...
Viele Grüße, ready