[ NUKI Smartlock ] 73_NUKIBridge.pm und 74_NUKDevice.pm

Begonnen von CoolTux, 18 Juli 2016, 23:50:11

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Sieht doch gut aus

2018.11.14 12:55:51 4: WEBtablet: /fhem/NUKIDevice-347794437&{"nukiId": 347794437, "state": 1, "stateName": "locked", "batteryCritical": false} / RL:8041 / text/html; charset=UTF-8 /  /
2018.11.14 12:55:51 4: WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_38662 POST /fhem/NUKIDevice-347794437&{"nukiId": 347794437, "state": 1, "stateName": "locked", "batteryCritical": false}; BUFLEN:0
2018.11.14 12:55:49 4: Connection accepted from WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_38662

Jetzt schauen wir mal weiter. Ich melde mich wenn ich neues habe.
Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:


Hallo Cobra,

Bitte installiere einmal die angehängte Version. Ein reload des Modules sollte reichen, kannst aber auch ein Neustart von FHEM machen wenn es Dir lieber ist. Auf jeden Fall sollte unter version Dein Name auftauchen.
Danach bitte ein Schaltvorgang mit der NukiApp machen und im FHEM Log schauen. Da sollte eigentlich sowas auftauchen wie
NukiDevice Test Webhook Request:

Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:


Muss dazu dann was am Verbose-Level geändert werden? Wenn ja, auf welche Device?

Ohne Verbose 5 sieht das FHEM-Log so aus:
2018.11.14 13:46:28 3: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - invalid json detected: HTTP 503 Unavailable
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_CGI redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 502.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_WriteReadings redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 433.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Parse redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 373.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_ReadFromNUKIBridge redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 337.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_GetUpdate redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 324.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Set redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 279.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_removeExtension redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 268.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_addExtension redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 251.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Attr redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 181.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Undef redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 159.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Define redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 84.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 59.

Mit Verbose 5 so:

018.11.14 13:52:04 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Bridge ist online
2018.11.14 13:52:04 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response CODE: 200
2018.11.14 13:52:04 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response ERROR:
2018.11.14 13:52:04 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response JSON: {"bridgeType": 1, "ids": {"hardwareId": 95991041, "serverId": 1337010944}, "versions": {"firmwareVersion": "1.11.3", "wifiFirmwareVersion": "1.2.0"}, "uptime": 10546, "currentTime": "2018-11-14T12:52:03+00:00", "serverConnected": true, "scanResults": []}
2018.11.14 13:52:04 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Call InternalTimer for NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 13:52:04 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - run NUKIBridge_Call
2018.11.14 13:52:04 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Send HTTP POST with URL
2018.11.14 13:52:04 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 13:51:40 5: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - readings set for NUKIDevice347794437
2018.11.14 13:51:40 5: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - parse status message for NUKIDevice347794437
2018.11.14 13:51:40 5: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - Parse with result: {"rssi":-75,"paired":true,"name":"Nuki_14BAEC05"}
2018.11.14 13:51:40 4: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - Received scanResults for matching NukiID 347794437 at device NUKIDevice347794437
2018.11.14 13:51:40 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Bridge ist online
2018.11.14 13:51:40 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response CODE: 200
2018.11.14 13:51:40 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response ERROR:
2018.11.14 13:51:40 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response JSON: {"bridgeType": 1, "ids": {"hardwareId": 95991041, "serverId": 1337010944}, "versions": {"firmwareVersion": "1.11.3", "wifiFirmwareVersion": "1.2.0"}, "uptime": 10522, "currentTime": "2018-11-14T12:51:39+00:00", "serverConnected": true, "scanResults": [{"nukiId": 347794437, "name": "Nuki_14BAEC05", "rssi": -75, "paired": true}]}
2018.11.14 13:51:40 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Call InternalTimer for NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 13:51:40 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - run NUKIBridge_Call
2018.11.14 13:51:40 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Send HTTP POST with URL
2018.11.14 13:51:40 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 13:51:34 4: Connection closed for WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_28609: EOF
2018.11.14 13:51:21 4: WEBtablet: /fhem/NUKIDevice-347794437&{"nukiId": 347794437, "state": 3, "stateName": "unlocked", "batteryCritical": false} / RL:8041 / text/html; charset=UTF-8 /  /
2018.11.14 13:51:21 4: WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_28609 POST /fhem/NUKIDevice-347794437&{"nukiId": 347794437, "state": 3, "stateName": "unlocked", "batteryCritical": false}; BUFLEN:0
2018.11.14 13:51:19 4: Connection accepted from WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_28609
2018.11.14 13:51:15 5: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - readings set for NUKIDevice347794437
2018.11.14 13:51:15 5: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - parse status message for NUKIDevice347794437
2018.11.14 13:51:15 5: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - Parse with result: {"paired":true,"rssi":-76,"name":"Nuki_14BAEC05"}
2018.11.14 13:51:15 4: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - Received scanResults for matching NukiID 347794437 at device NUKIDevice347794437
2018.11.14 13:51:15 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Bridge ist online
2018.11.14 13:51:15 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response CODE: 200
2018.11.14 13:51:15 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response ERROR:
2018.11.14 13:51:15 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response JSON: {"bridgeType": 1, "ids": {"hardwareId": 95991041, "serverId": 1337010944}, "versions": {"firmwareVersion": "1.11.3", "wifiFirmwareVersion": "1.2.0"}, "uptime": 10497, "currentTime": "2018-11-14T12:51:14+00:00", "serverConnected": true, "scanResults": [{"nukiId": 347794437, "name": "Nuki_14BAEC05", "rssi": -76, "paired": true}]}
2018.11.14 13:51:15 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Call InternalTimer for NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 13:51:15 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - run NUKIBridge_Call
2018.11.14 13:51:15 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Send HTTP POST with URL
2018.11.14 13:51:15 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 13:50:48 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Bridge ist online
2018.11.14 13:50:48 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response CODE: 200
2018.11.14 13:50:48 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response ERROR:
2018.11.14 13:50:48 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response JSON: {"bridgeType": 1, "ids": {"hardwareId": 95991041, "serverId": 1337010944}, "versions": {"firmwareVersion": "1.11.3", "wifiFirmwareVersion": "1.2.0"}, "uptime": 10470, "currentTime": "2018-11-14T12:50:47+00:00", "serverConnected": true, "scanResults": []}
2018.11.14 13:50:48 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Call InternalTimer for NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 13:50:48 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - run NUKIBridge_Call
2018.11.14 13:50:48 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Send HTTP POST with URL
2018.11.14 13:50:48 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 13:50:30 3: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - invalid json detected: HTTP 503 Unavailable
2018.11.14 13:46:28 3: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - invalid json detected: HTTP 503 Unavailable
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_CGI redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 502.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_WriteReadings redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 433.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Parse redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 373.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_ReadFromNUKIBridge redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 337.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_GetUpdate redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 324.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Set redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 279.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_removeExtension redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 268.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_addExtension redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 251.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Attr redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 181.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Undef redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 159.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Define redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 84.
2018.11.14 13:45:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine NUKIDevice_Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/74_NUKIDevice.pm line 59.
RaspberryPI 3 mit Raspbian Jessie, HMLAN/HM-LAN-Gateway
Diverse HM-Komponenten, Netatmo, Hue, Sonos, Nuki, Alexa


Da ist rein gar nichts vom webhook zu sehen, obwohl die entsprechende FHEMWEB Instanz aufgerufen wurde.
Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:


Zitat von: CoolTux am 14 November 2018, 14:09:39
Da ist rein gar nichts vom webhook zu sehen, obwohl die entsprechende FHEMWEB Instanz aufgerufen wurde.

Soll ich nochmal nen weiteren LOG-Auszug schicken?
RaspberryPI 3 mit Raspbian Jessie, HMLAN/HM-LAN-Gateway
Diverse HM-Komponenten, Netatmo, Hue, Sonos, Nuki, Alexa


Zitat von: Cobra am 14 November 2018, 14:15:38
Soll ich nochmal nen weiteren LOG-Auszug schicken?
Kannst Du gerne machen, aber ich sehe da nicht das die Funktion im Modul aufgerufen wird, obwohl der webhook ja angesprochen wird und die URL aufgerufen.
Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:



2018.11.14 15:12:35 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Bridge ist online
2018.11.14 15:12:35 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response CODE: 200
2018.11.14 15:12:35 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response ERROR:
2018.11.14 15:12:35 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response JSON: {"bridgeType": 1, "ids": {"hardwareId": 95991041, "serverId": 1337010944}, "versions": {"firmwareVersion": "1.11.3", "wifiFirmwareVersion": "1.2.0"}, "uptime": 15377, "currentTime": "2018-11-14T14:12:34+00:00", "serverConnected": true, "scanResults": []}
2018.11.14 15:12:35 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Call InternalTimer for NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 15:12:35 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - run NUKIBridge_Call
2018.11.14 15:12:35 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Send HTTP POST with URL
2018.11.14 15:12:35 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 15:12:25 4: Connection closed for WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_12886: EOF
2018.11.14 15:12:13 4: WEBtablet: /fhem/NUKIDevice-347794437&{"nukiId": 347794437, "state": 3, "stateName": "unlocked", "batteryCritical": false} / RL:8041 / text/html; charset=UTF-8 /  /
2018.11.14 15:12:13 4: WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_12886 POST /fhem/NUKIDevice-347794437&{"nukiId": 347794437, "state": 3, "stateName": "unlocked", "batteryCritical": false}; BUFLEN:0
2018.11.14 15:12:10 4: Connection accepted from WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_12886
2018.11.14 15:12:08 5: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - readings set for NUKIDevice347794437
2018.11.14 15:12:08 5: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - parse status message for NUKIDevice347794437
2018.11.14 15:12:08 5: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - Parse with result: {"name":"Nuki_14BAEC05","paired":true,"rssi":-71}
2018.11.14 15:12:07 4: NUKIDevice (NUKIDevice347794437) - Received scanResults for matching NukiID 347794437 at device NUKIDevice347794437
2018.11.14 15:12:07 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Bridge ist online
2018.11.14 15:12:07 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response CODE: 200
2018.11.14 15:12:07 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response ERROR:
2018.11.14 15:12:07 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response JSON: {"bridgeType": 1, "ids": {"hardwareId": 95991041, "serverId": 1337010944}, "versions": {"firmwareVersion": "1.11.3", "wifiFirmwareVersion": "1.2.0"}, "uptime": 15349, "currentTime": "2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00", "serverConnected": true, "scanResults": [{"nukiId": 347794437, "name": "Nuki_14BAEC05", "rssi": -71, "paired": true}]}
2018.11.14 15:12:07 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Call InternalTimer for NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 15:12:07 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - run NUKIBridge_Call
2018.11.14 15:12:07 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Send HTTP POST with URL
2018.11.14 15:12:07 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 15:11:54 4: Connection closed for WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_9057: EOF
2018.11.14 15:11:41 4: WEBtablet: /fhem/NUKIDevice-347794437&{"nukiId": 347794437, "state": 1, "stateName": "locked", "batteryCritical": false} / RL:8041 / text/html; charset=UTF-8 /  /
2018.11.14 15:11:41 4: WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_9057 POST /fhem/NUKIDevice-347794437&{"nukiId": 347794437, "state": 1, "stateName": "locked", "batteryCritical": false}; BUFLEN:0
2018.11.14 15:11:40 3: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - invalid json detected: HTTP 503 Unavailable
2018.11.14 15:11:40 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response CODE: 503
2018.11.14 15:11:40 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response ERROR:
2018.11.14 15:11:40 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response JSON: HTTP 503 Unavailable
2018.11.14 15:11:40 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Call InternalTimer for NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 15:11:40 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - run NUKIBridge_Call
2018.11.14 15:11:40 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Send HTTP POST with URL
2018.11.14 15:11:40 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 15:11:39 4: Connection accepted from WEBtablet_192.168.178.23_9057
2018.11.14 15:11:16 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Bridge ist online
2018.11.14 15:11:16 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response CODE: 200
2018.11.14 15:11:16 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response ERROR:
2018.11.14 15:11:16 5: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Response JSON: {"bridgeType": 1, "ids": {"hardwareId": 95991041, "serverId": 1337010944}, "versions": {"firmwareVersion": "1.11.3", "wifiFirmwareVersion": "1.2.0"}, "uptime": 15298, "currentTime": "2018-11-14T14:11:15+00:00", "serverConnected": true, "scanResults": []}
2018.11.14 15:11:16 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Call InternalTimer for NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive
2018.11.14 15:11:16 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - run NUKIBridge_Call
2018.11.14 15:11:16 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - Send HTTP POST with URL
2018.11.14 15:11:16 4: NUKIBridge (NukiBridge) - NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive

Und noch das Log der Bridge:

timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:14:37+00:00 type: HTTP-Log
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:14:37+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:14:13+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:14:13+00:00 type: HTTP-Info
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:14:13+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:13:54+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:13:52+00:00 type: HTTP-Info
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:13:52+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:13:29+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:13:29+00:00 type: HTTP-Info
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:13:29+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:13:14+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:13:14+00:00 type: HTTP-Info
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:13:14+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:56+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:56+00:00 type: HTTP-Info
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:55+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:34+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:34+00:00 type: HTTP-Info
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:34+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:26+00:00 type: HTTP-PostFailed urlId: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:25+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 3
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:19+00:00 type: HTTP-PostTimeout
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:13+00:00 type: BLE-Disconnected nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:13+00:00 type: BLE-Disconnect nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:11+00:00 type: HTTP-Post urlId: 0 nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:10+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingMsg nukiId: 14BAEC05 cmdId: 000E
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:10+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 188
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:10+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 55 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:10+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 256
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:10+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 107 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:10+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerRequest nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 96
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:10+00:00 type: BLE-SendingSSE bytes: 96 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:09+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 3
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:09+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingMsg nukiId: 14BAEC05 cmdId: 000E
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:09+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 228
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:09+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 86 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:09+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerRequest nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 56
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:09+00:00 type: BLE-SendingSSE bytes: 56 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:08+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingMsg nukiId: 14BAEC05 cmdId: 000E
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:08+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 212
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:08+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 73 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:08+00:00 type: BLE-SendingSSE bytes: 56 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:08+00:00 type: BLE-Connect handles: ARRAY(0x6fb0638)
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:08+00:00 type: BLE-Connected nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: BLE-Connect macAddr: 54D272BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: BLE-Connect nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerRequest nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 56
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerEventResp nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: HTTP-PostStart
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: BLE-Disconnected nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: BLE-Disconnect nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerEventReq nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingMsg nukiId: 14BAEC05 cmdId: 000C
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:07+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: HTTP-Info
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: BLE-SendingMsg nukiId: 14BAEC05 cmdId: 0001
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: BLE-Connect handles: ARRAY(0x6008c20)
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: BLE-Connected nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: BLE-Connect macAddr: 54D272BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: BLE-Connect nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: BLE-StatusUpdate nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: BLE-Disconnected nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:06+00:00 type: BLE-Disconnect nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:03+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingMsg nukiId: 14BAEC05 cmdId: 000E
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:03+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 188
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:03+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 55 auth: 00345CDD
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:03+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 212
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:12:03+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 73 auth: 00345CDD
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:57+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 212
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:57+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 73 auth: 00345CDD
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:57+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 188
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:57+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 55 auth: 00345CDD
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:57+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerRequest nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 92
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:57+00:00 type: BLE-SendingSSE bytes: 92 auth: 00345CDD
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:56+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingMsg nukiId: 14BAEC05 cmdId: 000E
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:56+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 228
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:56+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 86 auth: 00345CDD
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:56+00:00 type: BLE-SendingSSE bytes: 56 auth: 00345CDD
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:56+00:00 type: BLE-Connect handles: ARRAY(0x5fe1578)
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:56+00:00 type: BLE-Connected nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:55+00:00 type: HTTP-PostFailed urlId: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:54+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 3
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:50+00:00 type: BLE-Connect macAddr: 54D272BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:50+00:00 type: BLE-Connect nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:50+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerRequest nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 56
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:43+00:00 type: BLE-Disconnected nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:43+00:00 type: BLE-Disconnect nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:40+00:00 type: HTTP-Post urlId: 0 nukiId: 14BAEC05
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:40+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingMsg nukiId: 14BAEC05 cmdId: 000E
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:40+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 188
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:40+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 55 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:40+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerResponse nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 256
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:40+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingSSE bytes: 107 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:39+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketDisconnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:39+00:00 type: SSE-KeyturnerRequest nukiId: 14BAEC05 bytes: 96
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:39+00:00 type: BLE-SendingSSE bytes: 96 auth: 00345CDF
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:39+00:00 type: WLAN-SocketConnected connection: 0
timestamp: 2018-11-14T14:11:39+00:00 type: BLE-ReceivingMsg nukiId: 14BAEC05 cmdId: 000E
RaspberryPI 3 mit Raspbian Jessie, HMLAN/HM-LAN-Gateway
Diverse HM-Komponenten, Netatmo, Hue, Sonos, Nuki, Alexa


Guten Morgen Cobra,

Leider bisher keine weiteren Neuigkeiten. Nur soviel, es liegt nicht an der Nukibridge oder dem Nuki selbst würde ich behaupten. Aus irgendeinem Grund wird unsere Webhookfunktion nicht aufgerufen. Ich kann dies aber heute Abend genauer testen.
Danke Dir für Deine Logdaten.

Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:


Kein Problem, es ist ja nur der Status der aktuell nicht stimmt, damit kann ich noch ein paar Tage leben.

Gib einfach Bescheid wenn du nochmal Daten von mir benötigst.
RaspberryPI 3 mit Raspbian Jessie, HMLAN/HM-LAN-Gateway
Diverse HM-Komponenten, Netatmo, Hue, Sonos, Nuki, Alexa


Zitat von: Cobra am 15 November 2018, 10:38:24
Kein Problem, es ist ja nur der Status der aktuell nicht stimmt, damit kann ich noch ein paar Tage leben.

Gib einfach Bescheid wenn du nochmal Daten von mir benötigst.

Mache ich sehr gerne.
Als erstes will ich mal klären ob es generell Probleme mit einer ganz aktuellen FHEM Version gibt.
Vielleicht kurz ein list von der FHEMWEB Instanz und dem dazugehörigen allowed Device.

Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:


Ich habe heute mein 2. Nuki bekommen (diesmal ein 2.0). Das alte wandert an die Garagentür. Wenn ich dazu komme (kann dauern), werde ich berichten, wie gut es läuft.


Hier mal das List von der Web-Instanz:

   CONNECTS   203
   CSRFTOKEN  csrf_xxxxxxxxxxxxx
   DEF        8085 global
   FD         8
   NAME       WEBtablet
   NR         12
   NTFY_ORDER 50-WEBtablet
   PORT       8085
   STATE      Initialized
     2018-11-12 08:38:47   state           Initialized
   editConfig 1
   hiddenroom AlarmRoom
   room       9.6_System
   stylesheetPrefix dark
   verbose    3

Ein Allowed-Device dafür gibt es nicht, die Instanz habe ich seit der Installation damals nicht groß verändert.
RaspberryPI 3 mit Raspbian Jessie, HMLAN/HM-LAN-Gateway
Diverse HM-Komponenten, Netatmo, Hue, Sonos, Nuki, Alexa


Zitat von: marvin78 am 15 November 2018, 10:43:35
Ich habe heute mein 2. Nuki bekommen (diesmal ein 2.0). Das alte wandert an die Garagentür. Wenn ich dazu komme (kann dauern), werde ich berichten, wie gut es läuft.

Da interessiert mich ganz besonders ob Du ein Callback über den webhook bei dem einen bekommst und bei dem anderen (2.0) nicht. Aktuell vermute ich das. Warum auch immer. Und wenn dem so ist interessiert mich ganz doll ein verbose 5 von der webhook FHEMWEB Instanz.

Bitte !  :)
Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:


Bekommst du, aber ich hoffe ernsthaft (für dich und alle), dass jemand schneller ist, als ich, denn bei mir kann es wirklich noch dauern, wenn nicht zufällig Zeit frei wird ;)


Zitat von: Cobra am 15 November 2018, 10:47:14
Hier mal das List von der Web-Instanz:

   CONNECTS   203
   CSRFTOKEN  csrf_xxxxxxxxxxxxx
   DEF        8085 global
   FD         8
   NAME       WEBtablet
   NR         12
   NTFY_ORDER 50-WEBtablet
   PORT       8085
   STATE      Initialized
     2018-11-12 08:38:47   state           Initialized
   editConfig 1
   hiddenroom AlarmRoom
   room       9.6_System
   stylesheetPrefix dark
   verbose    3

Ein Allowed-Device dafür gibt es nicht, die Instanz habe ich seit der Installation damals nicht groß verändert.

Ich Ahne eventuell was. Wann hast Du das letzte mal wirklich für Dich in der Erinnerung einen korrekten Schaltstatus über den webhook bekommen?
Zum testen meiner Vermutung würde ich Dich bitten das Attribut hiddenroom zu entfernen, speichern. Neustart machen und dann noch mal testen.

Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki: