Signalduino Version 3.3.1 / 3.3.2 / 3.3.3-dev

Begonnen von Sidey, 02 Oktober 2016, 23:39:11

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Zitat von: rageltus am 27 Januar 2017, 22:43:34
bist du sicher da du was eingecheckt hast? Habe im git repo keine Änderung bemerkt. Es wird nach dem Update auch nichts angelegt.

Stimmt, ich habe das falsche repo angegeben... copy-paste fehler...

Damit gehts:
update all
Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Danke! Bin im Moment auf dem "normalen" update pfad von FHEM. Muss ich die firmware neu flashen wenn ich auf den dev-r33 wechsele?
Raspberry 3,HM-USB, SIGNALDuino 433, nanoCUL 868 SlowRF, Homematic, IKEA Tradfri Beleuchtung, FHEMApp


nein, musst Du nicht.
Würde mich aber interessieren, ob es auch mit der aktuelleren Firmware funktioniert :)
Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Ok... ich teste beides.. wie kann ich wieder auf die 3.3.0 zurück?
Raspberry 3,HM-USB, SIGNALDuino 433, nanoCUL 868 SlowRF, Homematic, IKEA Tradfri Beleuchtung, FHEMApp


Normales FHEM Update einspielen oder
update all

Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Vielen Dank! Es funktioniert! Super! Auch mit der 3.3.1 firmware. Danke!

PS: Wird bei jedem fhem update jetzt was überschrieben oder kann ich ohne probleme immer fhem auf den neuesten stand halten?
Raspberry 3,HM-USB, SIGNALDuino 433, nanoCUL 868 SlowRF, Homematic, IKEA Tradfri Beleuchtung, FHEMApp


Ein normales FHEM Update überschreibt dir leider diese Version.
Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Hallo Sidey,

einen kleinen Bug habe ich noch gefunden. Irgendwie erkennt der signalduino den Bewegungsmelder nicht mehr, wenn ich das device einmal lösche. Dann funktioniert autocreate nicht. Auch hatte ich es des öfteren das der Melder auslöst aber keine Reaktion in fhem ist. Ich teste weiter.
Raspberry 3,HM-USB, SIGNALDuino 433, nanoCUL 868 SlowRF, Homematic, IKEA Tradfri Beleuchtung, FHEMApp


Zitat von: rageltus am 28 Januar 2017, 09:40:57
einen kleinen Bug habe ich noch gefunden. Irgendwie erkennt der signalduino den Bewegungsmelder nicht mehr, wenn ich das device einmal lösche. Dann funktioniert autocreate nicht. Auch hatte ich es des öfteren das der Melder auslöst aber keine Reaktion in fhem ist. Ich teste weiter.

Das liegt eher am autocreate oder RFX modul. Der SIGNALduino hat keinerlei Einfluss auf das Autocreate.
shutdown restart löst das Problem.

Theorie: Ich glaube autocreate merkt sich, was es schon angelegt hat und legt dann das nicht erneut an.
Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Wenn Du einzelne Module vom update ausschließen möchtest geht das, indem Du  z.B.

attr global exclude_from_update

in die fhem.cfg einfügst.


@Ralf bezgl. #207:

Ich muß mir erst mal ein Testsystem hier aufbauen. Der Signalduino empfängt hier etliche Sensoren, die mir das Logfile arg unüberschtlich machen. Oder ich bastle mir einen Faraday-Käfig  :)


Danke für die Info. Ich werde dann die Updates "blocken" bis die Änderungen in die FHEM Version eingeflossen sind und über den regulären Updatepfad kommen.
Raspberry 3,HM-USB, SIGNALDuino 433, nanoCUL 868 SlowRF, Homematic, IKEA Tradfri Beleuchtung, FHEMApp


Hallo Zusammen,

hab da mal eine Frage:

Bei mir läuft der Signalduino (2x) schon länger und sehr gut.
Jetzt wollte ich mir einen weiteren Tempfühler zulegen, weswegen ich einen Technoline TX29-IT geholt habe.

Leider wird dieser nicht vom SIGNALduino empfangen? Ich dachte, der geht?

Im Eventlog bekomme ich:
2017-01-30 18:42:58 SIGNALduino SIGNALduino868 UNKNOWNCODE P9#FF43C354A202040C540834
2017-01-30 18:42:59 SIGNALduino SIGNALduino868 UNKNOWNCODE P9#D0F0D52880810315020D
FHEM im Proxmox Container


Poste Mal die MU Nachrichten , die bei Verbose 4 von diesem Sensor kommen
Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Hier mal der Eventlog:
2017-01-30 19:54:58 SIGNALduino SIGNALduino868 UNKNOWNCODE P9#FF43C352A400020C54094C
2017-01-30 19:54:59 SIGNALduino SIGNALduino868 UNKNOWNCODE P9#1E1A9520001062A04A6
2017-01-30 19:55:29 SIGNALduino SIGNALduino868 UNKNOWNCODE u40#0010A2C5A4CF0521C
2017-01-30 19:56:47 SIGNALduino SIGNALduino868 UNKNOWNCODE P9#786A548040818A80938
2017-01-30 19:57:13 SIGNALduino SIGNALduino868 UNKNOWNCODE u40#A178D97DB94
2017-01-30 19:57:22 SIGNALduino SIGNALduino868 UNKNOWNCODE P9#FE8786A548000018A80A68

und hier der Log bei verbose 4:
2017.01.30 19:57:33 4: SIGNALduino868/keepalive retry = 0
2017.01.30 19:57:33 4: SIGNALduino868/KeepAliveOk: 1
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=92;P1=-107;P2=296;D=0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010121;CP=0;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-102;P1=98;D=0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=94;P1=-107;D=01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101;CP=0;O;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-105;P1=92;D=0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-96;P1=103;D=0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-103;P1=97;D=01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=94;P1=-106;D=010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101;CP=0;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-103;P1=98;D=01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101;CP=1;O;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-109;P1=93;D=010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=96;P1=-103;D=010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101;CP=0;
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:27 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-103;P1=114;P2=-394;P3=-192;P5=-568;P6=-11304;D=10121325611111111111111111010111101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010;CP=1;O;
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 313 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-621;LH=550;SL=-353;SH=390;D=0010484A12AA85154091284;C=313;L=91;
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 328 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-623;LH=601;SL=-405;SH=386;D=0010484A122514550242250;C=328;L=89;
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 321 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-606;LH=580;SL=-382;SH=386;D=0008242509082A8A001250;C=321;L=86;
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 317 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-625;LH=597;SL=-355;SH=357;D=00041212848414880014A0;C=317;L=85;
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 324 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:25 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-605;LH=585;SL=-360;SH=388;D=00209094244A2A54048524;C=324;L=88;
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=527;P1=-624;P3=-359;D=01030303030303030303030303010303030301030103030301030101030303010301030301030101030301010303010101010303030303010301030303010303010301010;CP=0;
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-529;P2=595;P3=-288;P4=390;P6=-10768;P7=148;D=00234040404040404040404040204040404020402040404020402020404040204020404040402020204020204020404020404040404040404040404040402020402040204670;CP=4;
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 322 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-607;LH=581;SL=-404;SH=388;D=002090942410AA2A4A95254;C=322;L=92;
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 311 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-620;LH=545;SL=-406;SH=390;D=002090942410A4492A542A8;C=311;L=90;
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 323 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-596;LH=581;SL=-411;SH=390;D=0020909425548A9501228AA;C=323;L=92;
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 357 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:24 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-712;LH=683;SL=-357;SH=390;D=0010484A12AA451540912550;C=357;L=93;
2017.01.30 19:57:23 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 341 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:23 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-625;LH=597;SL=-373;SH=427;D=00082425080122800090;C=341;L=80;
2017.01.30 19:57:22 3: SIGNALduino868: Unknown code P9#FE8786A548000018A80A68, help me!
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: Unknown, please report
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown found ctw600 syncpos at 0 message is: 10000111100001101010010101001000000000000000000000011000101010000000101001101000 - sensor id:011110, bat:100, temp=0110101001, hum=01010010, wind=0000000000000000, rain=0000011000101010, winddir=0010
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 1111111010000111100001101010010101001000000000000000000000011000101010000000101001101000
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 9
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FE8786A548000018A80A68
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: P9#FE8786A548000018A80A68
2017.01.30 19:57:22 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_CTW600 off=WH1080 Model=CTW600
2017.01.30 19:57:22 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CTW600:   Model=CTW600 attr=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:57:22 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=1111111010000111100001101010010101001000000000000000000000011000101010000000101001101000 syncp=0 length:88
2017.01.30 19:57:22 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:57:22 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_CTW600 off=WH1080 Model=CTW600
2017.01.30 19:57:22 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CTW600:   Model=CTW600 attr=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:57:22 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=1111111010000111100001101010010101001000000000000000000000011000101010000000101001101000 syncp=0 length:88
2017.01.30 19:57:22 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 9 dmsg P9#FE8786A548000018A80A68 length 88
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#0178795AB7FFFFE757F590 length 88
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:22 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-432;P1=127;P2=904;P3=478;P4=-983;P5=1454;P7=-280;D=1710123343434343434345434545454543434343454545454343454345434545434543454345454345454545454545454545454545454545454545454545434345454543454345434545454545454543454345454343454345;CP=3;
2017.01.30 19:57:18 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 483 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:57:18 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-1035;LH=978;SL=-536;SH=474;D=F6254000491C720A5;C=483;L=68;
2017.01.30 19:57:18 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-1035;LH=978;SL=-532;SH=474;D=AAAAAAAAAB;C=483;L=40;
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:13 3: SIGNALduino868: Unknown code u40#A178D97DB94, help me!
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: Unknown, please report
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 10100001011110001101100101111101101110010100
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 40
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A178D97DB94
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u40#A178D97DB94
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 40 dmsg u40#A178D97DB94 length 44
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:57:13 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P1=501;P4=-615;P5=-416;D=141414151514151414141415141515151514141415151415151414151415151515151415151415151514141514151;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 312 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-624;LH=567;SL=-365;SH=371;D=0011510AAA002450002490;C=312;L=85;
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-7356;P1=108;P2=-92;P3=446;P4=-366;P7=-836;D=012343434343434343434343434343434343437373734343434343437373434373434343437343434373737343737373734343737373437343437373434343437343434343434343437343434343434343437373734343737373437343437373434343437343734343737343730;CP=3;
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=419;P1=-418;P2=-835;P3=-8548;D=010101010102020101020101010102010101020202010202020201010202020102010102020101010102010101010101010102010101010101010102020201010202020102010102020101010102010201010202010203;CP=0;
2017.01.30 19:56:47 3: SIGNALduino868: Unknown code P9#786A548040818A80938, help me!
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino_unknown  ctw600 not found, aborting
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 0111100001101010010101001000000001000000100000011000101010000000100100111000
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 9
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 786A548040818A80938
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: P9#786A548040818A80938
2017.01.30 19:56:47 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse EXIT: msg=786A548040818A80938 syncp=-1 length:76
2017.01.30 19:56:47 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=0111100001101010010101001000000001000000100000011000101010000000100100111000 syncp=-1 length:76
2017.01.30 19:56:47 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:56:47 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse EXIT: msg=786A548040818A80938 syncp=-1 length:76
2017.01.30 19:56:47 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=0111100001101010010101001000000001000000100000011000101010000000100100111000 syncp=-1 length:76
2017.01.30 19:56:47 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 9 dmsg P9#786A548040818A80938 length 76
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8795AB7FBF7E757F6C0 length 76
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:47 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=1446;P1=-980;P2=483;P3=-10736;D=0121212121010101012121012101210101210121012101012101010101010101012101010101010121010101010101212101010121012101210101010101010121010121010121212103;CP=0;
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 id:30, bat:ok, temp=2.5, hum=82, winddir=2:NE wS=0.3, wG=0.7, rain=12.6
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 id:30 :10100001111000011010100101010010000000010000001000000110001010100000001001001110
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 Rain bit: 00101010 Dec: 12.6
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 Windguest bit: 00000010 Dec: 0.7
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 Windspeed bit: 00000001 Dec: 0.3
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH=11111111 msg=10100001111000011010100101010010000000010000001000000110001010100000001001001110 syncp=1 length:80
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_OK:  CRC=0 Model=WH1080 attr=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse sync2 msg=P9#ffa1e1a9520102062a024e syncp=1 length:88
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=1111111101000011110000110101001010100100000000100000010000001100010101000000010010011100 syncp=1 length:88
2017.01.30 19:56:43 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 9 dmsg P9#FF43C352A402040C54049C length 88
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#00BC3CAD5BFDFBF3ABFB60 length 88
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 42 -> MKT motionsensor matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:43 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-200;P1=485;P2=-976;P3=1450;P4=-10092;P5=106;P6=-1576;D=01212121212121212321232323232121212123232323212123212321232321232123212323212323232323232323212323232323232123232323232321212323232123212321232323232323232123232123232121212345650;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:56:30 4: SIGNALduino868/keepalive retry = 0
2017.01.30 19:56:30 4: SIGNALduino868/KeepAliveOk: 1
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=9000;P1=-386;P3=377;P6=572;P7=-619;D=306731673133131313131313131673167313167313167673167316731316767313131313131313131316731673131676731313131313131313131313167313167676731313;CP=3;
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 315 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:56:03 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-618;LH=572;SL=-358;SH=376;D=00091149140048A0008A8;C=315;L=84;
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 id:30, bat:ok, temp=2.5, hum=82, winddir=2:NE wS=0.3, wG=0.7, rain=12.6
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 id:30 :10100001111000011010100101010010000000010000001000000110001010100000001001001110
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 Rain bit: 00101010 Dec: 12.6
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 Windguest bit: 00000010 Dec: 0.7
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH1080 Windspeed bit: 00000001 Dec: 0.3
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse WH=11111111 msg=10100001111000011010100101010010000000010000001000000110001010100000001001001110 syncp=1 length:80
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_OK:  CRC=0 Model=WH1080 attr=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse sync2 msg=P9#ffa1e1a9520102062a024e syncp=1 length:88
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=1111111101000011110000110101001010100100000000100000010000001100010101000000010010011100 syncp=1 length:88
2017.01.30 19:55:46 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 9 dmsg P9#FF43C352A402040C54049C length 88
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#00BC3CAD5BFDFBF3ABFB60 length 88
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:46 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-392;P1=482;P2=-979;P3=1449;P4=-9548;D=0121212121212121232123232323212121212323232321212321232123232123212321232321232323232323232321232323232323212323232323232121232323212321232123232323232323212323212323212121234;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:55:35 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:35 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-112;P1=100;P3=-224;D=0101010101010101003010101010101013010101010101;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:55:30 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 347 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:55:30 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-623;LH=656;SL=-410;SH=387;D=0010484A129114550244150;C=347;L=89;
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 3: SIGNALduino868: Unknown code u40#0010A2C5A4CF0521C, help me!
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: Unknown, please report
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 00000000000100001010001011000101101001001100111100000101001000011100
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 40
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 0010A2C5A4CF0521C
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u40#0010A2C5A4CF0521C
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 40 dmsg u40#0010A2C5A4CF0521C length 68
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-531;P1=-136;P2=381;P4=597;P6=-9004;D=102020202020202020202020204020202020402040202020402040402020204020404020402020402020404020204040404020202020204020402020402020202040404026;CP=2;
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 327 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-623;LH=599;SL=-408;SH=385;D=0010484A129114550244150;C=327;L=89;
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 322 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-666;LH=581;SL=-355;SH=388;D=00082425095522A54048A2A8;C=322;L=94;
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 326 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-628;LH=594;SL=-359;SH=387;D=000824250955228AA04892A8;C=326;L=94;
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:29 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-514;P1=-1047;P2=967;P3=574;P4=-126;P5=332;P7=-354;D=34543737373737371434173011213020312130303030213030302;CP=3;
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 329 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-621;LH=597;SL=-347;SH=391;D=0010484A100245000120;C=329;L=79;
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-368;P1=196;P2=-12208;P3=412;P5=-790;P6=-7492;D=012303030303030303030303030303030303035353030303030303035353030303030303035353530303030303535353530353535353035303035353030303535353535303030303035303030303030303035303535353030303535353030303030303035303035353535353536;CP=3;
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=404;P1=-401;P2=-798;P3=11684;D=0101010101010101010202020202010201010202010101020202020201010101010201010101010101010201020202013;CP=0;
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-402;P1=756;P2=-300;P3=416;P5=-787;P6=-9136;D=0123030303030303030303030303030303035353030303030303035353030303030303035353530303030303535353530353535353035303035353030303535353535303030303035303030303030303035303535353030303535353030303030303035303035353535353536;CP=3;
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868/keepalive retry = 0
2017.01.30 19:55:28 4: SIGNALduino868/KeepAliveOk: 1
2017.01.30 19:54:59 3: SIGNALduino868: Unknown code P9#1E1A9520001062A04A6, help me!
2017.01.30 19:54:59 4: SIGNALduino_unknown  ctw600 not found, aborting
2017.01.30 19:54:59 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 0001111000011010100101010010000000000000000100000110001010100000010010100110
2017.01.30 19:54:59 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 9
2017.01.30 19:54:59 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 1E1A9520001062A04A6
2017.01.30 19:54:59 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: P9#1E1A9520001062A04A6
2017.01.30 19:54:59 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse EXIT: msg=1E1A9520001062A04A6 syncp=-1 length:76
2017.01.30 19:54:59 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=0001111000011010100101010010000000000000000100000110001010100000010010100110 syncp=-1 length:76
2017.01.30 19:54:59 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:54:59 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse EXIT: msg=1E1A9520001062A04A6 syncp=-1 length:76
2017.01.30 19:54:59 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=0001111000011010100101010010000000000000000100000110001010100000010010100110 syncp=-1 length:76
2017.01.30 19:54:59 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:54:59 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 9 dmsg P9#1E1A9520001062A04A6 length 76
2017.01.30 19:54:59 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#E1E56ADFFFEF9D5FB58 length 76
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-216;P1=1446;P2=-983;P3=484;D=01212123232323212121212323212321232121232123212321212321212121212121212121212121212121232121212121232321212123212321232121212121212321212321232121232323;CP=1;
2017.01.30 19:54:58 3: SIGNALduino868: Unknown code P9#FF43C352A400020C54094C, help me!
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: Unknown, please report
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino_unknown found ctw600 syncpos at 1 message is: 1000011110000110101001010100100000000000000001000001100010101000000100101001100 - sensor id:011110, bat:100, temp=0110101001, hum=01010010, wind=0000000000000001, rain=0000011000101010, winddir=0100
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 1111111101000011110000110101001010100100000000000000001000001100010101000000100101001100
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 9
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FF43C352A400020C54094C
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: P9#FF43C352A400020C54094C
2017.01.30 19:54:58 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_Error:  msg=P9#ffa1e1a9520001062a04a6 CRC=31
2017.01.30 19:54:58 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse sync2 msg=P9#ffa1e1a9520001062a04a6 syncp=1 length:88
2017.01.30 19:54:58 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=1111111101000011110000110101001010100100000000000000001000001100010101000000100101001100 syncp=1 length:88
2017.01.30 19:54:58 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:54:58 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_Error:  msg=P9#ffa1e1a9520001062a04a6 CRC=31
2017.01.30 19:54:58 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse sync2 msg=P9#ffa1e1a9520001062a04a6 syncp=1 length:88
2017.01.30 19:54:58 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse0 Bin=1111111101000011110000110101001010100100000000000000001000001100010101000000100101001100 syncp=1 length:88
2017.01.30 19:54:58 3: SIGNALduino868: SD_WS09_Parse CRC_AUS:0 Model=WH1080
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 9 dmsg P9#FF43C352A400020C54094C length 88
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#00BC3CAD5BFFFDF3ABF6B0 length 88
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:58 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-988;P1=1444;P4=-348;P6=132;P7=482;D=44670707070707070701070101010107070707010101010707010701070101070107010701010701010101010101010101010101010101070101010101070701010107010701070101010101010701010701070101070707;CP=7;
2017.01.30 19:54:52 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 307 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:54:52 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-618;LH=573;SL=-416;SH=350;D=0024452451488A2A8122AA4;C=307;L=92;
2017.01.30 19:54:52 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 306 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:54:52 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-618;LH=542;SL=-416;SH=378;D=0012229228A4451540915520;C=306;L=93;
2017.01.30 19:54:52 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 315 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:54:52 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-617;LH=573;SL=-449;SH=375;D=0012229228A4451540915520;C=315;L=93;
2017.01.30 19:54:52 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-700;LH=506;SL=-400;SH=378;D=0091149145548A2A8124428;C=294;L=90;
2017.01.30 19:54:49 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 339 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:54:49 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-582;LH=608;SL=-380;SH=412;D=9255204A28408AA24;C=339;L=67;
2017.01.30 19:54:49 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 339 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:54:49 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-653;LH=607;SL=-382;SH=411;D=9255204A280125440;C=339;L=65;
2017.01.30 19:54:42 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 309 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:54:42 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-629;LH=563;SL=-423;SH=366;D=0008A88555001228001248;C=309;L=86;
2017.01.30 19:54:24 4: SIGNALduino868/keepalive retry = 0
2017.01.30 19:54:24 4: SIGNALduino868/KeepAliveOk: 1
2017.01.30 19:54:11 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:11 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:11 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:11 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:11 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:11 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:11 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=493;P1=-368;P5=-617;P6=-4120;D=0101010101010101010101010505050101010501050105010105010105050105010501050105050505010101010105010105010105010101050506;CP=0;
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#00BC3CAD5BFFFFF3A length 68
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.01.30 19:54:10 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-104;P1=422;P2=-420;P4=-615;P5=-3392;P6=-996;P7=1444;D=01212121212121212121212121414141212121412141214121214121214141214121412141214141412121212121214121412121214121212141215161616161616161676167676767616161616767676761616761676167676167616761676761676767676767676767676767676767676767676767676161676767616761;CP=1;O;
2017.01.30 19:54:07 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 315 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:54:07 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-617;LH=572;SL=-438;SH=376;D=47FB775B75FFDBAFFFBAB8;C=315;L=85;
2017.01.30 19:54:07 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 315 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:54:07 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-670;LH=572;SL=-461;SH=375;D=000488A48A002450004540;C=315;L=85;
2017.01.30 19:54:00 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 311 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:54:00 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-610;LH=550;SL=-407;SH=384;D=00148AA8520552045210;C=311;L=78;
2017.01.30 19:53:59 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 322 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:53:59 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-608;LH=582;SL=-349;SH=386;D=00148AA8520550092428;C=322;L=78;
2017.01.30 19:53:46 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 342 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:53:46 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-578;LH=611;SL=-377;SH=417;D=0015004A1254204012;C=342;L=72;
2017.01.30 19:53:38 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MU;P0=-352;P4=596;P5=-623;P6=-8916;D=06000000000000000000000000450000000045004500000045004545000000450000000000000000004500450000454500000000000000000000000000;CP=-1;
2017.01.30 19:53:38 4: SIGNALduino868: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 340 -> OSV2o3
2017.01.30 19:53:38 4: SIGNALduino868/msg READ: MC;LL=-623;LH=596;SL=-376;SH=426;D=00082425080122800090;C=340;L=80;

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