Signalduino Version 3.3.1 / 3.3.2 / 3.3.3-dev

Begonnen von Sidey, 02 Oktober 2016, 23:39:11

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Zitat von: rcmcronny am 07 April 2019, 16:07:10

FlashCommand bei dem ist im FHEM:
avrdude -c arduino -b 57600 -P [PORT] -p atmega328p -vv -U flash:w:[HEXFILE] 2>[LOGFILE]

Es könnte auch noch ein Arduino mit neuem Bootloader sein. Dann hilft vielleicht folgendes:

avrdude -c arduino -b 115200 -P [PORT] -p atmega328p -vv -U flash:w:[HEXFILE] 2>[LOGFILE]
Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 mit 2 SIGNALduino nanoCC1101 + ESPEasy 2x serial server SIGNALduino nanoCC1101, Raspberry Pi 2 mit 2 CUL Stackable CC1101, Raspberry Pi 3 mit SIGNALduino radino + nano328 + 2 x SIGNAL-ESP CC1101 + LaCrosseGateway


Zitat von: elektron-bbs am 07 April 2019, 16:46:04
Es könnte auch noch ein Arduino mit neuem Bootloader sein. Dann hilft vielleicht folgendes:
avrdude -c arduino -b 115200 -P [PORT] -p atmega328p -vv -U flash:w:[HEXFILE] 2>[LOGFILE]
Das wars leider nicht.
Frage: muss in der Definition auch @115200 statt @57600 stehen?

Viele​ Grüße​ Gisbert​
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY


Blinkt am Nano dauernd eine LED, auch sofort nach einem Reset?

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Zitat von: Gisbert am 07 April 2019, 17:47:39
Das wars leider nicht.
Frage: muss in der Definition auch @115200 statt @57600 stehen?

Nein, nur der neue Bootloader (OptiBoot) betreibt die Schnittstelle mit 115200 bps.
Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 mit 2 SIGNALduino nanoCC1101 + ESPEasy 2x serial server SIGNALduino nanoCC1101, Raspberry Pi 2 mit 2 CUL Stackable CC1101, Raspberry Pi 3 mit SIGNALduino radino + nano328 + 2 x SIGNAL-ESP CC1101 + LaCrosseGateway


Zitat von: Ralf9 am 07 April 2019, 18:08:08
Blinkt am Nano dauernd eine LED, auch sofort nach einem Reset?

Hallo Ralf,
es handelt sich bei dem Arduino Nano um einen 2-3 Jahre alten China-Klon, den ich fertig geflasht von einem Forumsmitglied (Papaloewe) bekommen habe.
Wenn ich den Restknopf drücke, leuchtet eine rote LED während und nach dem Reset dauerhaft, kein Blinken, sondern dauerhaftes Leuchten.

Viele​ Grüße​ Gisbert​
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY


Hi Gisbert,

im Grunde ein Wemos D1 mini (nodemcu geht bestimmt auch) und ein CC1101 Modul
Meine 2 Laufen sehr gut mittlerweile :)

Mal 2 Pointer dazu, sollte aber auch im Signalduino Wiki was zu stehen



Da dies wahrscheinlich kein orginal FTDI_FT232R sein wird, wirst Du den nano wahrscheinlich unter Windows nicht flashen könnnen.

Die Arduino halten sehr viel aus, bei der Signalduino und Homematic wired Selbstbau IO-Module firmware entwicklung habe ich den nano und promini schon sehr häufig geflasht und bis jetzt ging dabei noch keiner kaputt.

Gruß Ralf

FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7



ich habe an der einige Anpassungen gemacht, wenn es so ok ist, bitte ich Bjoern, daß er es in das SVN bringt.,101425.0.html

Zum Testen kann ich noch raw Nachrichten (RAWMSG) vom PFR_130 gebrauchen.

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Hallo Ralf,

vielleicht komme ich heute mal zu testen. Ich habe mal versucht eine neue Firmeware und Perl-Module aufzuspielen. Kann aber nicht sagen ob ich jetzt aktuell bin.

Beim test mit der WH1080 kommt .... unkown code: help

So der Reihe nach Signalduino + CC1101

ccconf: freq:868.300MHz bWidth:325KHz rAmpl:42dB sens:4dB (DataRate:5603.79Baud)
version: V 3.3.1-experimental SIGNALduino cc1101 (chip CC110 unknown) - compiled at Jun 16 2019 00:08:43                19719 2019-06-27 05:33:17Z rudolfkoenig               17561 2018-10-18 14:45:30Z rudolfkoenig       19372 2019-05-11 15:13:59Z rudolfkoenig          16293 2018-02-28 21:33:57Z rudolfkoenig           19191 2019-04-15 17:40:25Z vuffiraa              17559 2018-10-18 07:45:07Z rudolfkoenig           19494 2019-05-30 09:15:27Z martinp876          12440 2016-10-26 20:24:45Z mgehre     18358 2019-01-20 20:21:05Z bjoernh            19529 2019-06-02 05:21:16Z DS_Starter         18846 2019-03-10 11:45:58Z hotbso               3 2019-02-06 22:00:00Z pejonp            19585 2019-06-09 08:04:48Z rudolfkoenig          12157 2016-09-13 11:23:02Z hcs-svn          18608 2019-02-16 09:03:52Z dev0     3889 2013-09-10 10:40:15Z justme1968       14888 2017-08-13 12:07:12Z rudolfkoenig       17324 2018-09-11 06:48:31Z dev0        19019 2019-03-24 17:39:43Z rudolfkoenig           18482 2019-02-02 09:52:57Z rudolfkoenig          19335 2019-05-05 18:05:33Z rudolfkoenig          19102 2019-04-02 19:48:57Z rudolfkoenig         17437 2018-09-30 18:24:58Z tupol             14888 2017-08-13 12:07:12Z rudolfkoenig
# $Id: 00099 2018-09-24 15:00:00Z Thorsten Pferdekaemper $  19567 2019-06-07 10:25:25Z Beta-User             18341 2019-01-19 17:24:30Z betateilchen           18671 2019-02-20 20:38:21Z Sidey        18838 2019-03-09 20:40:14Z mgernoth           19263 2019-04-25 14:00:32Z loredo          18644 2019-02-19 17:20:27Z StefanStrobel          16874 2018-06-15 17:18:55Z neubert        19478 2019-05-28 18:29:34Z justme1968        19727 2019-06-28 08:00:57Z justme1968          14707 2017-07-13 18:08:33Z justme1968 13540 2017-02-27 19:31:25Z HCS           35121 2019-27-05 07:58:47Z buennerbernd       49842 2019-27-05 07:58:47Z buennerbernd         18149 2019-01-05 19:36:58Z HCS  18291 2019-01-17 09:34:30Z HCS            19465 2019-05-25 19:38:31Z HCS   14691 2017-07-11 09:11:30Z igami              16847 2018-06-10 18:42:19Z rudolfkoenig           19310 2019-05-01 18:05:31Z StefanStrobel             18719 2019-02-24 20:20:51Z hexenmeister      17362 2018-09-17 12:57:29Z hexenmeister          14371 2017-05-25 16:12:04Z viegener           19374 2019-05-11 17:48:03Z rudolfkoenig           18660 2019-02-19 22:44:37Z Sidey           18675 2019-02-20 21:34:37Z Sidey            18674 2019-02-20 21:25:55Z Sidey          18672 2019-02-20 20:46:34Z Sidey      18693 2019-02-22 23:26:20Z Sidey
No Id found for           16 2019-04-22 22:00:00Z pejonp            15807 2018-01-06 23:32:41Z viegener        14018 2017-04-17 16:33:06Z rudolfkoenig       16438 2018-03-18 18:51:57Z tupol       18732 2019-02-25 13:15:34Z rudolfkoenig              19688 2019-06-23 07:17:03Z rudolfkoenig           17227 2018-08-29 19:58:18Z hexenmeister           17529 2018-10-14 12:57:06Z rudolfkoenig            10570 2016-01-19 06:39:23Z rudolfkoenig          20180911 2018-09-11 10:10:10Z pejonp           20180911 2018-09-11 10:10:10Z awk+pejonp          15140 2017-09-26 09:20:09Z markusbloch     19567 2019-06-07 10:25:25Z Beta-User      19318 2019-05-03 17:54:58Z Risiko        15907 2018-01-16 20:58:44Z herrmannj            19518 2019-06-01 12:40:22Z rudolfkoenig            16552 2018-04-04 19:24:18Z rudolfkoenig        19085 2019-04-01 17:00:24Z rudolfkoenig
No Id found for            17553 2018-10-17 15:56:35Z rudolfkoenig
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for               18481 2019-02-02 09:35:08Z justme1968
No Id found for               19372 2019-05-11 15:13:59Z rudolfkoenig
No Id found for
No Id found for       16691 2018-05-05 17:11:26Z rudolfkoenig             19666 2019-06-20 11:17:29Z CoolTux
No Id found for
No Id found for            19226 2019-04-20 06:54:28Z martinp876
No Id found for
No Id found for           19689 2019-06-23 07:28:05Z rudolfkoenig
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for                19650 2019-06-19 16:06:23Z loredo
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for              10476 2016-01-12 21:03:33Z borisneubert
No Id found for       19208 2019-04-17 19:27:09Z rudolfkoenig
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for      19138 2019-04-07 10:17:21Z rudolfkoenig
No Id found for
No Id found for               19686 2019-06-22 18:24:56Z loredo                19614 2019-06-13 23:11:25Z loredo
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for
No Id found for               17186 2018-08-20 20:10:55Z rudolfkoenig

fhemweb.js                 19285 2019-04-28 20:18:39Z rudolfkoenig

hab jetz mal wieder auf 433 MHZ gestellt wegen PFR_130. Wir nicht angelegt.

ccconf: freq:868.300MHz bWidth:325KHz rAmpl:42dB sens:4dB (DataRate:5603.79Baud)
version: V 3.3.1-experimental SIGNALduino cc1101 (chip CC110 unknown) - compiled at Jun 16 2019 00:08:43

LaCrossGW 868MHz:WT470+TFA+TX37-IT+EMT7110+W136+WH25A HP1003+WH2621
SignalD(CC1101):Bresser+WS-0101(868MHz WH1080)+Velux KLF200+MAX!+HM-MOD-UART:Smoke HM-SEC-SD+VITOSOLIC 200 RESOL VBUS-LAN+SolarEdge SE5K(Modbus)+Sonnen!eco8(10kWh)+TD3511+DRT710M(Modbus)+ZigBee+Z-Wave+MQTT+vitoconnect

Ralf9      18693 2019-02-22 23:26:20Z Sidey
Dies sieht nach der Version vom normalen fhem update (SVN) aus, müsste aber eigentlich zum Testen vom PFR_130 ausreichend sein.     18358 2019-01-20 20:21:05Z bjoernh
meine Angepasste Version: 18358 2019-06-23 19:00:05Z Ralf9

Vorerst reichen mir zum Testen ein paar rawmsg vom PFR_130

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


@Ralf hier mal ein Log
Der Regenzähler wir immer wieder auf 0 gesetzt und zählt dann wieder von vorne. Glaube ich jedenfalls.
SIGRBX: 433 MHz Hideki, Oregon, PFR_130, NC (WS002 Logilink)
FSK868: 868.3 MHz ist für WH1080

2019.07.01 23:21:19.310 5: SIGRBX/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;�Έ;��;���;D!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!;C1;O;
2019.07.01 23:21:19.311 4: SIGRBX/msg READredu: MU;P0=-8061;P1=441;P2=-2126;P3=-3822;P4=824;D=01212121212121312121212121212121312121212121313131212121212121212121312121210421212121212131212121212121212131212121212131313121212121212121212131212121012121212121213121212121212121213121212121213131312121212121212121213121212101212121212121312121212121;CP=1;O;
2019.07.01 23:21:19.312 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.313 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.314 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.314 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.315 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.315 5: SIGRBX: substr: 1212121212121312121212121212121312121212121313131212121212121212121312121210421212121212131212121212121212131212121212131313121212121212121212131212121012121212121213121212121212121213121212121213131312121212121212121213121212101212121212121312121212121
2019.07.01 23:21:19.316 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.316 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.317 5: SIGRBX: substr: 01212121212121312121212121212121312121212121313131212121212121212121312121210421212121212131212121212121212131212121212131313121212121212121212131212121012121212121213121212121212121213121212121213131312121212121212121213121212101212121212121312121212121
2019.07.01 23:21:19.317 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.318 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.318 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.319 5: SIGRBX: substr: 421212121212131212121212121212131212121212131313121212121212121212131212121012121212121213121212121212121213121212121213131312121212121212121213121212101212121212121312121212121
2019.07.01 23:21:19.319 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.320 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.321 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.321 5: SIGRBX: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.07.01 23:21:19.321 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.322 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec  not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.323 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.323 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.323 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.324 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.324 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.325 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.325 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.326 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.326 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.327 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.328 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.329 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.330 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.330 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.331 5: SIGRBX: substr: 312121212121212121312121212121313131212121212121212121312121210421212121212131212121212121212131212121212131313121212121212121212131212121012121212121213121212121212121213121212121213131312121212121212121213121212101212121212121312121212121
2019.07.01 23:21:19.332 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.332 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.332 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.333 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.333 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.334 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.335 5: SIGRBX: substr: 312121212121212121312121212121313131212121212121212121312121210421212121212131212121212121212131212121212131313121212121212121212131212121012121212121213121212121212121213121212121213131312121212121212121213121212101212121212121312121212121
2019.07.01 23:21:19.335 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.336 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.336 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 95 -> Techmar not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:19.615 5: SIGRBX/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;��;���;d�1!!!!!!;C1;S3;m2;;;
2019.07.01 23:21:19.616 4: SIGRBX/msg READredu: MS;P0=-2108;P1=445;P2=-3828;P3=-8855;D=1310101010101012101010101010101012101010101012121210101010101010101012101010;CP=1;SP=3;m2;
2019.07.01 23:21:19.618 4: SIGRBX: Matched MS Protocol id 0.3 -> weather (v4)
2019.07.01 23:21:19.618 5: SIGRBX: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.07.01 23:21:19.618 5: SIGRBX: dispatching bits: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 with 3 Paddingbits 0
2019.07.01 23:21:19.619 4: SIGRBX: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 0.3 dmsg s020107004000 length 40
2019.07.01 23:21:19.619 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: s020107004000, test ungleich: disabled
2019.07.01 23:21:19.619 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: s020107004000,  dispatch
2019.07.01 23:21:19.620 5: SIGRBX: dispatch s020107004000
2019.07.01 23:21:19.620 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 2 (020107004000) length: 12
2019.07.01 23:21:19.621 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 Parse Name: PFR_130_2 , devicecode: CUL_TCM97001_2 , Model defined: PFR_130
2019.07.01 23:21:19.621 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 Temp=26.3
2019.07.01 23:21:19.621 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 rainticks=0
2019.07.01 23:21:19.622 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 rain mm=0
2019.07.01 23:21:19.622 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: 1 model: PFR_130
2019.07.01 23:21:19.622 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 1. 1 : 23 : 0 : 0
2019.07.01 23:21:19.623 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 2. 1 : 23 : 0 : 0
2019.07.01 23:21:19.624 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 2 state: T: 26.3 RainH: 0 RainD: 0 R: 0 Rmm: 0
2019.07.01 23:21:19.624 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 ID: 2 T: 26.3 Bat: ok
2019.07.01 23:21:19.625 4: SIGRBX: Matched MS Protocol id 0.4 -> weather (v5)
2019.07.01 23:21:19.626 5: SIGRBX: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.07.01 23:21:30.090 5: CUL_3 017b37f1 S:02 F:41 f:0 SN:3 L:18 T:01 P:3202216400002173007800002173 C:17
2019.07.01 23:21:30.090 5:    F: singleCast ackReq
2019.07.01 23:21:30.091 5: CUL_3: dispatch 000402020e3202216400002173007800002173
2019.07.01 23:21:30.091 4: CMD:APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER ID:02 ARG:0e3202216400002173007800002173 CB:02
2019.07.01 23:21:30.093 1: PERL WARNING: Argument " 0 W previous: 0 delta_time: 120 s" isn't numeric in sprintf at (eval 1459) line 1.
2019.07.01 23:21:30.100 5: CUL_3 sent ACK to 02
2019.07.01 23:21:34.040 4: FSK868/keepalive ok, retry = 0
2019.07.01 23:21:34.658 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-1017;LH=935;SL=-531;SH=445;D=A8E0F45AC8BE0AF95598F24;C=487;L=90;
2019.07.01 23:21:34.659 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 487 -> Oregon Scientific v2|v3
2019.07.01 23:21:34.660 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010111000111110000101110100101001101110100000111110101000001101010101001100111000011011011 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.660 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.661 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 12 clock 487 -> Hideki
2019.07.01 23:21:34.661 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101000111000001111010001011010110010001011111000001010111110010101010110011000111100100100 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.661 4: SIGRBX: receive Hideki protocol inverted
2019.07.01 23:21:34.662 4: SIGRBX: Hideki protocol converted to hex: 753EBACA17BEC155736C01 with 91 bits, messagestart 1
2019.07.01 23:21:34.662 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: P12#753EBACA17BEC155736C01, test ungleich: disabled
2019.07.01 23:21:34.662 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: P12#753EBACA17BEC155736C01,  dispatch
2019.07.01 23:21:34.663 5: SIGRBX: dispatch P12#753EBACA17BEC155736C01
2019.07.01 23:21:34.664 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: incomming P12#753EBACA17BEC155736C01
2019.07.01 23:21:34.665 4: SIGRBX Hideki crcCheck ok: cs1/cs2 0/108, rawData=753EBACA17BEC155736C01, count+2=9, length=11
2019.07.01 23:21:34.665 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: raw=753EBACA17BEC155736C01, decoded=7542ce5e39c243ff956c01
2019.07.01 23:21:34.665 5: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: getSensorType for 94
2019.07.01 23:21:34.666 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: SensorTyp = 30 decodedString = 7542ce5e39c243ff956c01
2019.07.01 23:21:34.666 4: SIGRBX decoded Hideki protocol model=Hideki_30, sensor id=42, channel=2, cnt=1, bat=ok, temp=23.9, humidity=43, comfort=Temp. and Hum. comfortable
2019.07.01 23:21:34.667 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: using longid: 1 model: Hideki_30
2019.07.01 23:21:34.667 5: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse deviceCode: Hideki_30_42.2
2019.07.01 23:21:34.673 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 487 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2019.07.01 23:21:34.674 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010111000111110000101110100101001101110100000111110101000001101010101001100111000011011011 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.675 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.675 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 487 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2019.07.01 23:21:34.676 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010111000111110000101110100101001101110100000111110101000001101010101001100111000011011011 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.676 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.802 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-1036;LH=924;SL=-537;SH=433;D=A8E0F45AE8BE0AF95599E54;C=488;L=90;
2019.07.01 23:21:34.803 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 488 -> Oregon Scientific v2|v3
2019.07.01 23:21:34.803 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010111000111110000101110100101000101110100000111110101000001101010101001100110000110101011 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.804 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.804 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 12 clock 488 -> Hideki
2019.07.01 23:21:34.804 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101000111000001111010001011010111010001011111000001010111110010101010110011001111001010100 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.804 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (message is to short)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.805 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 488 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2019.07.01 23:21:34.805 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010111000111110000101110100101000101110100000111110101000001101010101001100110000110101011 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.805 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.805 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 488 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2019.07.01 23:21:34.806 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010111000111110000101110100101000101110100000111110101000001101010101001100110000110101011 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.806 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.944 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-1025;LH=924;SL=-525;SH=459;D=51C1E8B5B17C15F2AB30FE8;C=488;L=89;
2019.07.01 23:21:34.945 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 488 -> Oregon Scientific v2|v3
2019.07.01 23:21:34.945 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101110001111100001011101001010010011101000001111101010000011010101010011001111000000010111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.945 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.945 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 12 clock 488 -> Hideki
2019.07.01 23:21:34.946 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010001110000011110100010110101101100010111110000010101111100101010101100110000111111101000 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.946 4: SIGRBX: receive Hideki protocol inverted
2019.07.01 23:21:34.946 4: SIGRBX: Hideki protocol converted to hex: 753EBA4A17BEC155F34003 with 92 bits, messagestart 0
2019.07.01 23:21:34.946 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: P12#753EBA4A17BEC155F34003, test ungleich: disabled
2019.07.01 23:21:34.947 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: P12#753EBA4A17BEC155F34003,  dispatch
2019.07.01 23:21:34.947 5: SIGRBX: dispatch P12#753EBA4A17BEC155F34003
2019.07.01 23:21:34.948 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: incomming P12#753EBA4A17BEC155F34003
2019.07.01 23:21:34.948 4: SIGRBX Hideki crcCheck ok: cs1/cs2 0/64, rawData=753EBA4A17BEC155F34003, count+2=9, length=11
2019.07.01 23:21:34.948 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: raw=753EBA4A17BEC155F34003, decoded=7542cede39c243ff154003
2019.07.01 23:21:34.948 5: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: getSensorType for 222
2019.07.01 23:21:34.948 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: SensorTyp = 30 decodedString = 7542cede39c243ff154003
2019.07.01 23:21:34.949 4: SIGRBX decoded Hideki protocol model=Hideki_30, sensor id=42, channel=2, cnt=3, bat=ok, temp=23.9, humidity=43, comfort=Temp. and Hum. comfortable
2019.07.01 23:21:34.949 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: using longid: 1 model: Hideki_30
2019.07.01 23:21:34.949 5: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse deviceCode: Hideki_30_42.2
2019.07.01 23:21:34.955 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 488 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2019.07.01 23:21:34.956 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101110001111100001011101001010010011101000001111101010000011010101010011001111000000010111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.956 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.956 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 488 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2019.07.01 23:21:34.956 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101110001111100001011101001010010011101000001111101010000011010101010011001111000000010111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:21:34.957 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:21:37.923 4: FSK868/msg READredu: MU;P0=-1023;P1=504;P2=1478;P3=-19492;D=01010101020102020202010101010102020102020102020201020202020201020101010202020202020202020202020202020102020202020102020101020201020102020202020202010202020101020102023;CP=2;R=242;
2019.07.01 23:21:37.924 4: FSK868: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:37.926 4: FSK868: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 9 dmsg P9#F43E4882E000209940468 length 84 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -81
2019.07.01 23:21:37.927 4: FSK868: SD_WS09_Parse0 msg=F43E4882E000209940468 Bin=111101000011111001001000100000101110000000000000001000001001100101000000010001101000 syncp=-1 length:84
2019.07.01 23:21:37.927 4: FSK868: SD_WS09_Parse EXIT: msg=F43E4882E000209940468 syncp=-1 length:84
2019.07.01 23:21:37.928 4: FSK868: SD_WS09_Parse0 msg=F43E4882E000209940468 Bin=111101000011111001001000100000101110000000000000001000001001100101000000010001101000 syncp=-1 length:84
2019.07.01 23:21:37.928 4: FSK868: SD_WS09_Parse EXIT: msg=F43E4882E000209940468 syncp=-1 length:84
2019.07.01 23:21:37.934 3: FSK868: Unknown code P9#F43E4882E000209940468, help me!
2019.07.01 23:21:38.707 4: SIGRBX/keepalive ok, retry = 0
2019.07.01 23:21:48.805 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-1021;LH=995;SL=-506;SH=430;D=8EAB48;C=491;L=23;
2019.07.01 23:21:48.917 5: SIGRBX/RAW rmsg: Mu;�Ђ;���;���;���;�Á;�ҁ;���;DCBCsCCCBCCCCCCCBFC;C4;
2019.07.01 23:21:48.918 4: SIGRBX/msg READredu: MU;P0=720;P1=935;P2=-1019;P3=-519;P4=451;P6=-338;P7=276;D=1213434212431673124343121343421243434343134343434212460343;CP=4;
2019.07.01 23:21:48.920 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.920 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:42|12){43,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.922 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.923 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.924 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.925 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:16|42){19,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.926 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.927 5: SIGRBX: substr: 1213434212431673124343121343421243434343134343434212460343
2019.07.01 23:21:48.928 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.929 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:12)((?:73|46){32,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.929 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.930 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.931 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.932 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.932 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.933 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.933 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.934 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.935 5: SIGRBX: substr: 0343
2019.07.01 23:21:48.936 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.937 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.938 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.939 5: SIGRBX: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.07.01 23:21:48.940 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.941 5: SIGRBX: substr: 73124343121343421243434343134343434212460343
2019.07.01 23:21:48.942 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.942 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:73)((?:03|42){12,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.953 5: SIGRBX: substr: 43434343134343434212460343
2019.07.01 23:21:48.954 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.955 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.956 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.956 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.957 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.957 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.959 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.959 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.960 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.961 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:42|16){38,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.962 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.963 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:42|46){38,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.964 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.965 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.965 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.966 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.967 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|46){50,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.968 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.969 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.970 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|46){59,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.971 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.972 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|46){50,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.973 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.974 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.975 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.975 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:42|46){104,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:21:48.976 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.977 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.978 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.979 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.979 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.980 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.981 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.982 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.982 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:21:48.983 5: SIGRBX: substr: 4212431673124343121343421243434343134343434212460343
2019.07.01 23:21:48.984 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 95 -> Techmar matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:21:48.984 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:42)((?:43|46){50,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:22:00.059 2: PV80_1: 23:22 Flag: 2 M:20 LZ:74.0 BP:110 Ein:-754.5 PV:0.0 P:754.5
2019.07.01 23:22:00.060 2: PV80_2: Flag: 2
2019.07.01 23:22:00.060 2: PV80_3a: 23:22 Flag: 2 M:20 LZ:74.0 BP:110 Ein:-754.5 PV:0.0 P:754.5
2019.07.01 23:22:00.060 2: PV80_8: Flag: 2 Ende
2019.07.01 23:22:00.063 2: Ladetzustand: 74.0
2019.07.01 23:22:03.529 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-995;LH=960;SL=-488;SH=472;D=55555554CCB4B4CB4ACB2AB4AB2D2ACAAB2AB2B32AB32D35;C=485;L=192;
2019.07.01 23:22:03.531 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 485 -> Oregon Scientific v2|v3
2019.07.01 23:22:03.531 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 101010101010101010101010101010110011001101001011010010110011010010110101001101001101010101001011010101001101001011010101001101010101010011010101010011010100110011010101010011001101001011001010 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.531 4: SIGRBX: OSV2 protocol detected: preamble_pos = 31
2019.07.01 23:22:03.532 4: SIGRBX: OSV2 protocol converted to hex: (50CA2C23C19021104441D9) with length (88) bits
2019.07.01 23:22:03.532 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: 50CA2C23C19021104441D9, test ungleich: disabled
2019.07.01 23:22:03.533 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: 50CA2C23C19021104441D9,  dispatch
2019.07.01 23:22:03.533 5: SIGRBX: dispatch 50CA2C23C19021104441D9
2019.07.01 23:22:03.534 5: OREGON: decoding delay=59.0574381351471 hex=50CA2C23C19021104441D9
2019.07.01 23:22:03.535 5: OREGON: sensor_id=ca2c BitsMsg=80 Bits=80
2019.07.01 23:22:03.535 5: OREGON: checksum2 = 65 berechnet: 65
2019.07.01 23:22:03.543 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 12 clock 485 -> Hideki
2019.07.01 23:22:03.543 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 010101010101010101010101010101001100110010110100101101001100101101001010110010110010101010110100101010110010110100101010110010101010101100101010101100101011001100101010101100110010110100110101 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.543 4: SIGRBX: hideki start pattern (10101110) not found
2019.07.01 23:22:03.544 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (Start pattern (10101110) not found)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.544 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 485 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2019.07.01 23:22:03.544 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 101010101010101010101010101010110011001101001011010010110011010010110101001101001101010101001011010101001101001011010101001101010101010011010101010011010100110011010101010011001101001011001010 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.544 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.545 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 485 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2019.07.01 23:22:03.545 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 101010101010101010101010101010110011001101001011010010110011010010110101001101001101010101001011010101001101001011010101001101010101010011010101010011010100110011010101010011001101001011001010 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.545 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.657 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-968;LH=998;SL=-492;SH=459;D=AAAAAAAA665A5A65A565955A55969565559559599559969A;C=486;L=192;
2019.07.01 23:22:03.657 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 486 -> Oregon Scientific v2|v3
2019.07.01 23:22:03.658 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 010101010101010101010101010101011001100110100101101001011001101001011010100110100110101010100101101010100110100101101010100110101010101001101010101001101010011001101010101001100110100101100101 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.658 4: SIGRBX: OSV2 protocol detected: preamble_pos = 32
2019.07.01 23:22:03.658 4: SIGRBX: OSV2 protocol converted to hex: (50CA2C23C19021104441D9) with length (88) bits
2019.07.01 23:22:03.659 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: 50CA2C23C19021104441D9, test gleich
2019.07.01 23:22:03.659 4: SIGRBX Dispatch: 50CA2C23C19021104441D9, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.07.01 23:22:03.659 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 12 clock 486 -> Hideki
2019.07.01 23:22:03.659 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 101010101010101010101010101010100110011001011010010110100110010110100101011001011001010101011010010101011001011010010101011001010101010110010101010110010101100110010101010110011001011010011010 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.659 4: SIGRBX: hideki start pattern (10101110) not found
2019.07.01 23:22:03.660 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (Start pattern (10101110) not found)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.660 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 486 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2019.07.01 23:22:03.660 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 010101010101010101010101010101011001100110100101101001011001101001011010100110100110101010100101101010100110100101101010100110101010101001101010101001101010011001101010101001100110100101100101 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.660 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.661 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 486 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2019.07.01 23:22:03.661 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 010101010101010101010101010101011001100110100101101001011001101001011010100110100110101010100101101010100110100101101010100110101010101001101010101001101010011001101010101001100110100101100101 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:03.661 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.658 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-1018;LH=934;SL=-535;SH=439;D=51C1E8B5917C15F2AB31E48;C=487;L=89;
2019.07.01 23:22:19.659 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 487 -> Oregon Scientific v2|v3
2019.07.01 23:22:19.660 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101110001111100001011101001010011011101000001111101010000011010101010011001110000110110111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.660 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.660 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 12 clock 487 -> Hideki
2019.07.01 23:22:19.661 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010001110000011110100010110101100100010111110000010101111100101010101100110001111001001000 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.661 4: SIGRBX: receive Hideki protocol inverted
2019.07.01 23:22:19.661 4: SIGRBX: Hideki protocol converted to hex: 753EBACA17BEC155736C03 with 92 bits, messagestart 0
2019.07.01 23:22:19.662 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: P12#753EBACA17BEC155736C03, test ungleich: disabled
2019.07.01 23:22:19.662 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: P12#753EBACA17BEC155736C03,  dispatch
2019.07.01 23:22:19.663 5: SIGRBX: dispatch P12#753EBACA17BEC155736C03
2019.07.01 23:22:19.664 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: incomming P12#753EBACA17BEC155736C03
2019.07.01 23:22:19.664 4: SIGRBX Hideki crcCheck ok: cs1/cs2 0/108, rawData=753EBACA17BEC155736C03, count+2=9, length=11
2019.07.01 23:22:19.665 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: raw=753EBACA17BEC155736C03, decoded=7542ce5e39c243ff956c03
2019.07.01 23:22:19.665 5: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: getSensorType for 94
2019.07.01 23:22:19.666 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: SensorTyp = 30 decodedString = 7542ce5e39c243ff956c03
2019.07.01 23:22:19.666 4: SIGRBX decoded Hideki protocol model=Hideki_30, sensor id=42, channel=2, cnt=1, bat=ok, temp=23.9, humidity=43, comfort=Temp. and Hum. comfortable
2019.07.01 23:22:19.666 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: using longid: 1 model: Hideki_30
2019.07.01 23:22:19.667 5: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse deviceCode: Hideki_30_42.2
2019.07.01 23:22:19.673 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 487 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2019.07.01 23:22:19.673 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101110001111100001011101001010011011101000001111101010000011010101010011001110000110110111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.674 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.674 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 487 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2019.07.01 23:22:19.675 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101110001111100001011101001010011011101000001111101010000011010101010011001110000110110111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.675 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.806 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-1041;LH=925;SL=-535;SH=429;D=51C1E8B5D17C15F2AB33CA8;C=488;L=89;
2019.07.01 23:22:19.807 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 488 -> Oregon Scientific v2|v3
2019.07.01 23:22:19.807 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101110001111100001011101001010001011101000001111101010000011010101010011001100001101010111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.808 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.808 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 12 clock 488 -> Hideki
2019.07.01 23:22:19.808 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010001110000011110100010110101110100010111110000010101111100101010101100110011110010101000 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.809 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (message is to short)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.809 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 488 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2019.07.01 23:22:19.809 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101110001111100001011101001010001011101000001111101010000011010101010011001100001101010111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.810 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.810 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 488 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2019.07.01 23:22:19.811 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101110001111100001011101001010001011101000001111101010000011010101010011001100001101010111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.811 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.947 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-1015;LH=925;SL=-539;SH=444;D=A8E0F45AD8BE0AF955987F4;C=487;L=90;
2019.07.01 23:22:19.949 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 487 -> Oregon Scientific v2|v3
2019.07.01 23:22:19.949 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010111000111110000101110100101001001110100000111110101000001101010101001100111100000001011 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.950 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.950 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 12 clock 487 -> Hideki
2019.07.01 23:22:19.950 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 10101000111000001111010001011010110110001011111000001010111110010101010110011000011111110100 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.951 4: SIGRBX: receive Hideki protocol inverted
2019.07.01 23:22:19.951 4: SIGRBX: Hideki protocol converted to hex: 753EBA4A17BEC155F34001 with 91 bits, messagestart 1
2019.07.01 23:22:19.952 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: P12#753EBA4A17BEC155F34001, test ungleich: disabled
2019.07.01 23:22:19.952 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: P12#753EBA4A17BEC155F34001,  dispatch
2019.07.01 23:22:19.953 5: SIGRBX: dispatch P12#753EBA4A17BEC155F34001
2019.07.01 23:22:19.953 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: incomming P12#753EBA4A17BEC155F34001
2019.07.01 23:22:19.954 4: SIGRBX Hideki crcCheck ok: cs1/cs2 0/64, rawData=753EBA4A17BEC155F34001, count+2=9, length=11
2019.07.01 23:22:19.955 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: raw=753EBA4A17BEC155F34001, decoded=7542cede39c243ff154001
2019.07.01 23:22:19.955 5: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: getSensorType for 222
2019.07.01 23:22:19.955 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: SensorTyp = 30 decodedString = 7542cede39c243ff154001
2019.07.01 23:22:19.956 4: SIGRBX decoded Hideki protocol model=Hideki_30, sensor id=42, channel=2, cnt=3, bat=ok, temp=23.9, humidity=43, comfort=Temp. and Hum. comfortable
2019.07.01 23:22:19.956 4: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse: using longid: 1 model: Hideki_30
2019.07.01 23:22:19.956 5: SIGRBX Hideki_Parse deviceCode: Hideki_30_42.2
2019.07.01 23:22:19.962 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 487 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2019.07.01 23:22:19.963 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010111000111110000101110100101001001110100000111110101000001101010101001100111100000001011 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.964 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.964 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 487 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2019.07.01 23:22:19.964 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 01010111000111110000101110100101001001110100000111110101000001101010101001100111100000001011 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:22:19.965 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)

Hier steht: R 0 ??

2019.07.01 23:37:49.428 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 2 state: T: 26.3 RainH: 9 RainD: 9 R: 0 Rmm: 0

2019.07.01 23:37:49.426 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 2 (020107004000) length: 12
2019.07.01 23:37:49.426 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 Parse Name: PFR_130_2 , devicecode: CUL_TCM97001_2 , Model defined: PFR_130
2019.07.01 23:37:49.426 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 Temp=26.3
2019.07.01 23:37:49.426 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 rainticks=0
2019.07.01 23:37:49.427 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 rain mm=0
2019.07.01 23:37:49.427 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: 1 model: PFR_130
2019.07.01 23:37:49.427 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 1. 1 : 23 : 9 : 9
2019.07.01 23:37:49.428 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 2. 1 : 23 : 9 : 9
2019.07.01 23:37:49.428 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 2 state: T: 26.3 RainH: 9 RainD: 9 R: 0 Rmm: 0
2019.07.01 23:37:49.428 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 ID: 2 T: 26.3 Bat: ok
2019.07.01 23:37:49.435 4: SIGRBX: Matched MS Protocol id 0.4 -> weather (v5)
2019.07.01 23:37:49.435 5: SIGRBX: Starting demodulation at Position 2

hier steht dann: R 100 ??

2019.07.01 23:38:34.468 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: 1 model: PFR_130
2019.07.01 23:38:34.468 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 1. 1 : 23 : 9 : 9
2019.07.01 23:38:34.469 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 2. 1 : 23 : 11 : 11
2019.07.01 23:38:34.470 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 2 state: T: 26.3 RainH: 11 RainD: 11 R: 100 Rmm: 2
2019.07.01 23:38:34.470 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 ID: 2 T: 26.3 Bat: ok

2019.07.01 23:38:34.063 5: SIGRBX/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;���;���;�ڄ;�Ԃ;dRV;C1;
2019.07.01 23:38:34.064 4: SIGRBX/msg READredu: MU;P0=112;P1=449;P2=-2169;P4=-3833;P5=284;P6=-1242;P7=-724;D=1212121414121214525617061212121212141212121212121212141212121212141414121414121214121212141412121;CP=1;
2019.07.01 23:38:34.065 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:34.066 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:17|17){43,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:34.067 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.067 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.068 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.068 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.069 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.069 5: SIGRBX: substr: 1212121414121214525617061212121212141212121212121212141212121212141414121414121214121212141412121
2019.07.01 23:38:34.070 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.070 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.071 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.071 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.071 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.072 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.072 5: SIGRBX: substr: 1212121414121214525617061212121212141212121212121212141212121212141414121414121214121212141412121
2019.07.01 23:38:34.073 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.073 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.073 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.074 5: SIGRBX: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.07.01 23:38:34.074 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.075 5: SIGRBX: substr: 17061212121212141212121212121212141212121212141414121414121214121212141412121
2019.07.01 23:38:34.076 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.076 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.077 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.077 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.077 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.078 5: SIGRBX: substr: 617061212121212141212121212121212141212121212141414121414121214121212141412121
2019.07.01 23:38:34.078 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.079 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.079 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.080 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:34.081 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:17|17){38,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:34.081 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.082 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.083 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.083 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:34.084 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:17|17){50,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:34.085 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.086 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:34.087 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:17|17){59,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:34.088 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:34.089 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:17|17){50,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:34.089 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.090 5: SIGRBX: substr: 4525617061212121212141212121212121212141212121212141414121414121214121212141412121
2019.07.01 23:38:34.091 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:34.092 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:17|17){104,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:34.092 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.093 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.093 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.094 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.094 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.095 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.096 5: SIGRBX: substr: 414121214525617061212121212141212121212121212141212121212141414121414121214121212141412121
2019.07.01 23:38:34.097 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.097 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:34.098 5: SIGRBX: substr: 17061212121212141212121212121212141212121212141414121414121214121212141412121
2019.07.01 23:38:34.459 5: SIGRBX/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;�ψ;��;d�!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!111!11!!1!!!11!!;C1;S0;O;m2;!;!;
2019.07.01 23:38:34.460 4: SIGRBX/msg READredu: MS;P0=-8106;P1=443;P2=-2127;P3=-3828;D=1012121212121213121212121212121213121212121213131312131312121312121213131212;CP=1;SP=0;O;m2;
2019.07.01 23:38:34.462 4: SIGRBX: Matched MS Protocol id 0.3 -> weather (v4)
2019.07.01 23:38:34.462 5: SIGRBX: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.07.01 23:38:34.463 5: SIGRBX: dispatching bits: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 with 3 Paddingbits 0
2019.07.01 23:38:34.464 4: SIGRBX: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 0.3 dmsg s020107646000 length 40
2019.07.01 23:38:34.464 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: s020107646000, test ungleich: disabled
2019.07.01 23:38:34.464 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: s020107646000,  dispatch
2019.07.01 23:38:34.465 5: SIGRBX: dispatch s020107646000
2019.07.01 23:38:34.466 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 2 (020107646000) length: 12
2019.07.01 23:38:34.466 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 Parse Name: PFR_130_2 , devicecode: CUL_TCM97001_2 , Model defined: PFR_130
2019.07.01 23:38:34.467 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 Temp=26.3
2019.07.01 23:38:34.467 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 rainticks=100
2019.07.01 23:38:34.467 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 rain mm=2
2019.07.01 23:38:34.468 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: 1 model: PFR_130
2019.07.01 23:38:34.468 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 1. 1 : 23 : 9 : 9
2019.07.01 23:38:34.469 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 2. 1 : 23 : 11 : 11
2019.07.01 23:38:34.470 5: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 2 state: T: 26.3 RainH: 11 RainD: 11 R: 100 Rmm: 2
2019.07.01 23:38:34.470 4: SIGRBX: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130_2 ID: 2 T: 26.3 Bat: ok
2019.07.01 23:38:34.478 4: SIGRBX: Matched MS Protocol id 0.4 -> weather (v5)
2019.07.01 23:38:34.479 5: SIGRBX: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.07.01 23:38:34.675 5: SIGRBX/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;�ā;��;��;D;C1;S0;m1;;;
2019.07.01 23:38:34.676 4: SIGRBX/msg READredu: MS;P0=-7995;P1=452;P2=-2031;P3=-3828;D=1012121212121213121212121212121213121212121213131312131312121312121213131212;CP=1;SP=0;m1;
2019.07.01 23:38:34.677 4: SIGRBX: Matched MS Protocol id 0.3 -> weather (v4)
2019.07.01 23:38:34.677 5: SIGRBX: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.07.01 23:38:34.678 5: SIGRBX: dispatching bits: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 with 3 Paddingbits 0
2019.07.01 23:38:34.679 4: SIGRBX: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 0.3 dmsg s020107646000 length 40
2019.07.01 23:38:34.679 5: SIGRBX Dispatch: s020107646000, test gleich
2019.07.01 23:38:34.679 4: SIGRBX Dispatch: s020107646000, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.07.01 23:38:34.680 4: SIGRBX: Matched MS Protocol id 0.4 -> weather (v5)
2019.07.01 23:38:34.680 5: SIGRBX: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.07.01 23:38:44.164 5: SIGRBX/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;��;���;���;�܀;���;���;���;DAVQ;C0;S3;;;
2019.07.01 23:38:44.165 4: SIGRBX/msg READredu: MS;P0=553;P1=-1894;P2=-3848;P3=-6456;P4=220;P5=762;P6=-316;P7=-8984;D=03415601020102010202010101020202010201010101010202020201020201010102010201020207510201020102020101010202020102010101010102020202010202010101020102010202;CP=0;SP=3;
2019.07.01 23:38:44.167 4: SIGRBX: Matched MS Protocol id 0 -> weather (v1)
2019.07.01 23:38:44.167 5: SIGRBX: Starting demodulation at Position 80
2019.07.01 23:38:44.168 5: SIGRBX: Found wrong signalpattern 51, catched 0 bits, aborting demodulation
2019.07.01 23:38:44.407 5: SIGRBX/RAW rmsg: Ms;��;���;���;��;���;d�VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB;C2;S5;B;B;
2019.07.01 23:38:44.408 4: SIGRBX/msg READredu: MS;P1=-1895;P2=553;P4=-3849;P5=-7654;P6=1264;D=25612421242124242121212424242124212121212124242424212424212121242124212424;CP=2;SP=5;B;B;
2019.07.01 23:38:44.409 4: SIGRBX: Matched MS Protocol id 0 -> weather (v1)
2019.07.01 23:38:44.409 5: SIGRBX: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.07.01 23:38:44.409 5: SIGRBX: Found wrong signalpattern 61, catched 0 bits, aborting demodulation
2019.07.01 23:38:44.544 5: SIGRBX/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;��;���;�ȃ;���;���;DVp;C1;
2019.07.01 23:38:44.544 4: SIGRBX/msg READredu: MU;P0=-416;P1=533;P2=-1904;P3=-4072;P4=-9016;P5=968;P6=-1020;P7=96;D=12131213121313121212131313121312121212121313131312131312121213121312131314135670;CP=1;
2019.07.01 23:38:44.546 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:44.547 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:56|56){60,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:44.547 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.547 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.549 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.549 5: SIGRBX: substr: 5670
2019.07.01 23:38:44.550 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.550 5: SIGRBX: substr: 12131213121313121212131313121312121212121313131312131312121213121312131314135670
2019.07.01 23:38:44.551 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.552 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.552 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.553 5: SIGRBX: substr: 4135670
2019.07.01 23:38:44.554 5: SIGRBX: substr: 4135670
2019.07.01 23:38:44.554 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.555 5: SIGRBX: substr: 12131213121313121212131313121312121212121313131312131312121213121312131314135670
2019.07.01 23:38:44.556 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.556 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.557 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.557 5: SIGRBX: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.07.01 23:38:44.558 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.558 5: SIGRBX: substr: 70
2019.07.01 23:38:44.561 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.562 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.562 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.562 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.563 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.564 5: SIGRBX: substr: 2131213121313121212131313121312121212121313131312131312121213121312131314135670
2019.07.01 23:38:44.564 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.565 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.565 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.567 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:44.567 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:70|70){38,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:44.568 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.568 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:44.569 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:56|56){48,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:44.569 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.570 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.571 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:44.571 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:56|70){50,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:44.572 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.573 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:44.573 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:56|70){59,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:44.574 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:44.575 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:56|70){50,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:44.575 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.576 5: SIGRBX: substr: 31213121313121212131313121312121212121313131312131312121213121312131314135670
2019.07.01 23:38:44.577 4: SIGRBX: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2019.07.01 23:38:44.577 5: SIGRBX: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:70|70){104,})) did not match
2019.07.01 23:38:44.578 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.578 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.579 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.579 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.580 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.580 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.581 5: SIGRBX: substr: 31213121313121212131313121312121212121313131312131312121213121312131314135670
2019.07.01 23:38:44.582 5: SIGRBX: substr: 14135670
2019.07.01 23:38:44.583 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:44.583 5: SIGRBX: start pattern for MU Protocol id 95 -> Techmar not found, aborting
2019.07.01 23:38:46.649 4: SIGRBX/msg READ: MC;LL=-1014;LH=966;SL=-476;SH=478;D=55332D2D32D2B2CAAD2AAAB2B2AACAACACCB52B54B0;C=488;L=169;
2019.07.01 23:38:46.650 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 10 clock 488 -> Oregon Scientific v2|v3
2019.07.01 23:38:46.650 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 1010101011001100110100101101001011001101001011010100110100110101010100101101010101010101010011010100110101010101001101010101001101010011001101001010110101001010101101001111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:38:46.651 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2019.07.01 23:38:46.651 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 12 clock 488 -> Hideki
2019.07.01 23:38:46.651 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 0101010100110011001011010010110100110010110100101011001011001010101011010010101010101010101100101011001010101010110010101010110010101100110010110101001010110101010010110000 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:38:46.651 4: SIGRBX: hideki start pattern (10101110) not found
2019.07.01 23:38:46.651 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (Start pattern (10101110) not found)
2019.07.01 23:38:46.652 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 488 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2019.07.01 23:38:46.652 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 1010101011001100110100101101001011001101001011010100110100110101010100101101010101010101010011010100110101010101001101010101001101010011001101001010110101001010101101001111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:38:46.652 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2019.07.01 23:38:46.652 4: SIGRBX: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 488 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2019.07.01 23:38:46.652 5: SIGRBX: extracted data 1010101011001100110100101101001011001101001011010100110100110101010100101101010101010101010011010100110101010101001101010101001101010011001101001010110101001010101101001111 (bin)
2019.07.01 23:38:46.652 5: SIGRBX: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)

LaCrossGW 868MHz:WT470+TFA+TX37-IT+EMT7110+W136+WH25A HP1003+WH2621
SignalD(CC1101):Bresser+WS-0101(868MHz WH1080)+Velux KLF200+MAX!+HM-MOD-UART:Smoke HM-SEC-SD+VITOSOLIC 200 RESOL VBUS-LAN+SolarEdge SE5K(Modbus)+Sonnen!eco8(10kWh)+TD3511+DRT710M(Modbus)+ZigBee+Z-Wave+MQTT+vitoconnect


Hallo Jörg,

danke für das Log.
Beim PFR_130 wären rawmsg mit rainticks interessant, dies wird z.Zt. aber schwierig, wenn es nicht zufällig ein Gewitter gibt.

Edit, ich sehe gerade, das mit dem rain, hat sich mittlerweile erledigt. Danke.

Von welchem Modul wird das WS002 Logilink verarbeitet?

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7



WS002 Logilink  vom

Beim PFR_130 wären rawmsg mit rainticks interessant, dies wird z.Zt. aber schwierig, wenn es nicht zufällig ein Gewitter gibt.  ????
Die Rainticks werde doch in Rmm umgewandelt.

# rain values Pollin PFR_130     
      $rainticks = (hex($a[2].$a[6].$a[7])) & 0x3FF; #mask n2 n6 n7 for rain ticks
      Log3 $name, 5, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 rainticks=$rainticks";
      $rainMM = $rainticks / 25 * .5; # rain height in mm/qm, verified against sensor receiver display
      Log3 $name, 5, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 rain mm=$rainMM";

LaCrossGW 868MHz:WT470+TFA+TX37-IT+EMT7110+W136+WH25A HP1003+WH2621
SignalD(CC1101):Bresser+WS-0101(868MHz WH1080)+Velux KLF200+MAX!+HM-MOD-UART:Smoke HM-SEC-SD+VITOSOLIC 200 RESOL VBUS-LAN+SolarEdge SE5K(Modbus)+Sonnen!eco8(10kWh)+TD3511+DRT710M(Modbus)+ZigBee+Z-Wave+MQTT+vitoconnect


Meine Antwort hat sich mit Deinem editieren überschnitten.
Das mit dem rain hat sich durch Dein hinzufügen weiterer Logs erledigt.

Zum Testen des wären auch noch rawmsg des WS002 Logilink interessant,

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Da sind Rechenfehler in 14_CUL_TCM97001. Einen Patch hatte ich schon eingereicht, darf ich ja im Fremdmodul nicht selbst machen. Leider ist der nie integriert worden.
Es sind noch mehr drin. An vielen Stellen werden die zifferneines Wertes addiert. Aus
Wird dann 1+2+3+4=10
